IvarTheBoneless ★★★★
Am I missing something? Got all milestones but only 9k shards.
Damn I thought I had a lot of units saved with 10500. Lol
I saw the offer and for a minute confused energy with level. I thought wait we are already level 70 what the heck lets get this. I'm glad I realised a couple of minutes later energy is 70 and we're still at the level 60 cap. Otherwise it would've been me that got flamed here because I also had no idea about the refunding…
What about r2 hulk over r3 titania? Both unduped. How did you play it? Sp3 then sp2 and cycle? Seems counterintuitive with all.the debuffs aarkus places. Also did you usebhim for other fights?
That seems correct. I remember spending 40 revives per path on my last paths of the carina challenges. First paths were closer to 80 revives. I consider myself a bit above average skill. Most revives in the beginning also come from the grandmaster fight. I will still at least spend 5 revives for that last phase and more…
Also stark spidey, build up to 6 poise then go ham. Dexing his sp1 will always net u more poise so you'll be at 10 for most of the fight
This will be mine too. I only have him at sig20, is the sig100 noticeable? Or I stay with my one true love the one and only Venom. If I finally dupe him tho, my first r3...
Yh wtf lol. My r2 sig 120 godbones disagrees
Depends on your skills. If you bought the account then prob somewhere in the stone-silver region. if you got decent skills somewhere in plat. If you're a god then you could prob play masters with that account.
This this this. I played high tier aw for more than a few seasons and didn't open a lot of crystals. The only thing keeping me from engaging with it is how long it takes to acquire one. I simply don't care anymore. And that's from someone with a r2 unduped void.
Id love to see a r3 misty knight!
See super event in solo event tab
Thanks for your explanation. I agree actually with what you're saying. I slightly disagree with your reasoning in the end. You say the fact that the titan crystal is talked about means it isn't "meh". But the reason it's talked about is that it's turning into a meh crystal. I agree that it's getting talked about necaise it…
@DNA3000 Just a tag because I'm curious what your speculations are about the intended outcome and don't want you to forget this thread :smile:
If that's the intent then what's the desired outcome of that intent? I've anecdotally seen some feedback that players just stop caring about titan crystals, don't open them anymore until there's enough champs that they perceive as desirable (I thought Kabam didn't want to incentivise hoarding?), or are so dissapointed with…
Lmao reading skills brother. Top 3 SKILL 7* is what he said, not top 3 7* of the entire game. Even then it's still a controversial statement like all other "top x" statements but if not top 3 skill then definately top 5 skill in my opinion. Before arguing, check this out on youtube: 1)…
Sp2 isn't that dificult actually if you practice it
I'm happy I learned to dex his specials rooted during crush season because that skill came in handy dexing his sp1s like amdman while I was cornered
Weird that this got so many disagrees, if I had a hype id choose him too. Out of my own roster I'd have to choose void even tho I'd much rather do venom or warlock since both are r3 unawakened. Would r3 duped void tho
You wouldn't happen to have a recording?
I honestly hope Kabam investigates at least masters/high plat1 wars in detail because for this to go unpunished would feel really unfair.
This this this! I haye map 8 aq do much just give me raids
? She has riposte stun which gives no block damage and a free opening to attack. Coldsnap immunity doesn't shut her down since you can put on caltrops. Also hacks like crit damage rating etc make her op since it affects coldsnap/caltrops effect. But I don't even think she needs it after seeing how she handles 4-6 million…
This is kinda misleading. Yes, you can play around it bur for that you need to push to sp2 and bait it every time. Because sp1 degens you, even if you dont inflict damaging debuffs. Buffed sinister sp1 puts bleed on himself which he flips on you
Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team. Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.
It's just the big me!
I'm not a native English speaker so I'm not sure I understood you correctly: does this mean that Block Penetration stat focus can make the intimidate more potent for gladiator?
Kate handles that Air walker fights much better. I solo'd it every time with her. I didn't check this thread every day so I'm too late with my advise, sorry!
Completely out of the topic but what is comp the abbreviation for @Jeancrb ? Just curious, Ive never heard it before
I think it's just frustrating how there's an inability to understand mistakes can be made when there is a timer of MORE than 24 hours under the DAILY objectives tab. Like why have the timer there if you know people will make mistakes. I didn't make mistakes btw. The point is clear to me so y'all don't have to come tell me…