How do I learn placements in wars?

Are there any useful videos/pages with info on what champs should go where, and who are useful defenders? I don't want to mess up my alliance with my lack of knowledge 

so my best advice to you is in two parts:
1) Talk to your alliance and find out which defenders they hate fighting
2) think about those abilities that make those defenders harder, and put those defenders on key nodes that amplify those abilities.
Seatin has a defender tier list that's pretty decent. don't really like shouting out youtuber's on here, but it's a fair assessment of what type of defenders cause problems in the top tiers of war.
good luck
5* 2/35 kingpin
5* 1/25 moon knight
5* 1/25 iron man
4* 4/40 angela
4* 4/40 civil warrior
4* 4/40 sabertooth
4* 4/like 10 idk for sure wolverine
4* ghost rider i'm currently working on ranking up to 4/40, currently about halfway through rank 3
All unduped
Those are the main champs I'm thinking about using for AW, from what I've seen I was thinking Kingpin for sure as a defender, and maybe civil warrior, but otherwise I'm not super confident in my champs.
(sorry for no screenshots right now, I'll try and post some later, also my alliance is in Silver if that helps knowing what nodes are there?)
I would use Kingpin on a fury node, or a increased ability trigger node; Civil Warrior on the node that increases special damage based on armor, Moon Knight can be good with an enhanced bleed node. Sparky is probably better on offense but he can be annoying on defense too if put on a crit boost node or an enhanced abilities node
abom on poison node is just a waste. gotta hide him if you want to utilize him. people know full well going into that fight to bring a poison immune champ. so kind of a waste. Put abom on path 1 or 3