Anyone else feel that Venompool was forgotten about this month?

Anyone else feel that with all the changes done to Carnage and Venom, that Venompool and symbiote Spider-Man should gotten some love too?
Maybe I need to play him more; I just duped him last week (pulled him from that crystal they were selling last week, while I was really hoping to dupe my Venom) but haven't used him much since.
He used to have a fairly unique ability (amongst cosmic champs, at least) to strip buffs, and use them to regenerate. Venom now has that exact ability, and much more besides.
All Venompool got this month was a bit of bleed synergy from Symbiote Supreme.
It Should be increased from a Max of 45% to a Max of 65-70% . The timer should be increased to every 10seconds to compensate
Also introduce a synergy that increases the potency of his buffs by 15% (unique)