Kabam Slow Updates

I was wondering if anyone else has felt that Kabam is taking way too long to make useful updates to old or original Champions? It seems like there are a lot of "meme teir" or outdated Champions that should be the focus of updates before releasing new Champions every month. Does anyone feel the same? For example, it is clear that Falcon, Both Caps, Iron Patriot/ War Machine and Unstop. Col are no brainers that need to be updated ASAP yet we get these stupid polls asking which 2 should be updated. Maybe Kabam should task their team with remaking these original Champions over the next month or two and then continue releasing new Champions. I don't think people would mind. My 2 cents.
P.S. Kabam..... Release Colossus OML Updates!!!
P.S. Kabam..... Release Colossus OML Updates!!!
Then, there's the playtesting that needs to be done internally, before we go into the Beta test. Once that is complete, we can move on actioning on the feedback of Players. Once that's done, we have to implement those changes. Depending on where we are in the release cycle (is a new version coming soon? did one just release?) that can add another month to the process.
Basically, you guys have gotten a sneak peak at what it's like to create a new Champion, and how long that takes. Reworking a Champion is not far off of what has to be done for a new Champion (minus the Public Beta Test).