Vision 5,000 units offer [Merged Threads]



  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    Omni wrote: »
    Noob and viper stop arguing I’m getting notifications and neither of you are quoting me. Agree to disagree and @ContestOfNoobs go to sleep it’s like 6 am in Italy

    Leave my personal time out of this, it has nothing to do with you.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Omni wrote: »
    Noob and viper stop arguing I’m getting notifications and neither of you are quoting me. Agree to disagree and @ContestOfNoobs go to sleep it’s like 6 am in Italy

    Va a letto, o bischero! :D
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    So... shouldn't we be happy?

    Yoi might be but im furious

    Yeah I’m furious too!

    3 months back I bought a pair of shoes and today, when I went back to the store today, it was on 30% discount! To top it off, it will come with a pair of free shoe laces! Made me so mad!!

    Do you think I should complain to the store and demand that they refund the price difference?
    You bought a pair of $500 shoes then they went down to less than $200 in only a few months?!?!? I'd be pissed at that too. You are comparing $50 shoes to a $500 offer.

    When you bought the shoe at $500 you felt it was a fair deal. No one forced you to buy it. No one.

    Now it’s on discount, you’re complaining about the choice YOU made a few months back. Lol.

    Have you been using him for the past few months? If yes, then don’t complain. If no, then well.. sad to hear that but it was your choice to buy him when you had no use for him.
  • LoganLogan Member Posts: 143 ★★
    The people who are furious or salty are the same people who cause these dumb offers to be "offered" we can't even get a class specific 5* gem yet while 6* champs are out they are milking people as long as they can just stop buying! Capitalism 101 if the market allows for it you will pay for it. What the heck are you going to do with a 5* vissy anyway, cant wait for 5* Witch to some for the desperate lol
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Man I love my 4* Vision. He got me through tons of content. While I'm tempted buy him this time I just can't force myself. The 5* has better damage by a little but he's sort of a low damage output champ to begin with. He would have to be R4 or more to be of any real use also. The biggest problem I have about buying him is the Meta of the game has shifted and he's not as useful as he once was. He'll probably be great for act 6 but war is the primary focus and I don't see him helping me there more than my current team or other champs. Good luck to whomever buys him though, he's probably one of the most fluid champs to play with. I miss using my 4*.
  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    Not interested in that offer. If I had him though, and the offer would pop up if I want to sell him for 10,000 units, I would go for it in a blink of an eye
  • MrOnizukaMrOnizuka Member Posts: 121
    $500+1 odin unduped earlier this year and now $200 for duped R3.. next year? Maybe $100, who knows? Sometimes offers are extremely good and sometimes its rip-offs. Depending on your rosters and preferences, decide wisely.
    I will skip this since I just pulled a 5* CG from sym difficulty featured crystals. I will use my units on contents and good offers like t4cc/t5b/t2a. My account is currently 4months old and I never spent any units on crystals.
  • Stevie_Stars1Stevie_Stars1 Member Posts: 253
    xNig wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    So... shouldn't we be happy?

    Yoi might be but im furious

    Yeah I’m furious too!

    3 months back I bought a pair of shoes and today, when I went back to the store today, it was on 30% discount! To top it off, it will come with a pair of free shoe laces! Made me so mad!!

    Do you think I should complain to the store and demand that they refund the price difference?
    You bought a pair of $500 shoes then they went down to less than $200 in only a few months?!?!? I'd be pissed at that too. You are comparing $50 shoes to a $500 offer.

    When you bought the shoe at $500 you felt it was a fair deal. No one forced you to buy it. No one.

    Now it’s on discount, you’re complaining about the choice YOU made a few months back. Lol.

    Have you been using him for the past few months? If yes, then don’t complain. If no, then well.. sad to hear that but it was your choice to buy him when you had no use for him.

