Its good to horde units. Proff on YouTube got both deals, not one penny spent of real money. There are a lot of high , near end game players who have thounds of units horded from arena and else where, this a deal for them or someone that can offered it. So this is kind of like the equivalent of somebody useing their reward points from their credit card to buy a $5,000 Prada bag.
U also forgot that crystal whale gave him like 25k+ units for giving/feeding crystal whale subs.
Still a ridiculous price just not as bad as last time. Kabams marketing department need firing. Do they think we are all millionaires, or just addicted game junkies who will spend and regret it later when its to late. If they halfed the price they'd sell more and make more £$
Idk, this is one of the most financially successful mobile games ever. They don't care if most people refuse to spend money on the game. They just need enough whales to make everything worthwhile.
I had just a smidge over 10k units, gained predominantly from Arenas, as I clear milestones on both 4* Basic and Featured. Add in the occasional burst of units from my GM Arena crystals, plus the random 25 here and there from solo/alliance events. So I basically average ~600 units a week, if not a bit more, and had been passing on any deals for months. (Basically, the last Antman/Wasp challenge that got us the Triumph-Ant title.)
It hurt a bit to drop 10k in a single whack like that, but considering the 2nd half of the deal effectively paid for:
3x t4cc
6x t4b
10x t1a
Sig 20
24 t5 class iso
If I still had my tech gem I'd get him, I have 4716 units and hundreds of thousands of battle chips but I don't so I won't be buying an unawakened vision
3 months back I bought a pair of shoes and today, when I went back to the store today, it was on 30% discount! To top it off, it will come with a pair of free shoe laces! Made me so mad!!
Do you think I should complain to the store and demand that they refund the price difference?
what i really wanna know.
why is there no 3* vision for sale like every other time vision has come out?
i am a collector but unfortunately missed out on him last time.
i am only missing ogv and iif.
PLEASE KABAM can you release 3* vision for sale again....
3 months back I bought a pair of shoes and today, when I went back to the store today, it was on 30% discount! To top it off, it will come with a pair of free shoe laces! Made me so mad!!
Do you think I should complain to the store and demand that they refund the price difference?
You bought a pair of $500 shoes then they went down to less than $200 in only a few months?!?!? I'd be pissed at that too. You are comparing $50 shoes to a $500 offer.
Its good to horde units. Proff on YouTube got both deals, not one penny spent of real money. There are a lot of high , near end game players who have thounds of units horded from arena and else where, this a deal for them or someone that can offered it. So this is kind of like the equivalent of somebody useing their reward points from their credit card to buy a $5,000 Prada bag.
Prof makes a living playing this game. If not a good part of his is playing this game to broadcast and most likely get income from it so yeah.... He may have those units
I don’t know why Kabam insists on releasing such absurd offers that are outrageously priced. I feel like whoever is running things never went to business school. Is it more profitable to have 500 people buy something for $300 or 50,000 people buy something for $50? Unless their goal really is to keep Vision exclusive and only in as few hands as possible. Then job well done.
I'd like to get him but only have enough units to get the first 5000 offer (after I grind for 150 more in the next 24 hours).
Would it be wiser to save up another 5000 units and hope this offer returns or just buy the first part of the offer now?
I was saving up for the 4* version but this is too tempting. Took it as I have sufficient units. Hopefully, it will be good investment till I accumulate units again. I am happy it is not happening after a gifting event.
I don’t know why Kabam insists on releasing such absurd offers that are outrageously priced. I feel like whoever is running things never went to business school. Is it more profitable to have 500 people buy something for $300 or 50,000 people buy something for $50? Unless their goal really is to keep Vision exclusive and only in as few hands as possible. Then job well done.
How long have you been playing?
Have you been to business school?
You do know mcoc has been very successful in making money in this game and this game has been up and running for a long time in its lifetime.
Next thing you know t5cc will be very expensive/hard to get. People will also complain how much those are gonna be And next thing you know we will all be chasing t6basic.
Top alliances in master/platinum are competing for t5b but i garantee u that t5b will be a free calender item in 2-3 years from now.
Compare this oicture below
Top is 4th of july offer, and its 1 of the best deals came out this year.
Bottom is a picture of a deal that came out like almost 2months ago.
