Ironman3000 ★★★★★
100% don't rank any of them. The Science class is the best in the game and none of these champs are even top 10 Science options.
I'm guessing going through each tier and adjusting the rewards would be pretty time-consuming. If you'd rather not change each tier, you could add more tokens so we could buy more at the store. Also, a token award, like arenas, would be nice after each win.
Put your team in and then select the Saga tag and compare it to your 5* roster. If the champs you picked aren't there you're good to go.
Yo get a point for clearing each side.
He fits and I soloed Heim with him only using SP3s.
There are 5 point left so you can get it.
I only need 7 points so I'm thinking: Left: Silk, Serp, Juggy Right: Bullseye, Onslaught, Omega Sent
Most people have some 7* AG shards left over from the banquet. They're gonna be assigning them to more places in the game as well. being able to top up the shards makes much more sense than a single sig stone. 7* sig stones are way less valuable than AG shards.
If a player has hundreds of 6* AGs then they are a big enough whale that getting a 7* AG won't matter. Even something as little as 100 shards for a generic and 50 for a class would be better than a single sig stone.
It was pretty silly of them to add King Groot when Thanos was gonna be OP. Would have much preferred to have a skill or mutant deathless. I'd prefer still as that's the worst class and it would have given them a chance to give us Deathless Moon Knight.
I put a note in my calendar for Friday morning to remind myself to stock up before the sale ends. Gets a few extra days in the stash.
My point was I don't think that they thought about it getting out and the backlash they'd get.
It is a good response to getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
I have them all at r2. I got a Science r3 Gem that I'm saving to see if She-Hulk is worth it or Pappa Luke.
Why does Kabam hate Valiants?
Get to the GC and then take it easy. The token store is still worth it.
That was underwhelming
They should unlock the rewards for everyone who has enough individual points to get them. It really sucks to put up big numbers and miss out because the community didn't pull their weight.
I awakened mine with a gem.
Vision is the only one who might be useful at some point.
If you have to can't afford it.
The reward point structure is way off for the Relm Events. They're linear, which assumes that all players will contribute equal points. That just isn't possible. They need to take into account the lower players dropping off at the higher rewards with lower point totals to achieve the rewards. That way the end game players…
I double-duped a r1 champ so I'm 100% back on board!!!
Well they definitely didn't consider this idea, lol. 3 7* crystals for those who spent 12k+ won't cut it.
Same. Pissed I bought the offers today when they're gonna give away keys in Odins later.
Adding a relm event is a terrible reason to nerf the crystals. Stop it.
Stop lumping Valiants in with TB and lower players. Rewards that apply to them do not apply to us and what applies to us isn't for them. End-game players are literally the people keeping the game alive. Stop screwing us over.
They can't change the rates now. They'll prolly just send out like 5 free crystals as an apology if we're lucky.