Burst damage champs. Whoever you have that can do a lot of damage quickly. Sparky is one of the best. He’s got big damage output and the highest probability of evading the collectors special attacks which are damn near impossible.
When I 100% 5.2 I was able to get through the map and get the collector down using only 1 team revive on each of my last 2 lanes. I used
Make sure to use a champion boost and a HP boost at least. And only use 40% team revives. Don’t worry about pots since you die in 1 combo or 1 special regardless. Try to get in as many hits as you can and just swallow the fact that you are going to die several times and need to use revives. Most of my runs were between 20-30 hits per champ before dying. So bring your champs that can do the most damage quickly. No need for SL or any other ramp up champ like that. Hypes is a good option as well. But my mvp was sparky.
Take your best attack team, and make sure you have more than half the health on each champ. Save your sparky as the main killer. If you do this, one team revive should be enough to KO the collector. But you should be prepared mentally that your champs are going to die. So don't lose focus!
well 6* angela, 5* 4/55 hype, 4* 5/50 sparky. these champs are questionable dont know which ones to bring (quake 5* 4/55 or ms.marvel 5* 4/55 or 6* cap ww2 or 5* 4/55 starlord or 5* 4/55 ultron)
Fyi: don't bother wasting pots. Just use revives. It doesn't matter if you have 40% health or 100% health. You'll still die in the same amount of time.
Luke cage would survive a little bit more. His defund exhaustion inflicted at AI increase Luke’s damage output hits. When Collector is about to launch his sp1 or sp2 then be defenseless to trigger unbreakable buff and continue do some damage.
i used Iceman. kept pushing him to sp3. Got him down 3/4 health. then just went in with Gwenpool, SW, YJ and Hype. Iceman and Gwenpool were 3/45 while others were 5/50
If you have a duped hulk and a Thor Ragnarok, Hulk will be indestructible for the first chunk of the fight, and if you use one lvl 1 health pot and don’t parry initially, the first hit received will trigger indestructible. Heimdall synergy is good too. I didn’t have a duped Hulk when I fought him so LC was my MVP.
Don’t necessarily try to find a champ to out skill him; I promise he’s too fast for you rn. Just take advantage of his aggressive node and play Hail Marys on every fight. Assassin and courage are good masteries to get.
When I 100% 5.2 I was able to get through the map and get the collector down using only 1 team revive on each of my last 2 lanes. I used
4/55 blade
4/55 sparky
5/50 SW
4/55 killmonger
4/55 Medusa
Make sure to use a champion boost and a HP boost at least. And only use 40% team revives. Don’t worry about pots since you die in 1 combo or 1 special regardless. Try to get in as many hits as you can and just swallow the fact that you are going to die several times and need to use revives. Most of my runs were between 20-30 hits per champ before dying. So bring your champs that can do the most damage quickly. No need for SL or any other ramp up champ like that. Hypes is a good option as well. But my mvp was sparky.
4/55 GwenPool
4/55 Rulk
4/55 Yondu
5/50 StarLord
5/50 Venom or Scarlett
Sparky if played well could take him out with a few revivies
If your using sparky pots matter
dang how much items and units you used
Don’t necessarily try to find a champ to out skill him; I promise he’s too fast for you rn. Just take advantage of his aggressive node and play Hail Marys on every fight. Assassin and courage are good masteries to get.