Rixob ★★
i got 250 6* shards x3 250 5* shards
Yeah.. im a fool haha
Tbh it depends on how aggressive the AI is. I wouldnt bring Ghost to AQ. She does best in AW and end game content. If you're having issues with opponents attacking into your phase, I would just do heavies to build up furies and power and then pop that special.
IMO, Hyperion is one if the most underatted champs. He can run through 500k in 60 hits. Poison immune and has regen. Cant do heavies? Just do L3 and get those cosmic charges and youll be hitting hard enough.
How are free to play players supposed to compete/keep up now? There was a time where skill could get you close to where the whales are. Now, some one who spends can just get 5-6* at will, where as F2P players like myself are waiting 3 months to pull beast out of the 6* crystal. I cant spend on this game and am in a high…
Ahh i would, but i have KM lol
wowwwww how does he have the patience to type all that i cannot read it lmao but bro, yall have the same war rating why are you suprised? also some allies sell champs to skew the alliance rating oh and like the guy said up there, profiles and rating does not equal skill. you got some 1m rated guys K.O.'ing on regular nodes…
Voidvoidvoidvoidvoidvoidvoidvoid I am gonna speak this into existence lol
Sheesh guys lol. This post isnt about me not being able to clear content or anything like that without Void. I just like him, and need someone to run path 6/7 in aw at the moment lmao. If i had void i could, but i dont so i just came here to complain lol. Also, i just used a 4/55 quake on Rhulk, then finished em off with a…
Lol @Jaded You realize not everyone has Darkhawk right? Nice humble brag there lol
Sure wish i had a 4* Void. I literally dont have him at all. Not even a 2*
Ahhhhh! Thanks @"Kabam Miike" We'll take that answer. Keep us posted!
Mikes response was in such poor taste.
I need void so bad
I imagine Variant and The Maze are good examples of where to expect the level of difficulty.
Right, i mean for example they could have a 12,500 mystic crystal. Who knows you could pull a Iron fist, GR, or Sym Supreme. I'd take that gamble with my current situation.
@Primmer79 really good idea with the class crystal!! there is a lot of folks out there that are sitting on 2-3 science or mystic gems but they just dont have the champs. yeah that would be a good way to try and help the community out
Lmao whatre the odds. That kinda sucks bro lol
i need void bad
Literally sitting on so many mystic stones gems and rank up material. need mystic bad
BUT! I will say balance is gone, the game has completely shifted into pay to win. Period. Either pay with hard earned cash, or grind your face off in arena. Either way your paying with currency or your time. Most ppl pick currency, cause you cant get time back.
bro, i hear you but you have got to understand why in the world would Kabam do anything about this? If you work for Kabam, your salary is contingent upon how much revunue is brought in, why wouldnt you try and maximize it? It sucks, it doesnt seem fair but when you own your own business, you can do what you want.
Hey @"Kabam Miike" or @"Kabam Zibiit" or @"Kabam Lyra" Could you close this post? It has gotten off topic and i dont think its benefiting anyone.
Idk, my opponents were only attacking in unstoppable mode. Kind of annoying tbh lol
I think they messed this up. like why is AQ still going on? We got a lot of ppl in limbo right now and a lot of people who are in alliances they plan on leaving because of AQ. this really sucks.
the Richer get richer is a quote used by the lazy and unmotivated Just a cliche. once again you're not competing with anybody's account if you don't want to use cash or you don't have any cash with your problem I've been working since I was 15 I don't know how old you are I hope you're like a twelve-year-old because if…
@DalBot exactly lol thank you. I think our friend coathanger up there missed the point
@CoatHang3r hey there, and thats actually not true. I have competed against master, p1 allies in the past. I dropped to a lower alliance after last season cause it was getting expensive. If i was in those allies as a free to play player, obviously i can keep up with them skill wise. I dont care about Thanos my guy, i care…
I hear you bro, but at the same time if you are in their shoes its probably a good move. I thought about that too with Seatin, but i mean at the end of the day its their account, and being in that alliance will get them insane rewards which means more views and more money for them. I feel you, but i cant even blame them to…
Nah but on a serious note, youre 100% right. Two weeks would be better than 1, heck even longer. But alliance turnover is at an unprecedented rate and i hate to say it but AW seasons are killing the fun.