Klyntar Strand sell back?!?!

So it looks the going rate, according to Kabam, for Klyntar Strands are 25 for 100 units.... so being that I’ve completed symbiotic difficulty and have over 200 remaining are we going to be able to sell these back or get some trade compensation for them??? Obviously I’m reaching for the stars here, but if you spent units to buy them or the time grinding to collect them (and most likely spent units on energy refills and whatnot), is it too much to ask to get a partial return on the back end, LOL?!?!

That would be awesome if they did, but no way we will get this kinda deal selling the strands back. Probably get 1 gold per Klyntar strand left over. 😂
i know
Standard fights 5-10 hits
Boss fights 15-20 hits
Already bought the boosts I need for the last path..
So I'm left with 400 strands PAY UP KABAM I'm not greedy so I'll sell you 25 strands for 99 units :-P lol..
Ahh we can all wish..
If Kabam sells 25 for 100 units what makes you think you’d get the same rate? Lol. Even 50% would be a bit high. But 200 units per 100 strands would be awesome.