morning star rank down



  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Maybe if you read abilities in the 1st place, you would not be in this situation. I think most of the community needs to think about that. Life-steal does not mean regen. If you do no damage, you steal no life. Simple common sense and logic could have told you that.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    For an example of catching these bugs quickly, I'd point to Vision Aarkus. Near his release, people realized that he was able to continue stacking armor break debuffs even when armor was shattered, which clearly goes against what his stated abilities were. Within days of this information surfacing, Kabam issued a statement clarifying that it was indeed a bug and that it would be fixed. In this case, rank down tickets would NOT be warranted since they took action in a reasonable amount of time.

    Waiting months (or years in some cases) to catch and fix a bug requires something more substantial than a line in the patch notes.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Love my Mstar, and would never rank her down.

    It just shows a dangerous precedent where they do not acknowledge the so-called bug for well over a year but suddenly acknowledge it because they came up with a new champ that they gotta make sales on. Claire has been doing it for 6-months and MS has been doing it for a lot longer. It shouldn't take you this much time just to realize its a bug

    Man if only Kabam had a thing called bugs and known issues on the forums that they regularly post updates on bugs and how they are along the bug fixing procedure.
    When videos have existed for over 10 months, you don't have any excuse for not knowing lol. If you don't believe me, go search Morningstar 6.2.6 :) This isn't a new interaction that they discovered recently. It has existed for an extremely long time
    .... What. What does this have to do with what I said. You claimed they didn't even say the fix was coming. I refuted that claim. Nothing I said had anything to do with how long it's been that but that's an entirely moot point for various reasons, 1. Just because there are videos of it doesn't mean they are Garuenteed to see it. 2. Bugs aren't a quick thing to fix. Just because it's been around a while doesn't mean it is now never gonna be fixed. Remember that Drax "countering" Mordo bug, that was around forever and still got fixed. Or that AA stunning stun immune. 3. It was something that actively went against the description of how their abilities work. Life steal takes a portion of the damage done and health's you the same amount so if you do no damage you won't heal.
  • Thecrusher_9756Thecrusher_9756 Member Posts: 772 ★★★

    Maybe if you read abilities in the 1st place, you would not be in this situation. I think most of the community needs to think about that. Life-steal does not mean regen. If you do no damage, you steal no life. Simple common sense and logic could have told you that.

    Lol “read her abilities” shouldn’t Kabam read the abilities of the champions that they’re putting in? If it’s simple common sense how did they not pick it up for what, 10 months? Not agreeing with the idea of RDT’s but solely blaming those who ranked her up for that ability because they’ve seen others do it instead of the company that left the bug in for nearly a year seems a bit silly to me.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    Maybe if you read abilities in the 1st place, you would not be in this situation. I think most of the community needs to think about that. Life-steal does not mean regen. If you do no damage, you steal no life. Simple common sense and logic could have told you that.

    Lol “read her abilities” shouldn’t Kabam read the abilities of the champions that they’re putting in? If it’s simple common sense how did they not pick it up for what, 10 months? Not agreeing with the idea of RDT’s but solely blaming those who ranked her up for that ability because they’ve seen others do it instead of the company that left the bug in for nearly a year seems a bit silly to me.
    People fail to realize that bugs are not always easy to fix. It takes research and then time and retesting to fix it. And it is entirely possible for something to be released and for there to bugs with it due to some sort of interaction that maybe worked during the original tests.
  • Thecrusher_9756Thecrusher_9756 Member Posts: 772 ★★★

    Maybe if you read abilities in the 1st place, you would not be in this situation. I think most of the community needs to think about that. Life-steal does not mean regen. If you do no damage, you steal no life. Simple common sense and logic could have told you that.

    Lol “read her abilities” shouldn’t Kabam read the abilities of the champions that they’re putting in? If it’s simple common sense how did they not pick it up for what, 10 months? Not agreeing with the idea of RDT’s but solely blaming those who ranked her up for that ability because they’ve seen others do it instead of the company that left the bug in for nearly a year seems a bit silly to me.
    People fail to realize that bugs are not always easy to fix. It takes research and then time and retesting to fix it. And it is entirely possible for something to be released and for there to bugs with it due to some sort of interaction that maybe worked during the original tests.
    I understand this and of course in any game there are always going to be bugs that leak out no matter how much testing you do. However, my problem is blaming the players for it
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  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    This was obviously bugged ...