    I want you to seriously and I mean for just one second open that mind of yours and put yourself in the 'shoes' of the people who bought that deal. You have no clue of the circumstances that allowed them to buy it so remove any aggression you are feeling towards someone you only THINK is a quote unquote "whale" (which I am most definitely not) and consider how those people are feeling watching hundreds of dollars wash down the drain for something they were sold as this super exclusive deal. It really really sucks.

    I would have NO problem if the deal continued periodically. I wouldn't even mind that it includes all the other stuff the first deal didnt. I think, just my opinion and these chats have a TON of opinions, that the cost should have always been the same as the first time. People are responding on here that you DONT have to pay for the deal but you can grind and save units. Fine save units.. Save after you saw the last deal but I dont think that it should have had such a LARGE drop in price. It is a total slap to those who either did save units for or bought the last deal.

    I am not a whale so buying that deal was meant to help my s### roster at the time as I loved playing the game and having a dope Vision on my team was going to be sick and I knew it would raise some eyebrow. I'd deal with those raised eyebrows and the cost eventually. Now.... it was basically for nothing going forward. Money down the drain.... oh, and rank up material down the drain.... awakening gem down the drain. Hard earned items down the drain. That's why this sucks.
  • Reaper213Reaper213 Member Posts: 167
    Not every offer is for everyone. This is a great offer imo. He’s great unduped and amazing duped. People should just stop complaining about every deal that comes out. Spend if you want, don’t if you don’t. But having a dual immune with power drain is op for my account. Every little bit helps
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited October 2018
    xNig wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    So... shouldn't we be happy?

    Yoi might be but im furious

    Yeah I’m furious too!

    3 months back I bought a pair of shoes and today, when I went back to the store today, it was on 30% discount! To top it off, it will come with a pair of free shoe laces! Made me so mad!!

    Do you think I should complain to the store and demand that they refund the price difference?
    You bought a pair of $500 shoes then they went down to less than $200 in only a few months?!?!? I'd be pissed at that too. You are comparing $50 shoes to a $500 offer.

    When you bought the shoe at $500 you felt it was a fair deal. No one forced you to buy it. No one.

    Now it’s on discount, you’re complaining about the choice YOU made a few months back. Lol.

    Have you been using him for the past few months? If yes, then don’t complain. If no, then well.. sad to hear that but it was your choice to buy him when you had no use for him.

    I want you to seriously and I mean for just one second open that mind of yours and put yourself in the 'shoes' of the people who bought that deal. You have no clue of the circumstances that allowed them to buy it so remove any aggression you are feeling towards someone you only THINK is a quote unquote "whale" (which I am most definitely not) and consider how those people are feeling watching hundreds of dollars wash down the drain for something they were sold as this super exclusive deal. It really really sucks.

    I would have NO problem if the deal continued periodically. I wouldn't even mind that it includes all the other stuff the first deal didnt. I think, just my opinion and these chats have a TON of opinions, that the cost should have always been the same as the first time. People are responding on here that you DONT have to pay for the deal but you can grind and save units. Fine save units.. Save after you saw the last deal but I dont think that it should have had such a LARGE drop in price. It is a total slap to those who either did save units for or bought the last deal.

    I am not a whale so buying that deal was meant to help my s### roster at the time as I loved playing the game and having a dope Vision on my team was going to be sick and I knew it would raise some eyebrow. I'd deal with those raised eyebrows and the cost eventually. Now.... it was basically for nothing going forward. Money down the drain.... oh, and rank up material down the drain.... awakening gem down the drain. Hard earned items down the drain. That's why this sucks.

    That's true. The feeling will definitely suck.

    On the other hand, from what you've said, you bought that offer at that time as you knew it will help your roster and he would have made your team sick. So over the months you have already used him to clear content, facilitate war path clearing and build up your account.

    Where would your account be if you didn't purchase him at that price at that point of time? So now after using him for a few months and he helped you clear content and build your account, you're saying he's not worth the $500 you spent? Do you also think you should be refunded the price difference? If yes, are you willing to rewind all the progress you've made in your account since acquiring him?

