reasons for banning

I'm sure some of you are going to tell me that I am being incredibly dramatic, but I think it is extremely unjust of Kabam not tell you why you've been banned. One of my Alliance members was banned for 7 days, and then 30 days. I'm not here to argue whether or not he's done something to merit the ban. ( FYI, he hasn't.)
I don't understand how we can just go along with the injustice. It is incredibly unfair to be punished and not be told why.
Kabam Support is so useless. They really need to go back and take some English lessons. I sent them an e-mail regarding this. Did they get back to me, addressing my specific concerns? Of course, they didn't.
Yeah, this is just a game. However, it's a game that we enjoy playing. To know that Kabam's algorithm is so capricious is not fun inducing.
That's all.
I don't understand how we can just go along with the injustice. It is incredibly unfair to be punished and not be told why.
Kabam Support is so useless. They really need to go back and take some English lessons. I sent them an e-mail regarding this. Did they get back to me, addressing my specific concerns? Of course, they didn't.
Yeah, this is just a game. However, it's a game that we enjoy playing. To know that Kabam's algorithm is so capricious is not fun inducing.
That's all.
This discussion has been closed.
It also helps to ensure that players aren't wrongly banned. And yeah, ppl can claim (and I'm sure a few will) that the banning system is error proof... But why would any sensible person believe that? If you've played the game for more than a day, you know nothing here is error proof. Everybody makes mistakes and that includes kabam.
If you accept a system where you aren't properly informed as to your possible wrongdoing, you're setting yourself up for the possibility of a wrongful ban with absolutely zero options as to what you can do to rectify the problem. And you're risking years of playing time for one simple server error.
Players should have a right to know why a ban occurred. Writing a TOS that prevents/supercedes that right is an abuse of power imo. Informing a player to reasons for a ban doesn't create more work or headache for kabam, doesn't hold them back from doing their other jobs, but does allow the players to work towards fixing a possible mistake by a company that has a track record of little mess ups.
I don't see whare this has anything to do with the discussion at hand. If the game was modded and played, that's a ban. Cut and dry. Whether the player did it, or allowed another to do it shouldn't matter. A hacked account also doesn't reeeeally happen. Usually a "hacked account" is a result of choosing to share login info or getting scammed into login sharing. This, too, is the player's fault.
In either of those cases, it's very easy for kabam to say "you did x. It breaks the rules. This account is now banned. Thank you".
My worry (and the frustration of OP) is that kabam doesn't explain the bans. That's a bit ridiculous and opens the door for bans that shouldn't happen to stand. There is a very long list of kabam mess ups if you look back at just the last year. I'M NOT TRYING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT GAME PROBLEMS. THEY HAPPEN. IT IS WHAT IT IS. What I am saying is that mistakes happen and it'd be a huge shame for an honest player to get mistakenly banned and not be told the supposed reason for the ban and therefore have no way of proving it was a mistake.
I couldn't imagine how frustrating it would be to be banned when you truly did nothing wrong. I've sent tickets for very straightforward problems that were easy to understand and received numerous generic answers that had absolutely nothing to do with my tickets. To lose everything you've done in game because of a system mistake would make me crazy.
That's the point here. That's the only recourse the player has. And the player is inevitably met with non answers and then gets their ticket(s) closed. And that's IF they get a response at all. That's the problem that needs to be fixed.
i hope it gets fixed