Edwxn ★★
I absolutely love this event!!! Best Christmas present ever!!! WOOO!!! Don't question why I rated it 2 stars.
Sure is an amazing prize; If you do manage to pull them obviously. Good luck pulling the mentioned with absolutely horrendous drop rates :trollface:
Absolutely shambolic I must say... Thoroughly disappointed, wasted around 3k units this year, and I can safely say I'll be spending on the cyber weekend deals next year and not the banquet event. Quite unfortunate, had so much potential for a GRAND banquet and they've scuffed it.
The pure definition of a 'Free' champ. I don't see why people were anticipating a broken champion, especially one being free. She seems alright, is a solid champion to build your roster. Is she worth ranking up when your pretty much Paragon or Valiant? Probably not. TB and below? Possibly.
Just got a six star Nick Fury... Sad thing is I just ranked up my awakened 5 star Nick 2 days ago. Should I commit or still wait it out?
Thank you all for the tips! Also wanted to say that I'm probably going to get the abyss nexus selection crystal and if I do so, would mutant be a good choice? I was debating between mutant and cosmic.
Wow. I'm Jealous.
Guardian if you can get him to max sig. Otherwise Starky will do.
That's actually a pretty good idea, But how would you think it should work?
I can't recall how many fights I have lost due this bug. Stupid bug if you ask me.
Spidey SE gets a benefit by getting 3 poise charges which increases his attack, If that's the question you actually meant.
Easy choice.
Joe, Fix-it. Please.
Miles is getting an Overhaul right?
Wow, That's incredible.
I'm so bad playing her. She stresses me for some reason and I don't know why tbh.
Nice!!! Congrats on that Mojo! And Happy Birthday bro!
She is honestly really amazing. Definitely worthy of 5/65.
Summer of Pain!!
That 5* Dr. Doom could very easily solo the whole of Act 4.
Yes. He is definitely worth it.
Agree with above, I've done it a couple of times. The only issue is that you have to log in and wait for the download time.
White mags helps with masochism. Through #Hero and #Metal champs, his pre-fight ability bypasses the node. So he is a pretty alright pull. Ranking starky up will be amazing cos he has good damage output. Killmonger is also very nice especially if you know how to use him.
I already said I was blitzed. Don't you understand? You don't have to be rude about it.