Legend run emergency maintenance

I was doing a legend run for the "can you find this dog" Quest, On 5-Sept-2017 and just reached the master quest when the game crashed and an emergency maintenance message appeared. Up to the crash time, I used 4x 20% boost, 4x 15% attack boost, 11 energy refill, bought an advanced questing package worth 1400 units, and redid my masteries. once the game crash I was fully out of the race for top 100 because that 25 min loss time is too much to be able to compete for the top spots. I am sure there were many others with the same situation. it's not fair that we lose over 2000 units due to a server crash that was not scheduled. The other big loss is that we have to wait for another month just to try for another legend run. Are you guys purposely wanting people to leave this game!!

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You miss the point completely, if he was going to finish in 3 hours it woyld now take him 3 hours 25minutes, whereas people attempting it at rumes other than the down period will finish in 3 hours so he will miss out.
Think about it before you come out with the same old it was down for everybody argument as it wasnt down for those who were sleeping(obviously it was but they wernt affected) and will do their attempt another day.
But as we usually do, when there is an outage, we will take the time of the outage into account and make sure that it doesn't affect your Legends Run. This is how we always handle it.
Since you already have a ticket in with our support team, and this issue is only affecting a single account and we don't discuss actions on specific accounts, we're closing this thread down. Please wait until you hear back from the support team.