Darkstar4387 ★★★
Juggernaut was my first one and didn't help me at all really did bad on defense and never duped him so I unranked him when we got tickets and never touched him since. However the duped 4* version has come in handy in some situations but pretty useless otherwise to
It's not just you, after his or mine he's just standing there already up and attacking you, he isn't the only one but have seen him do this more
He's worth it especially if you have some sig stones around, his dupe makes him a monster especially against non posion immune buff heavy champs and his power control and burn can wreck eneimes. He's served me well.
They took it down near the end of March due to people abusing it, abusing other people, committing fruad and some people even threatening or using people's personal information and credit/ debit cards and more. They gave everyone 850 units for it
Not spending much or anything ATM and I am barely active anymore, plus I don't feel like giving much more money to this busted ass game
Look this comes up a lot, let me again reiterate anytime your allaince gets docked it's because cheating of some kind occured in your wars. And a quick search would tell you the same thing I iam telling you. Typically the deductions are 300k points if you have over 1.5 mill in points that most of the wars this season and…
It's been going on off and on for weeks, maybe a couple of months or more not 100% sure.
I can confirm leaders don't get notified about who or what they did, so it's up to the allaince to police itself and it could be a very agravateing process and cause a lot of drama and finger pointing until you figure out who or how many are involved. Kabam won't ever tell you who but they might indicate what it was for (…
Not all the time, some leaders have said they got nothing, others lied about not receiving one, and others actually just tell you. Your leader probably got a generic message about it, and from the amount you all dropped it's not a one time occurrence, probably most of the season.
Someone is either hacking during the wars, or sharing their accounts or both which is why you got docked and it's the only reason it occurs. If you dropped that much it must have been for 5 wars, and i mean your loss of 1.5 mill points. No false flags and you have to find out who, your leader should have gotten a message…
Same here
Only on offense, they have been broken defensively for nearly two years now, they went down in December 2017 and they basically have up by the spring of 2018 in trying to bring them back up
Lol you do know that I have corvus right and use him all the time, the charges do mean something when you have them you aren't supposed to bleed. SMH there are some giant problems with your reasoning, the first of which is the fact my opponent never actually touched me in the fight, all damage I took was purely just from…
None honestly I would like more new characters please, there are to many versions of the same characters as it is. Not that I don't like them it's just there are a lot more good characters out there
3* thing on both my accounts
Lol sorry but he's far from God tier and in general he's not so useful and there are so many better options out there and do what he does better and easier
Yeah as usual and when I am only 2 5* shards away from a 5*
Looks like it's going to down, full bars here and two different networks one 4g and one wifi verzion so again it's all on them as usual. Edit And they announced it but they really should stop saying it's other people's faults. It's bad enough that I am 2 5* shards from another 5* ugh and was about to get them but kabmmed
Hold it, none of them are a worth a generic gem, would save it for someone better not that some of them are bad ( actually gp, gr, modok are pretty good) it's just they aren't worth a generic
You put 4 twice btw and skipped 5. Hood is good, morningstar is pretty but needs to be duped especially for defense, venom is extremely good after the buff, crossbones is really solid, miles isn't to bad. Colsosus may turn out to be good but who knows. Winter isn't too good unless you have his synergy, king groot is just a…
Already told you what happened if you had one that is
Simple kabam took it because you cheated in some way, if they feel it was because you do something against their rules they will take it from you. It's the only they disappear from your account, they also can unrank them to and take all resources you put into them as well and much more.
Oh I know what you're talking about but good luck with it this has been an issue on and off since June 2017 and has gone nowhere Everytime it was brought up
As long as you are the only one using them and the one who created them you will be fine I have had 2 accounts in the same alliance on one or 2 different devices and I have had 0 problems. Yes I play in aw & aq with them occasionally in the same group with their knowledge and again have had 0 issues with that. Whoever said…
Still down for me
Only when trying to recruit
All globals are about the same, though some could be worse than others. Trust me you aren't missing much, I have two accounts on two different global and they both suck and usually just ignore them. Mostly it's people, recruiting ,trash talking, asking for gifts ( yes even though it's gone), trading champs, selling or…
Still nothing? How can stuff like this happen? Not trying to be mean but you all need to get it together over there it's just one massive screw up after another after another and something needs to give before your playerbase quits. Trust me a lot of people are leaving this gave, lost a chunk of friends, lost a chunk of my…
Any ETA on fix
My last two were void and stark, will post next one sometime soon. My luck is very hit or miss, my first batch was not very good then I started to get some better ones and some really good ones and then terrible ones and then really good ones. Still hoping I get a good mutant I have a mutant awakening gem for quite awhile…