How are the rewards and aq store

With the recent monthly event rewards which let's say are fantastic thankyou @Kabam. It's pretty good for mid teir player like myself almost @ paragon, with plenty of 6star shards and rank up materials. The new aq store looks great too plenty of resources at the right price, although it will be interesting how much glory we get in practice.
The question remains its time for a change in war rewards, 1 month eq which is easier and cheaper is now netting greater rewards than 4 weeks of war. The problem is war is very fun and in my opinion still the best mode of the game. My fear is that players will be dropping out because it's more worth for less resources.
Wondering how people feel about my comments
The question remains its time for a change in war rewards, 1 month eq which is easier and cheaper is now netting greater rewards than 4 weeks of war. The problem is war is very fun and in my opinion still the best mode of the game. My fear is that players will be dropping out because it's more worth for less resources.
Wondering how people feel about my comments
I wouldn't even be complaining if they were expensive. Because then I'd be making progress.
And why would you artificially gate progression for those aren't at the "preferred" rank who may be at a lower skill level. Slow progression is better than no progression.
The whole point to progressional games is there are rules for progression, and the goal is to navigate those rules to progress. Navigating the rules to progress is what makes it a game. Changing the rules to suit yourself would make it Calvinball.
And in terms of Act 6.4, you say all you get is one 6r3. That's not all you get. You also get Thronebreaker. It is up to you to decide if it is worth completing 6.4 to unlock the entire rest of the progression tree or not. The vast majority of the players who currently play this game are below Thronebreaker. It is your choice if you decide to be one of them permanently.
You also say "slow progression is better than no progression." Keep grinding Cav and eventually you'll have an entire roster of R4s that should blast through 6.4 no problem. Eventually.
Good for you! Not all of us are so skilled.
You just need to practice and improve your skills. Watch videos on youtube on how to tackle difficult fights. I spent 6 months improving my roster and slowly grinding units before doing 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4
Agree to disagree
The transition from Cavalier to Thronebreaker feels needlessly punishing.
One was an Aegon, so there's that I suppose.
My alt, with 5r5 of CAIW, Ultron, NF, Quake and a 5r4 corvus was all I had to get me to cav and it took ages to get a T5CC to become TB.
But not as long as it took my main. the Alt didnt do a variant, hasn't explored anything past act 4 and doesn't even do EQ unless I'm super bored.
I used to hate people telling me "get good" or "it's not that hard" but progression now is easier than anytime in the last 7 years. Get good.
Watch some videos, ask for some rank up advice, etc. You'll get better at the game and eventually be able to power through act 6. It takes time, practice and game knowledge.