Maybe make sense eggs after playing?

Seriously, when will you acknowledge the performance issues leading to our devices overheating, and than having everything screwed on gameplay (parry, evade, slow frame rate etc.) and provide us info about what is causing it, how you fixing and when? Should I just stop playing till that happens?
Attached pic shows surreal cpu temp leading to massive throttle and 2 cores shutdown, took after few minutes idle in a fight victory screen!
Attached pic shows surreal cpu temp leading to massive throttle and 2 cores shutdown, took after few minutes idle in a fight victory screen!
It definitely takes a lot of energy so you may end up with battery go down while charging, this happens with my iPad 2013 and with Nexus 5X foi, unless I am using the fast charger, in such case it becomes so hot than I could cook dinner for my kids...
Anyway I have offered myself to help many times, I don't mind to setup a CPU profiler to debug what's Unity doing, but really I need you guys to communicate, and need to know what's going on regarding fixing and testing, honestly seeing a non bug (dash back) being listed as fix under test is not very promising but let's talk cause this is the only app causing me trouble, preferably before it kills my device!
Devices in pain:
Nexus 5X + Android 6.0.1 rooted + ElementalX kernel tuned to underclock device CPU and generate less heat (this was a huge effort to be able to record 1080p + internal audio for videos while playing, which worked well till v13 was released)
iPad Air 2013 in latest iOS, didn't measure heat but back is burning while playing and all sort of performance issues show up.
Not hard to have faulty code pushing CPU to where it can't keep up, modern mobile CPUs were not made to work at max frequencies all the time as in the old days.
My device does get really hot too, but it doesn't seem to affect my performance. Unless I've been playing for hours (which I often do), I may need to take a break to let the device cool down, but for the most part, I never really worry about my device overheating.
Never said this was done intentionally, that doesn't make sense to me.
@TenebrousTenebrific ^^
Sanity check, I reflashed factory image of Android 6.0.1, and without any app other than MCOC and cpu monitor, since I can't record anything ATM... Cores shutdown even sooner cause stock starts throttle at 50C! Would be be able to recheck v12 and see if a game update can solve it or instead my device is now damaged due to heating.
There's a difference between bad programming and purposely writing code to overheat phones. And while I find it really hard to believe they'd do that on purpose, I absolutely see a lot of proof for bad, or let's say false, programming so far...
Edit: my phone (iP6) runs quiet hot too and starts acting up then. I started closing all apps in the background when this happens. Also game keeps crashing after hours of playing which cost me my legendary title (among other reasons like falling asleep in between ^^)
My device is a new shield tablet which is supposed to be built for gaming. Ever since 12.0 I can't play it for more than 30mins before it starts to overheart like crazy, almost you could cook of it.
@TenebrousTenebrific you need to make devs aware
In winter I had my old Android tablet - Lenovo A3500F (yes it's old but it played this game well for around 1.5 years).
And I found that I'm making too many typing errors: wrong letters, missing spaces and so on. And not only in in-game chat, but in line, chrome and other apps while this game was minimized. Closing the game magically restore the input.
So this is definitely CPU load problem.
Now I have slightly faster Android tablet and don't see low fps like before, but facing dodge and parry problems too.
If you're still experiencing heating issues, please include some additional information for the team. While I don't have information to update you with, I can assure you our QA team does review the information provided in these bug report threads.
Info to include:
Device make/model:
OS Version:
Game Version:
Time before heat becomes a concern (affecting gameplay/temperature):
Any other important details you think may help our team:
1. your device may become hotter than usual whilst charging in a case.
2. please remove case before charging wirelesly
3. using device while charging will slow charging and possibly cause overheat.
i know that this is an issue for some and not for others and i also know that this is not ideal and none of us want this to be a problem just stating the facts.
any app that is intesive on the device will use alot of the phone system resources. use of the system resources cause heating and battery drain.
charging also causes heating. combine the heating from the two. and then add the fact that your device is now working harder to charge as the battery is now also being drained whilst being charged and walla there is your problem.
whilst there are some things that can be done to possibly optimize the code to increase power efficiency and system resource usage this is always going to be an issue and a bigger issue the older/lower powered your device is.
I ALSO have major overheating unless all my other apps are closed when I run the game. Even then, after 90 minutes of play it's super hot to touch
Device make/model: LG Nexus 5/LG G6
OS Version: Android 6.0.1
Game Version: 13.0 (need to test more on 13.1)
Time before heat becomes a concern (affecting gameplay/temperature): 90 minutes to 2 hours (I have a problem I know)
Any other important details you think may help our team: when the temp spikes in game movements slow down to nothing. I'm not a developer so I am afraid I'm useless to provide more info