So either you have blade or you’re dead

That symbiod in this months event quest has nothing to do with how much skill a player has. He kills anyone in 30 seconds, and evades like crazy. I’ve already explored 3 paths (no revives) with a 5/50 4* blade, but seriously kabam? Every champ has had many creative counters in the past, but this is just ridiculous.


  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    I didn't use blade at all in the eq it wasn't that hard. Maybe you tried tackling content above your skill level
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Or you use awakened Dr. Voodoo and his signature ability prevents the unavoidable damage
  • Jiren1234_Jiren1234_ Member Posts: 129
    I was just saying that I thought this months event quest was more blade oriented
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    I used void
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    Jiren1234_ wrote: »
    I was just saying that I thought this months event quest was more blade oriented

    Considering that they gave you a character (your summoned symbioid) that has counters for pretty much everything, this month's quest is "creative-thinking" oriented... but predictably people would rather just smash their heads against a problem and then complain about it.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Jiren1234_ wrote: »
    I was just saying that I thought this months event quest was more blade oriented

    Like "most" EQs, this event is more AA orientated. This particular boss he isn't though.
    But everyone did get a pretty sweet Sym they can insanely boost up to tackle it.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    AxeCopFire wrote: »
    Considering that they gave you a character (your summoned symbioid) that has counters for pretty much everything, this month's quest is "creative-thinking" oriented... but predictably people would rather just smash their heads against a problem and then complain about it.

    "I'll show that brick wall!"
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    edited October 2018
    why don't explore master and heroic first, that's give enough resources to rank 5 ur 1★ symbiot which is very powerful. Even powerful than any other champs mcoc currently have.
  • ljballer22ljballer22 Member Posts: 153
    Imran wrote: »
    why don't explore master and heroic first, that's give enough resources to rank 5 ur 1★ symbiot which is very powerful. Even powerful than any other champs mcoc currently have.

    You can't get to rank 5 without doing at least one run through of epic. The most you can get is 23 Klyntar Katalyst between beginner and master and you need 24 to get to rank 5. However, rank 4 is still a beast.
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    R4 with a few extra enhancements that just Second Wind and Fighting Dirty (I like Harden, Mind Games, Quick Reflexes and Symbiotic Switch with In For The Kill) is beyond more than enough

    After that it’s an all or nothing Carnage with no blocking and bleed immune, a useless duck, and a fight with no buffs against the mystic guy.

    After that once through, beast up your buddy, and kill everything in the event quest
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Use the symbiod with true strike enchantment.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Unreal the crying about bosses in epic. Ever since gwen goes to the movies everyone thinks they are a top tier player. People who have barely become uncollected, haven't finished act 5 or spent an Odin to get past the collector think they should be able to steam roll content. Can't beat a boss blame others for having blade when they don't. The boss is immune to debuffs and the node only allows 30 seconds of fight before it kills you. Adapt and overcome or drop to a lower skill event. Cant wait for the sym event to start so we can see more of these posts
  • Bonze9Bonze9 Member Posts: 73
    Anyone that’s having issues with epic this month you really need to take a good hard look at you new pet and his buffs. Look, slam your head against that brick wall once. Spend some revives and pots(I needed one revive and a small handful of pots) to get your initial run finished on epic. Yea it kind of sucks but it will be worth it. Then go back and 100% master. You don’t have to do heroic this month so that means once you 100% master you will have enough resources to r5 your symbiod. After that epic is only as hard as you make it on yourself. He has counters to just about everything! At one point I got a little greedy and wanted to see how nasty he can be. Let’s just say the fights leading up to the last boss were 10 hits or less! So even counter tactics is easily dealt with. HE IS A MONSTER! Use him!
  • Bonze9Bonze9 Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2018
    Dshu wrote: »
    Unreal the crying about bosses in epic. Ever since gwen goes to the movies everyone thinks they are a top tier player. People who have barely become uncollected, haven't finished act 5 or spent an Odin to get past the collector think they should be able to steam roll content. Can't beat a boss blame others for having blade when they don't. The boss is immune to debuffs and the node only allows 30 seconds of fight before it kills you. Adapt and overcome or drop to a lower skill event. Cant wait for the sym event to start so we can see more of these posts

