Maat1985 ★★★★
there are simply many methods to measure if a champ is good. there is no one size fits all method. a champ may well measure bad by your above listed metric however still be a very good champ
what if you are asleep? streaming while you sleep. will it disappear by the time you wake up?
well can you think about doing streams at different times then? maybe so the stream is not always going to be at 3am for the same people. that way it is convenient for some and inconvenient for others but not always the same people in each boat.
bit slack those for those in other timezones. all well and good to say "if you want the drops watch the stream". but when the stream is at 3am on a workday it ain't quite that simple now is it. so yeah would be nice to have an option for those that want to but can not watch the stream. how about they do next stream that is…
i grinded arena for the 4* when he was brand new. i never did arena grinds for champs, but had to to get him....
moleman + guardian synergy is detrimental in many scenarios. gaining an unstoppable does not consume mass.... well to me that is worse than useless. i ply mole man in one of 2 ways. either full time in frenzy where he can not lose mass anyway. get there via parry heavy. or. i wan to remain out of frenzy and activating…
i think part of the problem is you don't know who you have who is actually good. who is it you think is your only 2 good champs? saying you have 6 mid tier skills clearly means you have no idea how good cheelith is
big dude must be on the pipe
do they? i have mine r3 and she spends a hell of a lot of time banned.
oh no, people noticed. i noticed right from day 1. it has always worked but been invisible.
what does it matter if they come back or not? if you still have them after years of not being around they are obviously not a much needed resource for you. LOL "i want more of theses awesome resources so they can sit with my other awesome resources that i will never use for fear of not having them when i need them" LMAO
i am finding it is ALOT easier to do different combos like LMLM or LLLMM. it just feels much better to control the combos like this. could be really really good for things like mix master and combat deja vu
i am unsure. i also had the same thought. i am unsure. could just be me inputting incorrectly but it feels like i am doin MLLLM and only getting MLLL on occasion. i think you might be right and a slight delay might be needed as too early input does not register. certainly visible combo tracker would help work this out.…
lady d is hectic. been reaching damage cap easy. she is getting some real nice red numbers.... she slaps on the first nodes cus of her double hit medium to build fervor super quick
yes but every time you have to make a decision means there is stop, think, and chance you say now. its why path ways in casinos are always slightly curved everywhere with no "T" sections or similar. so you just walk and walk on auto pilot past all the gambling stuff. if there were "T" sections and you had to stop and…
it doesn't say it was going to be that way tho. the bug fix just mentioned fixing his sig ability.
gay for moleman
i was finding that just as recently as yesterday it is not just his sig that is now affected by glancing. as the patch notes said it would. but also his unstoppables. playing against maestro i could not get to 10 as i was not gaining them on hitting him when my hits glanced. also this is with my 7* unduped juggy so nothing…
if you are looking for war veterans to join your alliance i suggest you mention which side of the war you fought on. would not want people from the other side of the war joining. that might end up in some pretty bad conflicts.
what device are you using? a potato?
bro. f people thinking everything is just about a participation trophy. maximum rewards should require effort. plain and simple. the idea is not to get stuff for doing just as you normally would. the idea is to get players to do more than they normally would and push for bigger rewards. you want stuff. you work.
its ok to feel that way but it is just simply the nature of the game
aside from the questionable validity of the actual fight, it is very clear what has happened here. you had higher health but took longer. they had lower health but finished quicker. so in the instance here of scores being exact same the fight speed has become the tiebreak deciding factor.
dig around? wtf? bro, go to the event and bamn.... there it is....
sounds like a skill issue to me
heck, if you stopped forfeting you may even snag another win or two here and there
you have made it all the way to gold!!! and you are winning a match out of every few!!! GOOD JOB!
i cannot believe that a player in bronze is only ever facing accounts much larger than them and never facing accounts similar or smaller. yes it will happen but they will certainly get a mix. it just has to happen. there is a mix of all account sizes in the brackets. also as the season goes on the volume of larger accounts…
i cannot believe that a player in bronze is only ever facing accounts much larger than them and never facing accounts similar or smaller. yes it will happen but they will certainly get a mix. it just has to happen. there is a mix of all account sizes in the brackets. also as the season goes on the volume of larger accounts…
i for one am thinking it will spike up as people get more points once in GC. also considering many people have not even started playing bgs yet