Is Rogue Good

SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
edited July 2017 in General Discussion
I have her as a 4 star. Your thoughts?

Is Rogue Good 146 votes

Kabam MiikeEtaki_LirakoiDNA3000GroundedWisdomDakine86NEONevvBDr_ARCHerSnakeEyes69GunzoSnizzbarGolden_GuardianAlfa_PigeonLeNoirFaineantMegaSkater67kunal_rules01Haji_SaabAtlasGrinderWorld Eater 127 votes
HeartlessSpiritOfVengeanceWarren75 3 votes
Carmel1stakAgentOfSHIELDFireballs5wSWeaponXTheMageHunterFedxxxxSamuel030sAnimatronics_to3XFA_RebootedGamerTmahanmaxGeo10megColonaut123Maldroit2Verminman 16 votes


  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    One of the best mutants imo
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Stop with the polls plz
  • MarvinMarvin Member Posts: 17
    She is amazing once you learn how to use her
  • SnakeEyes69SnakeEyes69 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    She's great!!! I have her r5 and she just kills it.
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    Hell yeah!!!
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    Her life steal and power steal are useful, also the debuff duration reduction is also really great for AW defense
  • vucachonvucachon Member Posts: 104
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    I have her r3 and plan to make either her, crossbones or duped yellow jacket my next r4. She's totally awesome.
  • FedxxxxFedxxxx Member Posts: 29
    Although I voted ok, I think she is one of the best mutant champs in the game. I meant to put in good. She is a beast with the life steal
  • AgentOfSHIELDAgentOfSHIELD Member Posts: 50
    I like my rogue a lot, but for a sustainable champion there are just better options rogue doesn't offer the utility of ghost rider or voodoo and can't match the healing of wolverine. Considering that she's 4th or 5th best at her job I'd say she's just OK, but prestige talks so she's still very much worth ranking up.
  • job1212job1212 Member Posts: 30
    she is good . but she should not be so good,, basically every hero with full body armor (like black panther ) would be immune
  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    Sadly she rarely crits with her s1 in aq these days... and this is with a 38% + too.

    With all the recent tech champ release, especially stark spider... RIP mutant classes ...
  • TheGamingLifeTheGamingLife Member Posts: 25
    Really reliable healing factor, great power steal plus she becomes insane when she is duped because she is then able to crit on her special attacks to either steal more health or drain more power. She is one of the best mutants with a very high pi, making a nice addition to your prestige. Lastly she shakes off all debuff effects 70% quicker I believe, making her great for bleed routes, poison routes and suicides (Double edge specifically).
    Hoped this helped :)
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  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 897 ★★★
    edited March 2018
    I'm not very happy with the amount of her life steal, but then I still need to dupe her. I'm sitting here debating whether her or Old Man Logan should go to R5, since I don't have X-23 or Wolverine. The decision should be easy, but it isn't. It seems like OML heals more when she's not duped. I'm really hoping she does not disappoint me if I take her to R5 first and the awaken her later. Dead post I know, but seriously what do you think I should do?
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    mbrace wrote: »
    I'm not very happy with the amount of her life steal, but then I still need to dupe her. I'm sitting here debating whether her or Old Man Logan should go to R5, since I don't have X-23 or Wolverine. The decision should be easy, but it isn't. It seems like OML heals more when she's not duped. I'm really hoping she does not disappoint me if I take her to R5 first and the awaken her later. Dead post I know, but seriously what do you think I should do?

    Well both are great champs, really is down to preference. I love my 5/50 Logan, he’s incredibly useful despite what people might say about him. Damage wise he is definitely superior to rogue and that regen is a lot better than you think. At rank 5 with salve and recovery I get around 4.5k health per minute. He’s useful for bleed nodes because he shrugs it and heals back up, pierces armour with sp1 for big damage with berserk, lots of bleed if you know how to use his sp2. I frequently have 6 or more stacks and combined the damage can be quite impressive. Overall I think he’s a great champ, main weakness is mystics in war but for AQ he’ll serve you well. Act 5 he’s been good in too.

    Rogue is also very good though, her life steal is decent, she has direct damage and her replicate is nice to have too. Steal fury, regen etc. She could hit much harder or get a permanent heal if used correctly. Can also steal power on her sp2 which will be handy in a lot of situations. Like Logan she can also be used on bleed nodes, she won’t shrug it as fast he would, but she can shrug any debuff faster not just bleed. Maxed limber basically makes her immune to stun. Really is a matter of preference I would say, you can’t go wrong with either imo.
  • Atticus9090Atticus9090 Member Posts: 521 ★★
    She is the exact counter to Iceman besides Sabertooth when he comes out. She is also just amazing in general with her power steal and life steal.
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    Rogue has gotten me through so much endgame content, I keep finding new uses for her. Even though you can't rely on life steal to crit, it still heals a huge amount if you steal a fury or regen. I've made numerous posts about how she counters buffet and spiked armor, and she is also super powerful on power reserve because of her sp2. She also shrugs off debuffs faster than groot, which makes her great against boss rush iceman. Definitely one of the top 5 mutants for me
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Appleisgod wrote: »
    Stop with the polls plz

    You should really make a poll on this, just to make sure stopping is the right choice 😂
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 897 ★★★
    Update: I did take 4* Rogue (unduped) to R5 instead of OML (duped). The reason is that at R4 for both, I was swapping these champs back and forth to weigh them apples to apples (except for the dupe part). While not an exact science, Rogue seemed to finish any given content (story/events) with generally full or near full health, while OML could end up low or dead at times. I guess it depends on how good you are able to play either of them. Also, I never thought about who Rogue was facing. She's basically a universal champ. Meanwhile, using OML against any bleed immunes concerned me. Those would drag out and usually cost me more health. I'll probably take OML up eventually if I never do get Wolverine, but we all know Tier 4 Class Catalyst is hard to come by. I'm stuck with just Rogue at R5 for now. No regrets!
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    I have Rogue 4/55 duped and she is an absolute monster. I bring her every AW, and she rarely dies. The power steal and life steal is great, she can do bleed nodes, poison nodes, and power gain nodes with that decreased buff duration and power steal. If you're low on health, spam that L1. I even go in with disadvantage to get off a couple more life steals.

    She does have to be duped to make that life steal game changing though, she can grab up to 5k duped. Unduped is around 1200 max.

    Lastly i boosted up against a 4/55 Magik on Immunity mini boss with max MD, she was able to takeout 93% of that Magik with the life steals. I saw shes pretty awesome.
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