    Only issue is that Kabam should be quicker in telling people what is considered bug ... this has been going on for months ...

    I agree.

    The mods said that the She Hulk issue was also clearly a bug when she was fixed. They ultimately gave champ specific rank-down tickets for that fix. I don't see why they wouldn't do the same in this situation.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    This is my understanding

    Whenever someone alerts everyone on the forums of a possible way to defeat said champion, always gonna run the risk of it being fixed, now this issue is plain and simple, a bug fix. Nothing else. These champions can regen WHEN they deal damage. The Champion fight has a mechanic where if he has at least one charge, he’s immune to all damage
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    This is my understanding

    Whenever someone alerts everyone on the forums of a possible way to defeat said champion, always gonna run the risk of it being fixed, now this issue is plain and simple, a bug fix. Nothing else. These champions can regen WHEN they deal damage. The Champion fight has a mechanic where if he has at least one charge, he’s immune to all damage

    Most people aren't arguing that this isn't a bug. Players are more concerned with how long it took Kabam to notice such a widely-known bug and how they plan on handling situations like this moving forward.
  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★

    Haji_Saab said:

    This was obviously bugged ...

    Only issue is that Kabam should be quicker in telling people what is considered bug ... this has been going on for months ...

    I agree.

    The mods said that the She Hulk issue was also clearly a bug when she was fixed. They ultimately gave champ specific rank-down tickets for that fix. I don't see why they wouldn't do the same in this situation.
    This is a different situation
    Quit trying to get rank down tickets
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Morninstar is not getting nerfed, and she's a great champ. No RDT for The Champion fight over fixing this. I do think Kabam waited way too long to fix this though. The first time I saw vids of MS and Claire rgetting mad regen during that final 10% I knew they would fix it, and anyone who didn't know this was an bug is a liar. They had to fix this because it was clearly an oversight.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Okaythen said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    This was obviously bugged ...

    Only issue is that Kabam should be quicker in telling people what is considered bug ... this has been going on for months ...

    I agree.

    The mods said that the She Hulk issue was also clearly a bug when she was fixed. They ultimately gave champ specific rank-down tickets for that fix. I don't see why they wouldn't do the same in this situation.
    This is a different situation
    Quit trying to get rank down tickets
    Can you explain how it's different?
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Okaythen said:

    Okaythen said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    This was obviously bugged ...

    Only issue is that Kabam should be quicker in telling people what is considered bug ... this has been going on for months ...

    I agree.

    The mods said that the She Hulk issue was also clearly a bug when she was fixed. They ultimately gave champ specific rank-down tickets for that fix. I don't see why they wouldn't do the same in this situation.
    This is a different situation
    Quit trying to get rank down tickets
    Can you explain how it's different?
    First of all if you didn’t use your head to grasp at straws you would understand that she hulk affected her at her base level, her play style and her utility
    Being able to chain heavy made it possible to chain heavies in the corner immediately apply slow after any basic attack bar second medium made unblockable basic attacks almost meaningless
    Her change affected not only the 6.2.6 champ fight it affected her play style many people ranked her up because of this it was promoted by many YouTubers
    MS is only affected in this fight
    how many times have you faced indestructible in other quests? Barely ever
    Is this affecting her ability to regen in general? No it’s not it’s going to work as stated
    Quite trying to find poor excuses for rank down tickets
    If someone ranked her up for one And that fight only fight than that’s on them her abilities were as stated but worked differently and tried to take advantage than that’s a risk people take. She hulk was never stated to be able to chain heavies it was something the community discovered
    MS never has stated that she would regen damage she “would” deal
    Please, there's no need to get snippy.

    Going piece by piece:

    You say the She Hulk change affected not only the 6.2.6 fight, but many other fights. You also say that Morningstar is only affected in this fight. However, there are a number of places where this ability could be used to Morningstar's advantage. Aegis Heavy, Aegis Intercept, Prove Yourself, Luke Cage's signature abilities...these are all places where Morningstar's bug could have been used by players. The 6.2.6 Champion boss was the most notable instance, but it wasn't the only instance as you suggest. In this way, She Hulk and the MS/BWCV issue are the same.