    (Edit: You also didn't mention that you have R5ed him, which also means he is one of your main attackers in AW.)
  • Ingi_Freyr1975Ingi_Freyr1975 Member Posts: 175
    I just wish they would have included more gold in the offer, I mean 100K doesn't do much for rank-up purposes.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    I don’t know why Kabam insists on releasing such absurd offers that are outrageously priced. I feel like whoever is running things never went to business school. Is it more profitable to have 500 people buy something for $300 or 50,000 people buy something for $50? Unless their goal really is to keep Vision exclusive and only in as few hands as possible. Then job well done.

    How long have you been playing?

    Have you been to business school?

    You do know mcoc has been very successful in making money in this game and this game has been up and running for a long time in its lifetime.

    Next thing you know t5cc will be very expensive/hard to get. People will also complain how much those are gonna be And next thing you know we will all be chasing t6basic.

    Top alliances in master/platinum are competing for t5b but i garantee u that t5b will be a free calender item in 2-3 years from now.

    Compare this oicture below

    Top is 4th of july offer, and its 1 of the best deals came out this year.

    Bottom is a picture of a deal that came out like almost 2months ago.

    And just wait for a 4th of july deal for 2019.


    I’ve been playing since the start so no need to lecture me on Kabam economics. I know they can charge what they want because the whales will buy anything to stay on top. You completely missed my point though, which still stands. If they were to drop the prices of their offers they would stand to be more profitable. This isn’t a company that manufactures actual goods so catering to 50,000 is just as easy/costly as 500.

    Your screenshot is also irrelevant. I’m not sure what your point is. The offers get “better”? If that’s your point, that opinion is relative to the person looking at the offers. For most people nothing in a mobile game is worth $100+. The point I was trying to express was if they lowered the prices on most of their offers, there would be more interested consumers. And not that it matters, but I am an accountant, so yes, I’ve learned my share of business.

    They do, u should know value of 4* 2 years,1 years ago, the have decreased but prices have also decreased for them.

    Over a year ago 4* for $30 was a decent price
    This year they have offered 2 4* for 30 and 3 4* for 30$

    Remember when 5* shards 1 unit per crystal ratio? If u played this game as long as u said you said you would know.

    5* have had so much value until 6* have been released. And slowly 5* are becoming more accessible and easier to get.

    You should know the games life and plan is to continually grow and progress vey slowly.
    If you played from the beginning you should know that when t6b and t5cc they will be sold for top value and or very hard competitive modes like aw.

    The only way to get more t5b than everyone else is either buying those very expensive deals for them and/or playing in high tiers of alliance war.

    From the 4th of july deal they “value” a full t5b for $300,

    $100 get + all bonus stuff
    15,00 t5b
    3100 units
    5* crystal
    2/3 t2alpha

    Then they release offer of same price
    $100 for
    4,500 t5b
    40 t4cc crystals is nothing.
    And thats all you get.

    They cut the price of getting vision from 15,000 units down to 5,000 units. You should know they sold 4* vision “only” being sold if purchased for $100 usa dollars to being able to be purchased with units for 4,000 units in 2017. But who would spend 4,000 units for a 4* og vision in 2018? When in 2018 theres 5* vision.

    You would think this offer was rip off if it was offered in 2018.

    But when 4* still had alot of value this was a gold deal. Alot of people “saved” units, instead of flat out buying 4* vision as a money only option.


    From time span of 6 months and 3 aw seasons, witch most people use this vision for his utility.

    You could wait another 6months and maybe kabam will release vision offer again for even cheaper, but you have to ask urself where will the economy of mcoc be?

    Once again you’re completely missing the point.

    Kabam will not devalue 5* and how rare a champion is, we are slowly moving onto 6* shard deals.

    But since u know alot about business, you should really apply to kabam and get ahold of people in kabam business about these deals, and give community something worth buying then,

    I am sure alot of people would want a reasonabke price for 5/6* nowadays, if u price them much cheaper, but as soon as u value said crystal/deal thats what people will go buy.


