Android Users Not getting Legend Title

Why is that Android users unable to obtain legend title ? Seems a little unfair as a android user myself. Im a leader of a alliance n i think should b changed.
Why cant people with iPhone 5 get one? Same reason.
Buy an Apple Device!
Thats just a waste of time. What do you think i am? A whale milker?
Plus less loading time for most of the app!
Wanna enjoy mobile game? Buy an iPhone lol
You can't blame Kabam for the number of android devices vs the number of Apple devices, compared to the number of android devices being used va the number of Apple devices being used.
As a company, the choice is clear given the users/device ratio that it's more worthwhile spending money optimizing Apple devices.
This isn't an idiotic fanboy discussion of which is better, this is pointing out the issues created by a company refusing to take the simple steps of optimizing its software for all users.
Any modern gen device should be able to run this software the same way as any others. That's kinda how proper coding works. There's not some big mysterious Android problem that they can't get around... It's just refusal to do what they should.
Because the devices that have hanging problems are not the ones with better processors and more RAM. Unlike iPhone, where there's only the expensive devices, Android runs on a whole range of devices. At one end, there are the flagships from the big manufacturers, which have a lot of effort put into them to make sure the animations are silky smooth and there are no dropped frames or hanging. At the other end are the cheap devices which use much cheaper components - often the components that don't show on the product feature list - and have little effort put into the system integration.
On this site we typically get a lot of questions from users who've bought those min-spec devices and then been disappointed by their performance. This doesn't happen with iPhones because the OS simply doesn't support cheapo devices. It's worth noting that iOS isn't without its performance problems. After each new version of iOS, users of older iPhones who've made the mistake of upgrading tend to complain that their phone runs much slower on the newer OS. It's not because the OS has suddenly got much worse: it's because it's trying to do a lot more, and use the increased resources on the newer phones, and those older, slower phones just can't do everything at once.
The fact that Android uses a Linux kernel is not relevant. In fact, you get the same behaviour out of any Linux: if you run it on a high-powered machine, you get good performance, but if you run it on a cheaper machine, you get poor performance.
The problem is specialization!
Apple's iOS is optimized for a small set of specialized Apple processors, which are ARM-based but because of e.g. custom extensions are able to do a lot more than the specification. Each app is compiled for every set of hardware (like one binary per CPU+GPU combination).
Android needs to work on many different CPUs (Qualcomm, Exynos, MediaTek and all there different models) and thus trades performance for support and availability on all those devices.
With the latest addition of ART, Android tries to gain back a bit of the sacrificed performance by recompiling the binary (from the Dalvik bytecode) with vendor specific compilers that allow them to specialize the binaries again.
However, apps that rely on libraries compiled with the NDK (Native Devlopment Kit) see no improvement when using functions of them, because the binary files are not recompiled.
I agree with the greater market share overall for android. But consumer/device? I'm quite sure Apple takes the lead here by a big margin.
2017 FLAGSHIP 6GB RAM Octacore processor devices have 2x the loading screen time that a 2 yr old iphone has.