Ironman3000 ★★★★★
That was underwhelming
They should unlock the rewards for everyone who has enough individual points to get them. It really sucks to put up big numbers and miss out because the community didn't pull their weight.
I awakened mine with a gem.
Vision is the only one who might be useful at some point.
If you have to can't afford it.
The reward point structure is way off for the Relm Events. They're linear, which assumes that all players will contribute equal points. That just isn't possible. They need to take into account the lower players dropping off at the higher rewards with lower point totals to achieve the rewards. That way the end game players…
I double-duped a r1 champ so I'm 100% back on board!!!
Well they definitely didn't consider this idea, lol. 3 7* crystals for those who spent 12k+ won't cut it.
Same. Pissed I bought the offers today when they're gonna give away keys in Odins later.
Adding a relm event is a terrible reason to nerf the crystals. Stop it.
Stop lumping Valiants in with TB and lower players. Rewards that apply to them do not apply to us and what applies to us isn't for them. End-game players are literally the people keeping the game alive. Stop screwing us over.
They can't change the rates now. They'll prolly just send out like 5 free crystals as an apology if we're lucky.
I cannot express enough how much I hate having to share watered-down rewards with TB players as an 8+ year Valiant. Kamab, stop lumping the top-tier end-game players with any noob who started an account a few months ago.
I took Howard the Duck.
Last year was so bad so yes. It's still not good.
Yeah, I'd say 15k for top banquit is perfect.
I only hope that the point's required to unlock each level is high enough that only those who actually contribute get the higher rewards.
With the number of top tier champs in the mystic class, she had a lot to live up to. Not unhappy that she isn't as it's one less champ to worry about.
Complete all the content in the game and spend on big deal days.
That means it's working.
Shocker 100%. I have mine at sig 200. Throw an SP 1 and a SP2 and game over.
Did you make your Merc promise not to use hacks when they did necro for you?
I'm still on the fence. If I pull a second cosmic gem from the rewards I'll 100% awaken him and take the Nexus.
They cost so much to rank up to a usable level. IMO, if you get rank-up gems and have the gold then go ahead but I wouldn't use cats that can be used on 6* champs.
Who would be better to horesman? I'm guessing Sinister as he takes the harder fights.
His awakened ability makes him a better defender.
Yeah I was thinking about how'd they do that with both dropping at the same time.