    You say people ranked up She-Hulk because this bugged ability was promoted on YouTube. If you look it up on YouTube, there are a number of widely-watched videos showcasing this very interaction for Morningstar and BWCV. Are you saying that no one in the community made a rank up decision based on these videos? There are those who have posted today who would tell you that isn't the case. In this way, She Hulk and the MS/BWCV issue are the same.

    You say that She Hulk was never stated to be able to chain heavies and it was something the community discovered. However, She Hulk was not the only champ that had this ability and was able to do it for years. This was just taken as a natural interaction given its long-standing presence in the game. Many people used this ability for years and it was never considered a bug until after 6.2.6 Champion was released. How long have videos existed showing the interaction between MS/BWCV and the Champion? Many months, but as we just discussed, the interaction has been in the game as long as Morningstar and the indestructible buff/passive have been in the game together, which is also years. How long do we need to give Kabam to chime in on whether something is a bug or not? In this way, She Hulk and the MS/BWCV issue are the same.

    Again, I won't argue that this wasn't a bug. If it's a bug, it should be fixed. However, I assert that if it takes too long for a widely known bug to be addressed and a champion is adjusted/fixed downward as a result, Rank Down Tickets should be distributed to ensure that people are making rank up decisions based on Kabam's vision for how a Champion is supposed to perform and not how they erroneously were performing.
  • CatapoulpeCatapoulpe Member Posts: 101
    I rank up Morningstar just for this fight and now you tell me she is not good anymore ? We need rank down ticket just like she-hulk.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★

    I rank up Morningstar just for this fight and now you tell me she is not good anymore ? We need rank down ticket just like she-hulk.

    Okay for she hulk that was a MASSIVE change compared to this one okay because people could use the combo Into heavy In more situations then just 6.2.6 matches you could do that in any unstoppable matchup. Compared to a much smaller bug with Morningstar I’ll keep saying it but Morningstar is bugged for the final 10% because she was doing no damage yet still are healing
  • ShaggyMShaggyM Member Posts: 310 ★★★
    It should have nothing to do with rdts, this just shouldn’t be done. It’s making and already extremely hard fight, arguably he hardest fight in the game, even harder. It’s disappointing. You start to see people tire of this game for reasons like this. The game is supposed to be fun and that fight is anything but.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    ShaggyM said:

    It should have nothing to do with rdts, this just shouldn’t be done. It’s making and already extremely hard fight, arguably he hardest fight in the game, even harder. It’s disappointing. You start to see people tire of this game for reasons like this. The game is supposed to be fun and that fight is anything but.

    I don't think arguing that a bug shouldn't be fixed because it'll make content harder is a productive angle of approach for this discussion.

    True, the fight isn't great. True, it's not easy. But bugs shouldn't go unaddressed to compensate for that.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    I did respond to your post. When it was published, I noticed a typo and fixed it. When I submitted the changes, it said that the post will be published when it gets approved. Just letting you know so you don't think I'm ducking you.
  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    This isn't a nerf lol

    Why should you life steal when dealing 0 damage? Literally makes no sense to me
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Ugh, these discussions again... I let the amount of disagrees speak for itself.
  • ShaggyMShaggyM Member Posts: 310 ★★★

    ShaggyM said:

    It should have nothing to do with rdts, this just shouldn’t be done. It’s making and already extremely hard fight, arguably he hardest fight in the game, even harder. It’s disappointing. You start to see people tire of this game for reasons like this. The game is supposed to be fun and that fight is anything but.

    I don't think arguing that a bug shouldn't be fixed because it'll make content harder is a productive angle of approach for this discussion.

    True, the fight isn't great. True, it's not easy. But bugs shouldn't go unaddressed to compensate for that.
    How about a considerable number of people have used this tactic, advertised this tactic openly on social media, and completed this fight numerous times with this tactic. Now it it just becomes a flaunt to anyone who can’t use it.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, there is currently a thread already going for this topic; you can find our latest response in that thread here.
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