Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • as someone who has dealt with the public, a LOT, I truly hope you learned to balance the negative voices with the positive. reactionaries and nay-sayers can get to be all you hear and remember, but PLEASE carry away with you the people you connected with, you impacted. if you leave, and you're missed, that's a win. best of…
  • @peixemacaco what progression level are you at? what's the next story chapter for you to complete? Yes, Nick and Herc are guaranteed to do work, AA would have been my next suggestion as well. a recommendation? take a few days with each/ any champ, and learn them. run them through content. trap I fall into is getting…
  • Goo Sorcerer does a couple things REALLY well, but Green chick solves problems by hitting things. progressively harder and harder. more fights can be solved by base violence than bleed or nullify, so you'd probably get more mileage out of Gamora. OR? both. both would be good.
  • @SecondSkriller I read "should be a walk in the park" as a walk in the pork. either because you led with the pic of the Ham fight, or because this fat kid needs to go raid some protein. possibly both.
  • ^^^ web looking debuff from sp1 means she cheats.
  • some people want to be bleeding edge competitive. some are completionist. some wanna show off the amount of "stuff" they have (roster numbers, rank, PI). figure out what makes the game fun, for you, and JUST DO THAT. I ain't making it to the top of BG. Incursion runs annoy me. I still get enough stress relief out of…
  • ARENA. PHC/ GM crystals until all your 2*, then 3, then 4, are max sig. if you have any Incursions currency, the Incursion store 4* crystal? cheap, and same 24 t5 class ISO as a 5* or 6* dupe.
  • @WokeMuggle they're offering "collectors" flavor of the month crystals; 2* champ from the (this month for example) Arcade Classics champ pool, for 100 units. DO NOT BUY THESE, unless you REALLY wanna be a completionist. rock out as much 4* arena as you can. PHC shards, your 2&3 will build back up. also, you need the units…
  • I mean, I get you, but no? sometimes you gotta fight uphill, get your posterior handed to you properly, and learn from your L. also, @Rayven5220 you're right, for good or ill, the numbers in the roster ain't always lined up with the skills of the player.
  • @Lectrixquids if you hit Torch enough to get an sp2, EACH of those hits is gonna give Torch a smolder counter, and increase his temp. and each of the smolders are gonna increase chances to get a incinerate on you when he's hit. 7 incinerates, 20 temp, and he starts dropping Novas on you each time he's hit. which act as DoT…
  • it's still June?
  • gotta be honest, I'm in the minority who miss some of the lesser rewards.the steady stream of 5* generics was working my entire roster to max sig. about half of my 236 now just spit out 6* shards and ISO. but that's my own issue for going anal. that said, it is LITERALLY the QoL correction we've wanted. you can do it how…
  • he's fun. not great, but fun. remember his light burst can trigger through block. or fail to, and build your prowess that way. I say this as someone who has a 7*r2 solely so I could say this:
  • I mean, MSD is essentially the MCOC version of that Elden Ring dude....
  • he's so expensive they upgraded his phasing?
  • @Supergamer_69 people overlook how tanky YJ can be: has the highest base physical and energy resist in the game, so not an ideal measure for your newly ranked toy. https://auntm.ai/champions/yellowjacket/tier/6
  • that's great and all until you get a game drop and pre fights all go away. when it WORKS it's amazing, you're right.
  • Free crystals are now part of the Daily 'Splosion event. Dailies are now (currently) exclusive to web store. please check out the several Daily Super Event discussions.
  • was wondering if they'd STOP and PULL the 7hr and 22hr? if they'd keep both up? or let them expire while Daily 'Splosion is tested? how that'd play out. looks like they had [insert generic thing] coded to sub out the 7hr that just flipped. EDIT: in all fairness, I truly do love [inserting generic thing]. favorite event.
  • RttL (as said before), first two maps are 8 energy 8 fights. quickest, least energy consumed, easiest to set and forget. but really, sitting down and playing for like a half hour rocks this event out. which I believe was the intent (once everything actually works...).
  • nope, access to the next higher progression's offer is IN GAME unit store. web store lets you target a specific class any/ every day, but you're capped where you're currently at, story wise.
  • knew I wouldn't be able to fully articulate that, but more skilled hands would step in.
  • thread necro, but... @TDP Silks sp3 has a stun attached to it. it may be that the stun eats the ice armor, then damage is stacked? most likely an order of operations issue.
  • https://auntm.ai/home/ as the esteemed @RichardSlugberg has recently given us an update, check their graphs to display how their sig scales. GREAT way to eval sig1, sig 20, 60, Max. FWIW I got Shocker duped, and even at 20 that coupon on sp1 helps get his charges rolling. ymmv
  • just to build off the prior: E (Event Quest) H (Hero Use) L (Level up) A (Arena) just know someone is going to look at the (amazing, thank y'all for that!) info above and need to know how the acronym soup is read.
  • you never threw a special into their block just to let the DOT tick the last few percent? but honestly, not a bad idea, and feels a little like Gladiator or Adam, the design space they've been giving to a few Cosmics. also OG Fist of the North Star; "You're already dead."
  • AA is a staple for a reason, he clears content. still, good problem to have; ALL your contenders have done work for me, still do. no bad choices!
  • wishful thinking? can't blame you. I KNEW, front brain, it was a limited availability 7* crystal. still low key checked three or four times, "maybe it's something shiny?".