    @Dshu Hey bro, although I agree with you on some fronts of your post, I can say being a lower high end player(my prestige is only a measly 6100ish) not having blade up there makes things a little more difficult. Unfortunately he is a bit of an answer for a lot of content. Try not to be mean to those of us that don’t have him lol. That said there are other answers to content where blade is, not necessary, but makes it much easier. My wife has an 4/55 AA he helps a ton in most situations( I don’t have him either :( lol). Instead of chastising those that get frustrated because they don’t have a champ that makes the game easy how about help them? Since I don’t have blade or AA I Rely a lot on my Medusa sparky and gp. 6* Luke helps a ton as well. Just saying. There are other champs to get through content. Also your comment on the collector was a little off putting. I didn’t need even remotely close to an odins to 100% the collector. As a matter of fact I didn’t spend a single unit. Just furthering my point that there are always options to finishing content. And instead of berating lower players let’s help them? Just an idea...
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    There's plenty of threads here with a multitude of suggestions of what to do. I posted a video of how I take him down with KM even. Between the plethora of normal options you have, you have the summoned sym. Jesus if you can't do it with him you're just playing out of your league
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Crossbones demolished him for me in master. Currently exploring so I can rank up my symbiote to use his enhancements on the Uncollected version.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    @Bonze9 I'm not berating players for not having a certain champ. I get the frustration but like you said there are other answers and the forum is full of posts from guys who are crying that he is too hard. You obviously have learned to adapt and overcome the opponents put in front of you. Not sure how long you have been playing but I was one of the lucky people pre 12.0 to NOT have a SW. I watched all the posts from people half my level beating content with her using high crit teams. While blade is making certain content easier for people he isn't the cheat pre nerf sw was. My original champs were colossus (unduped) strange (I know he was God tier but damn the fights took forever) thor unduped ironman (unduped) and an assortment of 3* champs when I did act 4. You learn to adapt to the champs you have if you don't want to pass on content or you wait for better champs. People crying that content is to hard because they don't have blade doesn't change anything. I hope you pull aa brother he is far superior to blade in so many ways. Until then keep fighting because like you said there is always another answer to content.
    Ps if you don't have aa or blade gwenpool is another great choice and even if they are bleed immune she is one of the harder hitting champs in the game for base damage.
  • Bonze9Bonze9 Member Posts: 73
    @Dshu yea I am WAY pre 12.0. And like you I wasn’t lucky enough to have that sig99 4* SW. You’d be shocked at how much content I choose to clear with my 3* witch hahaha. I’m a bit of a leisure player so I’m fast to finish monthly content but I’ve been lazy about permanent stuff lol. I finished 100% master and epic the night before last but I still haven’t 100% all of act 5 lol. But back in the day I actually relied pretty heavily on my Crossbones for a TON of content. Before him I just smashed my head against that brick wall till it broke without the massive op pre 12.0 champs lol. I’m sorry for my comment about you berating, but when I read your original comment I took as being a little hostile. If that wasn’t your intention then I sincerely apologize!
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  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    I beat him in epic without any revives and I don't have blade
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    @Bonze9 no offense taken. I've been were these guys are and get their frustration but it's either sit around feeling sorry for yourself or find another answer with this game. I'd love to have had a crossbones back in the day. I quit out of quake challenge one fight from the end because I got frustrated. I'd love to go back and run it again for fun now that I've improved my skill with my old roster. I'm retired from a strongly competitive alliance now working with newer players to build skills and sometimes I may come across harsh. It's just frustrating to see all the posts saying I don't have blade it can't be done now days. I remember sw is the answer posts back in the day and posting pics showing yes she is a cheat but there are always other answers.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    I'm surprised they didn't make Symb Supreme the mystic counter to Blade...they should have made him negate his Danger Sense.
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