    2years ago
    1 odin get u a bonus 4* witch at the time was a really good deal...

    Last year
    $30 for 4* was a decent deal

    This year
    $30 for 4* is bad deal

    Next year
    $30 for 4* is a horrible deal

    That entirely depends on whose perspective it is. We can look at our own personal value of a 4*, based on where we are at in the game, and say it's bad because we have constant access to 4*s, focus on Ranking 5*s, and are working on a 6* Roster. The problem is, Offers are not just for one demographic. To someone earlier on in the game who is building a 4* Roster, it's more valuable. It's completely subjective. I think there's a tendency to generalize the value of something from our own perspective, but the actual value is not always congruent with that.
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,937 ★★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    So... shouldn't we be happy?

    Yoi might be but im furious

    Yeah I’m furious too!

    3 months back I bought a pair of shoes and today, when I went back to the store today, it was on 30% discount! To top it off, it will come with a pair of free shoe laces! Made me so mad!!

    Do you think I should complain to the store and demand that they refund the price difference?
    You bought a pair of $500 shoes then they went down to less than $200 in only a few months?!?!? I'd be pissed at that too. You are comparing $50 shoes to a $500 offer.

    When you bought the shoe at $500 you felt it was a fair deal. No one forced you to buy it. No one.

    Now it’s on discount, you’re complaining about the choice YOU made a few months back. Lol.

    Have you been using him for the past few months? If yes, then don’t complain. If no, then well.. sad to hear that but it was your choice to buy him when you had no use for him.

    I want you to seriously and I mean for just one second open that mind of yours and put yourself in the 'shoes' of the people who bought that deal. You have no clue of the circumstances that allowed them to buy it so remove any aggression you are feeling towards someone you only THINK is a quote unquote "whale" (which I am most definitely not) and consider how those people are feeling watching hundreds of dollars wash down the drain for something they were sold as this super exclusive deal. It really really sucks.

    I would have NO problem if the deal continued periodically. I wouldn't even mind that it includes all the other stuff the first deal didnt. I think, just my opinion and these chats have a TON of opinions, that the cost should have always been the same as the first time. People are responding on here that you DONT have to pay for the deal but you can grind and save units. Fine save units.. Save after you saw the last deal but I dont think that it should have had such a LARGE drop in price. It is a total slap to those who either did save units for or bought the last deal.

    I am not a whale so buying that deal was meant to help my s### roster at the time as I loved playing the game and having a dope Vision on my team was going to be sick and I knew it would raise some eyebrow. I'd deal with those raised eyebrows and the cost eventually. Now.... it was basically for nothing going forward. Money down the drain.... oh, and rank up material down the drain.... awakening gem down the drain. Hard earned items down the drain. That's why this sucks.

    Sorry stevie but sadly, u did choose to buy it. No one forced u, so sick it up, learn from this experience and move on.

    If it makes u feel any better, I went through same thing when I was new here. Day after I bought 'all fathers odin' vault, they had a sale. When I complained to kabam and said I deserved a 5* hero for it as compensation (lol), they said no.

    So I learned from my mistake. You, as active as u r on the forum, should know most deals r not worth the money, especially that much for that little. The only really good deal all year so far was the July 4th deal. All others, including this recent 5* vision deal, was not worth it. Hopefully Thanksgiving and x-mas deals r worth it as I'm holding out for them.
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    Would you mind if i used this thread for arguement purposes when I try to straight trade my iphone 6 in for an Xs max at the apple store?
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    I don’t know why Kabam insists on releasing such absurd offers that are outrageously priced. I feel like whoever is running things never went to business school. Is it more profitable to have 500 people buy something for $300 or 50,000 people buy something for $50? Unless their goal really is to keep Vision exclusive and only in as few hands as possible. Then job well done.

    How long have you been playing?

    Have you been to business school?

    You do know mcoc has been very successful in making money in this game and this game has been up and running for a long time in its lifetime.

