IPhone 12 pro

Is there going to be a fix for the performance on the new iPhone. Champs don't block button presses are all over the place and they attack and dash in and out randomly.
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Even against ROL winter soldier, missing parry all the time, randomly dashing forwards, backwards... all over the place.
Hell, he even caught me w 3 heavies. The ones you have time to check your email when you see them coming! Lol
From the couple of emails I exchanged with support it would appear the issues haven’t been acknowledged.
They even asked me if I use a screen protector lol. Have you uninstalled/ reinstalled etc.
Literally struggling to finish combo’s today it’s that bad. Throwing mediums instead of lights, random dashes. Dropped parry/blocks.
Looks like we’re stuck with this s### through the holiday season and beyond.
- iOS Lag and Performance Issues Thread
Thank you very much in advance for your help!