Is this a war cheat? Shall appreciate a fair investigation.

We are a 6 million rating alliance, 30 guys with 2bgs playing in war , got matched against 7.5 million rating alliance with 25 guys. Agreed they are stronger than us. I want to know if the opponent is cheating? They took out our rhino boss r4 5 star duped with 3 mini bosses intact. That is 700% health on boss+ 550% health multiplied by 3 on a rhino who's base health is 30k with sp1, sp2 unblockable of mini bosses intact. And the boss got only 1 kill. Is that even possible? With almost 700k health on boss. Is that possible? Yes the guy who took out boss had blade r4 5 star duped. But still, this is insane. I want to know if this is a cheat that they are using, also want to know how to report the guys so that if they are cheating then necessary actions can be taken. If they are genuine then I would like to show that guy with such insane skill. Hats off. I just want a fair investigation. I have erased the names in pics (whatever possible), just in case if showing names is violation of terms which I'm not sure anyway. Thanks for reading and your comments will be appreciated.

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R4 blade gives up to 4/5k on a critical damage with danger sense and class advantage ... so you it can be done with good fighting if I am honest ... but it would take some good fighting and if you expect them to be cheating you can make a ticket to support ...
Thankyou for your insight into this matter but I'm confused about calculations as you said. 700% of boss node+550 from 1 mini boss+550 from 2nd mini boss+550 from 3rd mini boss right? It's not multiplication. It's addition only. It comes to about 2350 +100% base health making it 2450%. That means 24.5 multiplied by 30k health which is easily North of 700k health. Kindly do correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you.
Kindly understand it's not about soloing rhino boss alone. He had 3 mini bosses incoming intact. Alone rhino I wouldn't have thought of putting this post. It's when 3 mini bosses are intact. The health and attack rise in insane. Just 1 hit and you can get KO. With such huge health it is very unlikely
In fact I'm thinking of referring the guy who beat your Rhino boss to our ally, as he appears to be super skilled and hardly looks like a hacker.
I did say I'm not sure about it. Criticising is so easy, helping is that much bit difficult. Thanx for your comments though. Appreciate.
You can submit a report by clicking the gear-shaped icon in the top-left corner of the game's home screen and then scrolling down to the button labeled "Support". You can also contact them here.
Also, do keep in mind that calling out other players and Alliances would is not allowed on the forums, as you suspected. If you believe you see any suspicious behavior in the future, our Support team would be the best place to send your evidence. Thanks!