    Next thing you know t5cc will be very expensive/hard to get. People will also complain how much those are gonna be And next thing you know we will all be chasing t6basic.

    Top alliances in master/platinum are competing for t5b but i garantee u that t5b will be a free calender item in 2-3 years from now.

    Compare this oicture below

    Top is 4th of july offer, and its 1 of the best deals came out this year.

    Bottom is a picture of a deal that came out like almost 2months ago.

    And just wait for a 4th of july deal for 2019.


    I’ve been playing since the start so no need to lecture me on Kabam economics. I know they can charge what they want because the whales will buy anything to stay on top. You completely missed my point though, which still stands. If they were to drop the prices of their offers they would stand to be more profitable. This isn’t a company that manufactures actual goods so catering to 50,000 is just as easy/costly as 500.

    Your screenshot is also irrelevant. I’m not sure what your point is. The offers get “better”? If that’s your point, that opinion is relative to the person looking at the offers. For most people nothing in a mobile game is worth $100+. The point I was trying to express was if they lowered the prices on most of their offers, there would be more interested consumers. And not that it matters, but I am an accountant, so yes, I’ve learned my share of business.

    They do, u should know value of 4* 2 years,1 years ago, the have decreased but prices have also decreased for them.

    Over a year ago 4* for $30 was a decent price
    This year they have offered 2 4* for 30 and 3 4* for 30$

    Remember when 5* shards 1 unit per crystal ratio? If u played this game as long as u said you said you would know.

    5* have had so much value until 6* have been released. And slowly 5* are becoming more accessible and easier to get.

    You should know the games life and plan is to continually grow and progress vey slowly.
    If you played from the beginning you should know that when t6b and t5cc they will be sold for top value and or very hard competitive modes like aw.

    The only way to get more t5b than everyone else is either buying those very expensive deals for them and/or playing in high tiers of alliance war.

    From the 4th of july deal they “value” a full t5b for $300,

    $100 get + all bonus stuff
    15,00 t5b
    3100 units
    5* crystal
    2/3 t2alpha

    Then they release offer of same price
    $100 for
    4,500 t5b
    40 t4cc crystals is nothing.
    And thats all you get.

    They cut the price of getting vision from 15,000 units down to 5,000 units. You should know they sold 4* vision “only” being sold if purchased for $100 usa dollars to being able to be purchased with units for 4,000 units in 2017. But who would spend 4,000 units for a 4* og vision in 2018? When in 2018 theres 5* vision.

    You would think this offer was rip off if it was offered in 2018.

    But when 4* still had alot of value this was a gold deal. Alot of people “saved” units, instead of flat out buying 4* vision as a money only option.


    From time span of 6 months and 3 aw seasons, witch most people use this vision for his utility.

    You could wait another 6months and maybe kabam will release vision offer again for even cheaper, but you have to ask urself where will the economy of mcoc be?

    Once again you’re completely missing the point.

    Kabam will not devalue 5* and how rare a champion is, we are slowly moving onto 6* shard deals.

    But since u know alot about business, you should really apply to kabam and get ahold of people in kabam business about these deals, and give community something worth buying then,

    I am sure alot of people would want a reasonabke price for 5/6* nowadays, if u price them much cheaper, but as soon as u value said crystal/deal thats what people will go buy.


    2years ago
    1 odin get u a bonus 4* witch at the time was a really good deal...

    Last year
    $30 for 4* was a decent deal

    This year
    $30 for 4* is bad deal

    Next year
    $30 for 4* is a horrible deal

    That entirely depends on whose perspective it is. We can look at our own personal value of a 4*, based on where we are at in the game, and say it's bad because we have constant access to 4*s, focus on Ranking 5*s, and are working on a 6* Roster. The problem is, Offers are not just for one demographic. To someone earlier on in the game who is building a 4* Roster, it's more valuable. It's completely subjective. I think there's a tendency to generalize the value of something from our own perspective, but the actual value is not always congruent with that.

