Darkness275 ★★★★
This honestly shouldn't be an issue. The player should be allowed to modify our badge just like we can with our title and profile picture. There's legitimately no reason to not allow it. I can modify my profile picture and title, but this badge is something sacred I can't touch - or would have to go through Kabam to do?…
I absolutely love the data. I'll agree by saying sure, you can technically say that it was reachable. But was it feasible? Reasonable? No. You're saying it was reachable without the eggs if we all did a reasonable effort. I find that quite disingenuous. I respectfully disagree. Your data hinges on exactly this happening…
So, I very much dislike Champions turning off masteries. But Nefaria's entire kit reads as-if it was intended to have an additional line that got left out: "If the opponent has the Unfazed Mastery active, it is removed". Regardless, I'm not letting Unfazed worry me to much and it's certainly not ruining my love of the…
I dislike how they push the items for units. Why aren't the items that cost in-game materials (not units) up top? The sorting/organization should be flipped IMO.
I tried to revise the above post, but fell outside of the editing window. If that post could be deleted I'd appreciate it.
In fairness, Saga affects both and does so in wildly different ways. The crystals aren't really a factor so to say the pools shouldn't be updated because involvement hasn't improved, except for Saga involvement in Incursions is already kind of tipping the scales. For starters: There's so many additional rewards tied to the…
The past two months have been very straightforward. Probably the most straightforward in almost a year. If this the most convoluted one they've had? No, but it's a more than a gradual step back in that direction and it's pointless. A needless complication to what should be a very straightforward process. Any additional…
Enter Quest. Complete Quest. Gain rewards. It's such a simple process Kabam, why do you insist on adding additional steps and creating opportunities for people to fail?
Why are we returning to these convoluted side quests? Do A to get B so you can do C. You can't collect your entries all at once because Odin forbid you from doing the side quest in one day. Here's two separate but connected resources to keep track of. Use these specific champions. Don't forget to check the store. Why?…
I mean, think about it from another approach: if there's potentially one suitable answer to three questions, wouldn't that make it a strong possibility?
I hope it's Wonder Man. It could be Dazzler. To throw another name out there: it COULD, potentially be Sam Guthrie (Cannonball) - he's been hinted several times throughout comics as being immortal/unable to die. I hope it's Wonder Man - even if he's similar to Count Nefaria I think he's a compelling character and could…
The AAR of Black Iso degen was stacking when it shouldn't have. Only the AAR was stacking, the Attack Rating did not stack with multiple applications. It's been like this since Kingpin's buff went live. It was noticed and fixed almost immediately. People are upset at the timing of it, right on the heels of Serpent. The fix…
Is it just me or does he kind of resemble Sean Connery here?
Can confirm that it always worked like this. I similarly recall it being mentioned by one or two people during streams and such and I remember a thread here bringing it up, but the character description was updated, yes. Honestly thought it was in a patch note but I just looked through and either overlooked it or it's not…
I figure the way it was coded was simply to speed up the game until the medium attack ends. No real way to distinguish "only speed up X, not Y." In this instance the special was thrown during the glide. The game itself is still sped up because the attack hasn't ended.
You very much can. It's not going to happen every fight, but it was possible if timed correctly. https://youtu.be/7kXMUx-AQBM?si=82r7eS-CCc4frUrp
I'm torn on this. I agree that it's not a character breaking change, but that shouldn't be a reason they don't issue RDT. I'm not saying I want them to issue RDT and I likely wouldn't use them if they did. But Kingpin has worked this way since his buff. In the past they have responded to a situation like this in a few…
This is just a strawman argument. My post in no way comments on this in either direction. You're not even responding to the points I made you're simply saying "Look over here" and making a statement that, in no way, relates to mine. Your statement being true does not invalidate my post. One can be outraged at both…
The Attack Rating reduction has clearly never stacked. Look at the wording: "While this degeneration is active," that's not limiting. There's also no max stack limit. Do you then think the additive default for reduction is infinite? Should it be? Whether there is one, or three, the degen is active, so it triggers the…
When have you ever known Kingpin to reduce opponent Attack Rating by 100%? Do you truly believe that Kingpin should reduce opponent Attack Rating by 100%?
Unless you believe Kingpin's intention was to also reduce an opponent's Attack Rating by 100% (or more), it's pretty clear. That same special also states that Attack Rating is reduced by 50%. Two stacks didn't give the opponent 100% reduction of attack rating. If that didn't stack, the AAR shouldn't have stacked. Vega…
This may be semantics, I think I understand you're just talking about Deathless Vision's power control being worse, but if you specifically mean Power Drain, I want to point out that he power burns, exactly like the OG and Age of Ultron Vision - no Vision utilized power drain. AoU could also steal power if he was awoken.…
This is honestly the only Onslaught AI I have ever faced. The King of holding onto a special until I go to attack and then he special intercepts me.
Thank you for everything. Even if we disagreed at times or I didn't like the things you said and did, I do and have appreciated everything you've done for the game and community. I wish you the best for the future.
I see no offer but an Alliance member was able to get it.
I can think of three things to do with potions off the top of my head. Are they all perfectly formulated thoughts? No, feasibility would need to be explored and tweaked but there's possibility. 1.) Your progression title gives you a constant boost that increases the amount of healing received through consumables. Now every…
Before you even posted I knew this would be referenced. Classic. Amazing moment.
Simplest way I've come to think of it is: "Defender always wins." Not in the sense of "which character is the attacker and which character is the defender" but more in the sense of: active action vs passive effect. Active action: "Always Crits", "Causes Bleed", "Applies poison", etc... Passive effect: "Cannot crit", "Bleed…
This seems to work until you swap masteries again.