GoldBlum Dr. Strange proves luck is the basis of this game - not skill

This game is supposed to be about ranking champs you like because all champs are supposed to be useful correct? With that theory I have a quest team that I ranked on personal preference of who I like to fight with.
My quest team rating is 29,452. Clearly higher than the recommended team rating of 23,000 for the last part of goldBlum. Should have no problems right?
I went for the last path, path F just to complete it and go back later for 100%. Got to Dr. Strange with all guys full health because I have decent skills. I get destroyed by Strange. Why? Because there is absolutely no skill involved. He gets to his first special so the baiting starts because his 2nd special is unblockable. Problem is if you aren't lucky enough for him to spam his sp1 over and over as soon as he gets it you end up getting smoked because his power bars continue to fill and you just get destroyed by the degeneration and brute force buffswl while you are baiting. All he has to do is get to his sp2 one time in the fight and you are done because it heal blocks you. So there is no skill there. It's just luck if he fires off his sp1 as a soon as he gets it for the entire fight - which is unlikely based on how long the fight is.
Soooo I already know what the automatic response is from the forum members. Bring a power control champ. Well I do have Winter Soldier in my lineup and his power control is awesome but somewhat unpredictable. I shouldn't have to replace one of my favorite champs for a lower ranked power control champ because that doesn't allow me to bring who I want and win with skill right?
Even if you have a power control champ like magik or vision Aou it still proves that this game is luck - lucky enough to have a high rated power control champ - and don't tell me it takes skill to spam power control.
My quest team rating is 29,452. Clearly higher than the recommended team rating of 23,000 for the last part of goldBlum. Should have no problems right?
I went for the last path, path F just to complete it and go back later for 100%. Got to Dr. Strange with all guys full health because I have decent skills. I get destroyed by Strange. Why? Because there is absolutely no skill involved. He gets to his first special so the baiting starts because his 2nd special is unblockable. Problem is if you aren't lucky enough for him to spam his sp1 over and over as soon as he gets it you end up getting smoked because his power bars continue to fill and you just get destroyed by the degeneration and brute force buffswl while you are baiting. All he has to do is get to his sp2 one time in the fight and you are done because it heal blocks you. So there is no skill there. It's just luck if he fires off his sp1 as a soon as he gets it for the entire fight - which is unlikely based on how long the fight is.
Soooo I already know what the automatic response is from the forum members. Bring a power control champ. Well I do have Winter Soldier in my lineup and his power control is awesome but somewhat unpredictable. I shouldn't have to replace one of my favorite champs for a lower ranked power control champ because that doesn't allow me to bring who I want and win with skill right?
Even if you have a power control champ like magik or vision Aou it still proves that this game is luck - lucky enough to have a high rated power control champ - and don't tell me it takes skill to spam power control.
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But any time people say a fight is a matter of luck and not skill, and then describe exactly how they lack skill need a life coach.
Skill is about selecting the correct tools for the job, not just about how you use them.
It's easier to bring a lower ranked power control champ, even Hawkeye or someone. But of course, that's what noobs, do, right?
Money grab? A majority of the community walked straight through this challenge without using any potions or revives lol. It’s was 10x easier than webslinger and webslinger was REAL easy lol
Just be super aggressive with him, the whole baiting thing on him is overrated. he gains power at a steady rate now matter how much you beat on him. So just back him into a corner eventually he will start spamming l1 to get out. done. Solo'd the whole route all paths chained together with out 1 revive. goldblum was so easy, Star Lord . . done. life steal made it so simple.
Strongly disagree. There should be skill involved. No participation trophies.
Strange sp2 is unblockable but it is 100% evadable. You have skills. You should have no problem evading it.
I don't want to use the correct champs or get good at the game, give me all the rewards and a #1 participant trophy while you're at it!
So where is the line drawn for you on this? Clearly you cannot possible disagree that if I bring my 29k team to beginner I will need no skill because the recommended team rating is like 350. So where does that stop then????
if you have put in enough work or been lucky enough to meet or exceed the recommended team rating then how can you possibly disagree that it should be easy?? Isn't that the point??