    We are looking at the value of characters at the current state of the game, when those deals came out they was really good at the time.

    The current state of the game is progressing to people having r4/5 5* while slowly peopple are accumlating 6* roster

    Seatin “free to play” account already has
    3 6* and growing. You should atleast have 1/2 6* by now if you started playing around when he made that account

    I have done every single uncollected, and competed in high alliance wars, and also have amassed a good 5* size.

    Its not my fault u are not progressing. And thus you prob value 5* more than me.

    Thus making future deals like upcoming black friday/cyber monday will prob mean more to u than me, as i am wanting to progress by just wanting more 5* dupes and 6* characters...
    (Us end game players want a 6* corvus for example)

    Alot of players who have been playing for a decent amount of time know resources for 5* shards accumation was verg different over 1 year ago, it was much harder to collect and 6* never existed and there was no 5* r5 out yet, so we thought 5* r5 was gonna be end game.

    But now 6* will be future in 1-2 years from now, just have to wait till t5cc comes out and how much “value” kabam puts them by.

    We are competing for end game reaources in aw, as my alliance placed top 20 masters to get best t5b rewards, to progress...

    But i garantee u in 2 years t5b will be a free calender item and we aill be chasing t6b
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    I must be missing something in the math here. If an odin gives 3100 units, and is $100, so 3 odin's is only 9300 units, and both deals cost 10k, it would take 3.22 odins.

    So why do i keep seeing people referencing only $200 vs $500 from the previous deal?
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    edited October 2018
    dkatryl wrote: »
    I must be missing something in the math here. If an odin gives 3100 units, and is $100, so 3 odin's is only 9300 units, and both deals cost 10k, it would take 3.22 odins.

    So why do i keep seeing people referencing only $200 vs $500 from the previous deal?

    When he originaly came out

    15,000 units

    Now u can buy him the exact same deal..

    5,000 units

    You can also pay an addition vision
    For the same price...+ rank up materials

    5,000 units.

    Its the fact you had to spend 15,000 units first to unlock him unduped....there was no way to dupe him unless you use your gem, signature stones and ranks up materials when he first came out.

    But this time you can get chracter twice for 5,000 units each, awakening him = getting full dupe with 20 sig. rather than using awakening gem witch only gives u 1 sig.

  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    His value 6month ago and got to use him 6months n advance for aw/questing/aq etc.

    15,000 units per vision

    (No chance for a dupe, all other materials solely rely on the buyer to awaken the champ)

    Price 6months (today)
    5,000 units per vision
    (you could buy him twice)

    Price 6months from today?
    It “should” be cheaper.

    But as today kabam has set price for vision right now for 5,000 units.
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    edited October 2018
    Yes, 15000 units is 5 odins

    But 10k units isnt 2 odins, it's 3.2 odins.

    So my question is why do i keep seeing $500 vs $200 when it should be $500 vs $322?

    Or are they only talking about the first 5k, ignoring the 2nd one?

    I didnt bother with the 15000 unit deal, since it cost actual money, but i had over 10k units, so i got both recent deals, as i grind arenas and getting units isnt too hard (im already back over 1000)
  • Stevie_Stars1Stevie_Stars1 Member Posts: 253
    xNig wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    So... shouldn't we be happy?

    Yoi might be but im furious

    Yeah I’m furious too!

    3 months back I bought a pair of shoes and today, when I went back to the store today, it was on 30% discount! To top it off, it will come with a pair of free shoe laces! Made me so mad!!

    Do you think I should complain to the store and demand that they refund the price difference?
    You bought a pair of $500 shoes then they went down to less than $200 in only a few months?!?!? I'd be pissed at that too. You are comparing $50 shoes to a $500 offer.

    When you bought the shoe at $500 you felt it was a fair deal. No one forced you to buy it. No one.

    Now it’s on discount, you’re complaining about the choice YOU made a few months back. Lol.

    Have you been using him for the past few months? If yes, then don’t complain. If no, then well.. sad to hear that but it was your choice to buy him when you had no use for him.

