So either you have blade or you’re dead

That symbiod in this months event quest has nothing to do with how much skill a player has. He kills anyone in 30 seconds, and evades like crazy. I’ve already explored 3 paths (no revives) with a 5/50 4* blade, but seriously kabam? Every champ has had many creative counters in the past, but this is just ridiculous.
If thats true, than wth are you going on about?
Considering that they gave you a character (your summoned symbioid) that has counters for pretty much everything, this month's quest is "creative-thinking" oriented... but predictably people would rather just smash their heads against a problem and then complain about it.
Like "most" EQs, this event is more AA orientated. This particular boss he isn't though.
But everyone did get a pretty sweet Sym they can insanely boost up to tackle it.
"I'll show that brick wall!"
You can't get to rank 5 without doing at least one run through of epic. The most you can get is 23 Klyntar Katalyst between beginner and master and you need 24 to get to rank 5. However, rank 4 is still a beast.
After that it’s an all or nothing Carnage with no blocking and bleed immune, a useless duck, and a fight with no buffs against the mystic guy.
After that once through, beast up your buddy, and kill everything in the event quest
@Dshu Hey bro, although I agree with you on some fronts of your post, I can say being a lower high end player(my prestige is only a measly 6100ish) not having blade up there makes things a little more difficult. Unfortunately he is a bit of an answer for a lot of content. Try not to be mean to those of us that don’t have him lol. That said there are other answers to content where blade is, not necessary, but makes it much easier. My wife has an 4/55 AA he helps a ton in most situations( I don’t have him either
Ps if you don't have aa or blade gwenpool is another great choice and even if they are bleed immune she is one of the harder hitting champs in the game for base damage.