Next featured leaked

TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
Seen some leaked stuff. The champ pool is AWFUL. Put a couple of usable champs other than galan and quicksilver please!


  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★

  • TheLightBringerTheLightBringer Member Posts: 452 ★★★★
    Scarlet witch, domino, crossbones, stark spidey, bishop, war machine and juggernaut are all good champs in addition to the 6 featureds

    There's also storm x sasquatch and maybe rocket racoon after the buff are decent ones, so overall I don't think it's this bad and also let's be real kabam can make the crystal fall of iron patriots and people will still pull because of galan and QS alone lol
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,552 ★★★★★
    This seems like a reasonable take to me based on how they normally organize these things. Only thing that seems a bit strange is doubling up on Drax from the current one.

    Seems comparatively as solid as the current one depending on your roster, but for me personally it has somewhat less value since I’ve already got many of the better champs…and even a number of the not so good ones. Will definitely open some of course, but probably won’t go as hard at it as I have with the current one given its benefit for my roster.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    Personally, I would be fairly happy with this. I’ve been wanting 6* Witch for a while, the new champs all seem pretty solid, and I wouldn’t mind a few hours in there either. There are also a lot of buffed champs like Juggs that I wouldn’t mind having.

    Not a “wow incredible” pool but I would be pretty happy with that. Especially if I can pull myself a QS and SW since I have AGs for both.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Featured crystals are always a mixed bag depending on your roster. For me outside of the featured 6, I really want to pull and dupe
    domino, SW, War Machine. I also want dupes on Spidey and Bishop.

    The flip side is I pulled Drax 3 times from the last featured, I also have IP, Antman, Ronin, Juggs, Rocket, Taskmaster, DPX and Sasquatch so it isn’t a great pool for me.

    I really want QS, Valkyrie and Gorr though.
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,095 ★★★★★
    I think that’s a pretty balanced featured pool if it is correct. Scarlett Witch, Sassy, Crossbones, Domino, Bishop, Sparky all more than useable champs. Rockets getting a buff so might be a great pull as well. Along with the 6 new features that 12 pretty solid pulls.

    The ones I’d feel I wasted shards if I pulled them would be Drax, Ms Marvel, OG Cap and Iron Patriot. The rest have some use in the game.
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    edited October 2022

    I rly wanted OG SW and Galan, but the amount of trash makes it indeed absolute garbage and not worth it, the Science, Tech and Cosmic options are a complete joke

    Sticking with the class dual crystal for now
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    DrZola said:

    Really only 7 that interest me (5 featureds minus Gorr, WM or Juggs dupe). Rest are champs I’ve got or don’t want. ”Awful” is an overstatement; really just an average to below average pool (although putting the likes of Drax, OGCap, MsM and IP in is something I wish the team would end unless they intend to give them meaningful updates).

    Dr. Zola

    Yeah this comment.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    Drax in the leaked photo must be an error, kabam said they would never run champions back to back. That’s why we have two Cyclops 😂

    I remember 2 subsequent featured crystals had Green Goblin & Cable
    IDK jf Kabam have recently made this commitment of not repeating a champ, but if we get to see Drax again, it won't be the first time
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    If anyone at Kabam can explain how Drax, OG Cap, DPX or Iron Patriot can be considered "featured" champs, I'd love to know.

    Personally, DPX is fun to me. That being said, I wouldn’t want to dupe him again in a featured
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★

    If anyone at Kabam can explain how Drax, OG Cap, DPX or Iron Patriot can be considered "featured" champs, I'd love to know.

    An alliance mate of mine has a R4 sig 200 DPX

  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    I rate that rather than just shutting this down you’re actually having fun
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,882 ★★★★★
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    Ahhh…do I believe Lagacy? Do I believe Miike? Do I doubt them both? Quite the conundrum, quite the conundrum…

    Dr. Zola
    Believe Abe LIncoln!
    Honest Abe. Forthright Miike. I like it!!!

    Dr. Zola
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★

    I almost feel it should say "anything" rather than "everything".
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