    I want you to seriously and I mean for just one second open that mind of yours and put yourself in the 'shoes' of the people who bought that deal. You have no clue of the circumstances that allowed them to buy it so remove any aggression you are feeling towards someone you only THINK is a quote unquote "whale" (which I am most definitely not) and consider how those people are feeling watching hundreds of dollars wash down the drain for something they were sold as this super exclusive deal. It really really sucks.

    I would have NO problem if the deal continued periodically. I wouldn't even mind that it includes all the other stuff the first deal didnt. I think, just my opinion and these chats have a TON of opinions, that the cost should have always been the same as the first time. People are responding on here that you DONT have to pay for the deal but you can grind and save units. Fine save units.. Save after you saw the last deal but I dont think that it should have had such a LARGE drop in price. It is a total slap to those who either did save units for or bought the last deal.

    I am not a whale so buying that deal was meant to help my s### roster at the time as I loved playing the game and having a dope Vision on my team was going to be sick and I knew it would raise some eyebrow. I'd deal with those raised eyebrows and the cost eventually. Now.... it was basically for nothing going forward. Money down the drain.... oh, and rank up material down the drain.... awakening gem down the drain. Hard earned items down the drain. That's why this sucks.

    That's true. The feeling will definitely suck.

    On the other hand, from what you've said, you bought that offer at that time as you knew it will help your roster and he would have made your team sick. So over the months you have already used him to clear content, facilitate war path clearing and build up your account.

    Where would your account be if you didn't purchase him at that price at that point of time? So now after using him for a few months and he helped you clear content and build your account, you're saying he's not worth the $500 you spent? Do you also think you should be refunded the price difference? If yes, are you willing to rewind all the progress you've made in your account since acquiring him?

    (Edit: You also didn't mention that you have R5ed him, which also means he is one of your main attackers in AW.)

    I said the opposite. I believe he should at least maintain the cost that he was before but if they want to give the other items as well with him it wouldn't bother me.

    I'm also not sure how asking for any units to he refunded devalues what he did for me though.

    How do you know that I r5'd him. I didnt mention that.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    dkatryl wrote: »
    Yes, 15000 units is 5 odins

    But 10k units isnt 2 odins, it's 3.2 odins.

    So my question is why do i keep seeing $500 vs $200 when it should be $500 vs $322?

    Or are they only talking about the first 5k, ignoring the 2nd one?

    I didnt bother with the 15000 unit deal, since it cost actual money, but i had over 10k units, so i got both recent deals, as i grind arenas and getting units isnt too hard (im already back over 1000)

    Talking about the first offer only. Since the 15,000 unit offer before was an unduped Vision, people are comparing like offers. It’s 1/3 of the price today what it was 6 months ago. And on top of that, even if you got both offers, you would’ve gotten a duped Vision for less than you would’ve gotten an unduped Vision for before.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    In my opinion, the whales got the 15,000 vision, the whales will again get a 10,000 unit double vision.
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    In my opinion, the whales got the 15,000 vision, the whales will again get a 10,000 unit double vision.

    Certainly true regarding the first one, because you HAD to buy the Odin's, iirc.

    The second one, I'm sure a fair amount of people purchase the required units with cash, but since it was simply for units, those that had been saving units, such as myself, could just buy it.

    I'd be curious to see the breakdown of those that saved vs purchased units.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all,

    Thanks for the feedback in this thread! While we can understand that some may feel some disappointment surrounding the change in the Vision package this time around, we wanted to point out that things in The Contest are constantly evolving and progressing and at times this can even include the price points of in-game offers. For those that may have purchased this offer the first time around, we made sure to include a brand new Vision rank-up materials offer that both new and old Vision owners alike can purchase if they wish. If this doesn’t appeal to you or you’ve already fully ranked Vision up, never fear - we are constantly looking at new offers to bring to The Contest, and odds are we may have one in the future that is more to your liking!
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