Voids avengers synergy not working in AW

Not sure if this has already been reported or not but whenever I face an IMIW in war he doesn’t start with ‘fear of the void’ my void is rank 5 and obviously duped lol and I pair him with OG vision. It also happened in the event quest so is this a bug?
Node 31
But it happened in the event quest as well which will be different nodes to the 1 in AW.
Hey there, sorry to hear about that. Would you be able to tell me what star rating your Vision was?
Ok well yeah just for clarification purposes it was a rank 5 4* OG vision however the synergy should activate regardless of the star rating of vision.
Thanks for getting back to us; just wanted to get as much information as possible so that we can look into the report more thoroughly. I'll add the extra info gets passed along to the rest of the team as well.
Ahh ok no worries, thank you for looking into it, it’s an extremly limited synergy compared to some of the other synergies, While I am at it can we ask the team to maybe look into a way of expanding this synergy to a slightly larger group of champions 😬🙏🏻