Question about using the account on other devices.

I'm having trouble facing Aarkus on the monthly uncollected mission because of the "bugs" and crashes. My brother-in-law has a better device than mine, but he also has an account, she is very initial, and we're not even in the same alliance. Would it be okay to use his phone?
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Now, yes, it can be problematic for Kabam to know who is the person actually doing the playing, so they may question it, but technically it would be allowed.
Just can’t have your brother actually doing the playing during the time that YOU are logged in to your account (in game) while playing on his phone.
Yes, you cannot detect what actual human being is playing on a particular device. This gets into the subject of what Kabam is even looking for when they attempt to detect account sharing. The short answer is Kabam cannot directly detect account sharing, and all the various theories about IP addresses and geo-whatever are all totally wrong. What Kabam is likely looking for is what I would look for, which is not cases of account sharing but specific sequences of data that cannot possibly be explained by two humans playing two different accounts but sharing multiple devices. Generally what happens is two players sharing an account will do something that could be explained without account sharing, then do something else that could be explained without account sharing, but the two things combined cannot be explained without account sharing. And then they are toast.
The security minded people out there will recognize this as an example of traffic analysis, where you have no idea who is talking to who or what anyone is saying, but you can still tell a lot about the relationships between speakers as well as how many actual speakers there are.
The OP basically asked: if they have two devices and they play their account on both devices, and a friend comes over to visit for a while, can the friend temporarily use one of the devices to play their own MCOC account. Technically, this would involve one device being used for two different accounts: the OP, and then the friend.
Kabam's response, quoted in full: