When is the next Gold event??!

How many of you think we need the Gold event back?? It's coming to a point where you have to sell unwanted class ISO to get gold DESPITE hours and hours of arena grinding!!
The rewards from Gwenpool goes to the movies and other events have resulted in more champions than usual (a welcome problem to have) but no equal increase in gold. Bring back the gold event please, Kabam
The rewards from Gwenpool goes to the movies and other events have resulted in more champions than usual (a welcome problem to have) but no equal increase in gold. Bring back the gold event please, Kabam
Pretty sure that starts next week, could be wrong
Yes sir but to get any meaningful gold, one needs to give up on their day job, evening walks and night duties. A gold event is more suitable
Wait. So Kabam gives you the new champs... And now you're asking for Gold to rank up the new champs?
Maybe you shouldn't have been given the new champs instead.
Gold isn't a problem. Uncontrolled ranking up is.
If you are not ranking the champions then why bother even getting it in the first place? Instead of learning to adjust with scarce resources, let's focus on finding ways to get resources
loan me some gold, and I'll throw you some 5k class iso
I am. Just not every single champ I get.
DAMN GOOD IDEA! Hope Kabam is seeing this and reading the thread
I hate this sort of comment. I hate the area and run as much as I can stand (which isn't much) but some people like the arena and still have lives. Personally my bottleneck is never getting any new champs to rank lol but I have a lot of gold without living in the arena. Maybe "I have a life" is easier than "I'm bad at resource management"
I agree. But wait, oh I forgot , You need ranked up champs to get a lot of gold from arenas. WHOOPS.