DinoHCY ★
still looking? IGN: DinoHCY
I'm currently facing the same issue. They continuously reject my answers without giving reason (understandably it's for security reasons) but they aren't accepting any of the other forms of identification either. I've mentioned the first ever 4 star hero I pulled and when I did it. I'm almost certain they have the ability…
I actually got a decent run on DH until about 30%. Massive lag and the next few fights were just steam rolled by the unlockable attacks. Being a F2P it's really difficult to clear content if this keeps happening. 2 weeks left on the event and i still can't get 100% on master or uncollected because of this issue.
In-Game Name: DinoHCY Device and Model: Huawei P9 Device Operating System: EMUI 5 based on Android 7 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 19.1 Game Mode: During fights - any mode Description of the Issue: - Over-heating - Swipes/taps don't register; special attack button not registering tap/delay in registering -…
i have successfully moved into a new attic. Thank you all for your support! :smile:
Thank you to those who have sent an invite!
Infinitum Vindices is recruiting. Look us up :smile:
Message me on LINE @airwalker888 we're a start up alliance that's slowly growing. You seem like a good fit for us :smile: message me if you're interested!
Message me on LINE @airwalker888 we're a start up alliance that's slowly growing. You seem like a good fit for us :smile: message me if you're interested!
Sent you an invite :smile:
dropped you a message on LINE :smile:
Still looking to fill 2nd BG :smiley:
4 spots for 2nd BG
Check us out and lemme know if you'd like to join :smile: forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/39430/need-5-or-more-active-players-for-fast-growing-alliance#latest
Check us out and lemme know if you'd like to join :smile: forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/39430/need-5-or-more-active-players-for-fast-growing-alliance#latest
Thank you :smile:
I have sent you an invite. If you are still interested do accept. Also do add me on LINE airwalker888. Looking forward to having you :smile:
Infinitum Vindices is recruiting active members to fill out a 2nd BG. Do let me know if you would like to join us :)
sent you an invite - Infinitum Vindices
Still looking for 4 , or 10 if anybody wants to bring a group of friends lol
Looking for 4
Would you be interested in join us?