They beta tested the quest and figured the recommended team rating based on what it would take to complete it right?? Right?? Otherwise what is the point if the recommended rating?? Is that an arbitrary number?? Lol. Your thinking makes me think you are clueless or the developers are clueless
Had to reply to this.... this quest was by far the easiest thing I have ever seen... life steal is a joke that allows people to survive who would otherwise die. I did the whole thing (in a single go) just using for 4* SL... did not even need to bother with the 5* champs. Last quest takes about 35 mins, is basically free rewards
Just one word - LOL. (Not labyrinth LoL, just simple LOL)
1) This game is about ranking champions you like, but only AFTER you have ranked the champs that you NEED for end-game stuff. If you want to play casually, rank up your Lukes and Kamalas, do heroic every month, maybe Act 4 and little bit of arena and just chill. If you want to do other stuff, rank up useful champs.
2) Quest rating ? REALLY !!? That thing is as useless as Spider-Gwen's L1. Like RoL shows required rating of 9,999,999,999. So by your logic no one should be able to do RoL, right? While there are hundreds of people who have even 100% the LoL.
3) Reaching DS with full health on all champs? Well LIFE STEAL, of course you're gonna have full health, nothing special.
4) You don't want to bring power drain champs. You don't want to learn to dodge his L2 special.
(''Doctor, I've come to bargain, Please keep on spamming SP1s for me''. Maybe that'll work for you lol)
It literally takes 4-5 minutes to watch a video on how to dodge his specials, not 'hours'.
5) Again, you wanna do it with the champions you like? Do chapters 1-3.
While you can definitely choose to bring any champion you'd like, there will always be better suited champions for certain challenges. This might mean bringing a Power Control champ for Certain obstacles, or bringing a bleed immune champion for others. You don't have to, but it would help.
There has been a lot of very helpful information shared by your fellow Summoners in this thread. Rudely discounting it because it's not what you want to hear is not okay. The point of a forum is open discussion. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean you should just pretend they're wrong. Discussion means that you have to be open to opposing points of view, and must be able to reply to them in a civil manner.
I'll leave this thread open for now, but please ensure that it stays on track, or it will be closed.
But really, honestly, we know that's not true. People are beating the challenge without using OG DD or Hood against Strange. That's because people are evading his L2.
You're stuck on the whole suggested team rating thing and really you should be focusing on evading his SP2 (your skills) or bringing champs that will allow you to beat him without much skill (OG DD, for example)
Even with mechanics that are skill based, it isn’t the same for everyone. I suffer from a lot of the input problems that there have been many topics about. My dash-backs and blocks can be just slightly delayed, which is enough for the AI to take advantage. Baiting out a special or evading an unblockable special is an extra dangerous task for me.
Money grab?? LOL!! Life transfer makes this easy and you can run one line at a time. Bautista challenge was soo much harder than this and webslinger event. You had to run every line and they all had spite.
If you need a power control champ, bring a power control champ? Who cares if you "like" fighting with someone else?
I fear that you are going to lose any excitement you have for this game very soon if you only want to play with the champs you "like". The upper tier of content is ALWAYS geared towards having a certain type of champ.
As far as the Team Rating thing goes, it makes no difference if you don't have the skills/ champs to beat the quest. There are guys here beating this with 3 star champs for fun. My "team" rating might as well have been just my Magik's PI, because I used her for 100% of the fights, and didn't have to spend a $. I will admit that Thor caught me with an unblockable SP1 in 1 fight, so I used a 20% revive, and was back to full health in 1 combo.
Right, anyway, Dr Strange's L2 can be avoided completely with very good timing. Most people tend to evade the first shot and block the last 2 shots, because the timing to dash back between the first 2 shots has to be very precise. For me, I tend to evade the first shot, block the second and evade the third.
Can't do that? No problem, use a power control champion. A power control champion will sever his power gain, which not only means you don't have to worry about his special 2, but also you don't have to power bait, so you can continuously hit him and not worry about brute force degenerating you.