I reall REALLY suggest you get the Mastery Willpower Maxed. All of the sudden, those nodes will be soooo much easier. Wish I knew that before I did them. Seriously, Willpower is your best option here.
For fun I went back to that chapter to see after a lot of progression if it is still bad as it used to be. I took my 6/65 corvus and the rest are 4/55s and it still dealt a lot of damage to me. Such a bs chapter.
your corvus is the most powerful character in the game he's at a rank no one can reach 6/65
1 Hulk Ragnorak
2. Ultron
3. Wolverine
4. Scarlet Witch
5. Thor/Hyperion (high health pool + dmg)
Try to play clean and not get hit. Also best to try and end fight quickly. Rotate your champs each fight so you minimize the starburst degen on each champ.
Do this and you will be low health on all your champs at end of Map, but it will minimize your item use.
Also, make sure you are claiming your hourly crystals every 4 hours but don’t use them. They will accumulate over time and give you a bunch of health potions to take on harder content.
1 Hulk Ragnorak
2. Ultron
3. Wolverine
4. Scarlet Witch
5. Thor/Hyperion (high health pool + dmg)
Try to play clean and not get hit. Also best to try and end fight quickly. Rotate your champs each fight so you minimize the starburst degen on each champ.
Do this and you will be low health on all your champs at end of Map, but it will minimize your item use.
Also, make sure you are claiming your hourly crystals every 4 hours but don’t use them. They will accumulate over time and give you a bunch of health potions to take on harder content.
Good luck!
I wouldn't rotate champs, you may end up with all champs at too low health for the boss, i just used 1 champ until it dies, then move on to another
wow, I remember this one .. yeah, annoying, but some tricks:
1) as others mentioned - healers ... regens, etc, anyone that keeps their health up will do "better" ...
2) finish the fights fast ...(this also implies you need to have some levels, so if you're finding it too hard, wait until you rank some champs up ... don't panic on story mode, it's not going anywhere, there's no race :P )
3) the point I wanted to add (since other 2 were basically mentioned already) .. note the Chaos node .. I recall it helping me more than anything there ... spam your level 1 until you get a good effect .. it can turn the tide of the fight fast. Likewise, if you already have a good effect (ie unstoppable ) don't use your specials .
4) Use heal pots proactively ... don't go blowing them crazy .. but you'd rather heal up a 1/2 health champ, and only take 1/4 health dmg in next fight, than lose the champ and have to revive + heal up ...
Another tip for those taking on quests first time ... first few times you face it, commit to not using ANY resources ..
in other words, just "see how far you can make it without using any resources" ...
if you can't make it half way .... abort, and try again ..
if you still can't make it half way after 5 or 6 attempts, wait until you rank up some champs .. then try again.
if you get a good clean "start" to half way or farther .. consider making it your push, and spend a couple on the last few fights/boss to wrap it up .
remember: energy is cheap ... revives/heals are stupid expensive ... (mostly via supply vs demand ... you get energy after sleeping on it for 8 hours .. you need to work your ass off for those pots .. )
your corvus is the most powerful character in the game he's at a rank no one can reach 6/65
1 Hulk Ragnorak
2. Ultron
3. Wolverine
4. Scarlet Witch
5. Thor/Hyperion (high health pool + dmg)
Try to play clean and not get hit. Also best to try and end fight quickly. Rotate your champs each fight so you minimize the starburst degen on each champ.
Do this and you will be low health on all your champs at end of Map, but it will minimize your item use.
Also, make sure you are claiming your hourly crystals every 4 hours but don’t use them. They will accumulate over time and give you a bunch of health potions to take on harder content.
Good luck!
I wouldn't rotate champs, you may end up with all champs at too low health for the boss, i just used 1 champ until it dies, then move on to another
1) as others mentioned - healers ... regens, etc, anyone that keeps their health up will do "better" ...
2) finish the fights fast ...(this also implies you need to have some levels, so if you're finding it too hard, wait until you rank some champs up ... don't panic on story mode, it's not going anywhere, there's no race :P )
3) the point I wanted to add (since other 2 were basically mentioned already) .. note the Chaos node .. I recall it helping me more than anything there ... spam your level 1 until you get a good effect ..
4) Use heal pots proactively ... don't go blowing them crazy .. but you'd rather heal up a 1/2 health champ, and only take 1/4 health dmg in next fight, than lose the champ and have to revive + heal up ...
Another tip for those taking on quests first time ... first few times you face it, commit to not using ANY resources ..
in other words, just "see how far you can make it without using any resources" ...
if you can't make it half way .... abort, and try again ..
if you still can't make it half way after 5 or 6 attempts, wait until you rank up some champs .. then try again.
if you get a good clean "start" to half way or farther .. consider making it your push, and spend a couple on the last few fights/boss to wrap it up .
remember: energy is cheap ... revives/heals are stupid expensive ...