Nick Fury to 1% in second phase in AQ Thanos boss. Is this intended?

I know that heal prevention from AQ Thanos negates Nick Fury from his max health regen, but I was under the impression that in his 2nd phase, he would simply start at 30% health without degening from 100% and that starting his 2nd phase immediately at 1% was a bug and that it was resolved as per this post:
Just fought Thanos and he started at 1% in phase 2.

Just fought Thanos and he started at 1% in phase 2.
Am I missing something, or is he still bugged?
If you want to get NF’s second phase kill him off the fight before.
Any time the real Nick Fury (duped, LMD destroyed) has more than 30% health, he'll continually degenerate until his health reaches 30%, at which point the degeneration should stop. The bug was that the degeneration wasn't stopping at 30%...he'd continue to degenerate below 30%. This bug has been fixed.
Another change is that "Heal Block" was changed to "Heal Prevention". Heal Prevention is effectively a passive, super heal block that prevents all green regenerative numbers from triggering. When Nick Fury has his LMD destroyed, he "regenerates" back to full health (via green numbers) and then degenerates to 30%. The Heal Prevention node stops this "regeneration" and leaves the real Nick Fury at 1% health.
As others have mentioned, the work around is to destroy the LMD before this fight. This will allow you to start the fight with the Real Nick Fury while being able to have more than 1% health.
The quote of me from the other thread was in reference to an issue where his signature ability was activating and healing him partially, rather than to full health, but then causing him to Degenerate Health even when he was below 30%. Hope that helps clear things up!