The New Uncollected Arena Crystal is Bugged

I will retract that statement whenever someone posts a screenshot of the new 5* punisher. He is not in the crystal. People will say "What you were expecting to pull him in the first day??" Nope, but thousands of people opening their saved 1 millon+ battlechips in a single day is more crystals than any one person would open in a lifetime. Just wanted to bring this to attention and if someone does post screenshot of getting 5* punisher then it is proof the crystal is not bugged.
But Kabam if you find that 5* punisher is not in the crystal, just fix it and add him in. You don't have to make a statement about it cause that would upset people. Just fix it quietly and we all be happy in a few days.
But Kabam if you find that 5* punisher is not in the crystal, just fix it and add him in. You don't have to make a statement about it cause that would upset people. Just fix it quietly and we all be happy in a few days.
I don't know what to make of this exactly. This seems anathema to anyone who places any value in credibility.
The last we checked, it was 70 pulls in the first couple hours. But that was this morning, so more than that now.
Wow 70 is a lot of people. I would think at least one of those people would have an innate desire to brag about it by now.
They probably did brag about about it but don't care to brag to strangers on the internets.
Well I'm basing it on one thing: this is a social game and people love to share their achievements with others. Whether that be their alliance in Line, reddit, MCOC Trucos facebook, Discord, or any chat they use. As soon as that first screenshot comes out it will spread like wildfire. I just found it suspicious there hasn't been anything yet. But Kabam Miike just assured that I was wrong and 70 people did pull him.
Jeez Miike, could you not think of a worse way to express this thought? Holy moley even I had a heart attack when I first read it.
Most people that play this game probably don't participate on the public forums or the subreddit, or necessarily post about it on social media.
Lol, that wording nearly freaked me out.
It genuinely sounded like you came in here and proudly claimed "Hey, we removed 5* Punisher from the crystal!", but it was actually "Hey, he has been pulled from the crystal before!" xD
Kindly share it here then for everyone to see cause I seen none