Vision AOU is far better than him
He steal power and can chain combos
You need OG vision at a very high duped level to be effective otherwise it's a waste of units
I don’t know why Kabam insists on releasing such absurd offers that are outrageously priced. I feel like whoever is running things never went to business school. Is it more profitable to have 500 people buy something for $300 or 50,000 people buy something for $50? Unless their goal really is to keep Vision exclusive and only in as few hands as possible. Then job well done.
How long have you been playing?
Have you been to business school?
You do know mcoc has been very successful in making money in this game and this game has been up and running for a long time in its lifetime.
Next thing you know t5cc will be very expensive/hard to get. People will also complain how much those are gonna be And next thing you know we will all be chasing t6basic.
Top alliances in master/platinum are competing for t5b but i garantee u that t5b will be a free calender item in 2-3 years from now.
Compare this oicture below
Top is 4th of july offer, and its 1 of the best deals came out this year.
Bottom is a picture of a deal that came out like almost 2months ago.
And just wait for a 4th of july deal for 2019.
I’ve been playing since the start so no need to lecture me on Kabam economics. I know they can charge what they want because the whales will buy anything to stay on top. You completely missed my point though, which still stands. If they were to drop the prices of their offers they would stand to be more profitable. This isn’t a company that manufactures actual goods so catering to 50,000 is just as easy/costly as 500.
Your screenshot is also irrelevant. I’m not sure what your point is. The offers get “better”? If that’s your point, that opinion is relative to the person looking at the offers. For most people nothing in a mobile game is worth $100+. The point I was trying to express was if they lowered the prices on most of their offers, there would be more interested consumers. And not that it matters, but I am an accountant, so yes, I’ve learned my share of business.
You could easily have 5k units and not spent a dime it in the game. This is like 13 GMCs guys buy those like hot cakes (for some reason 🙄) this is an excellent offer compared to those.
The offers don’t always get better they fluctuate. Sometimes they improve other times they regress. Doesn’t make sense to go backwards from a logical progression standpoint but if kabam wants to hire me as a pricing consultant dm me @Kabam Miike
I am free to play and actually have 9900 + unit hoarded in preparation for Act 5. My worry about this deal is whether Vision at sig 20 rank 3 is viable for more difficult content. I am a mid level player with no stone or T2 alpha to bring him further.
I don’t know why Kabam insists on releasing such absurd offers that are outrageously priced. I feel like whoever is running things never went to business school. Is it more profitable to have 500 people buy something for $300 or 50,000 people buy something for $50? Unless their goal really is to keep Vision exclusive and only in as few hands as possible. Then job well done.
How long have you been playing?
Have you been to business school?
You do know mcoc has been very successful in making money in this game and this game has been up and running for a long time in its lifetime.
Next thing you know t5cc will be very expensive/hard to get. People will also complain how much those are gonna be And next thing you know we will all be chasing t6basic.
Top alliances in master/platinum are competing for t5b but i garantee u that t5b will be a free calender item in 2-3 years from now.
Compare this oicture below
Top is 4th of july offer, and its 1 of the best deals came out this year.
Bottom is a picture of a deal that came out like almost 2months ago.
And just wait for a 4th of july deal for 2019.
I’ve been playing since the start so no need to lecture me on Kabam economics. I know they can charge what they want because the whales will buy anything to stay on top. You completely missed my point though, which still stands. If they were to drop the prices of their offers they would stand to be more profitable. This isn’t a company that manufactures actual goods so catering to 50,000 is just as easy/costly as 500.
Your screenshot is also irrelevant. I’m not sure what your point is. The offers get “better”? If that’s your point, that opinion is relative to the person looking at the offers. For most people nothing in a mobile game is worth $100+. The point I was trying to express was if they lowered the prices on most of their offers, there would be more interested consumers. And not that it matters, but I am an accountant, so yes, I’ve learned my share of business.
They do, u should know value of 4* 2 years,1 years ago, the have decreased but prices have also decreased for them.
Over a year ago 4* for $30 was a decent price
This year they have offered 2 4* for 30 and 3 4* for 30$
Remember when 5* shards 1 unit per crystal ratio? If u played this game as long as u said you said you would know.
5* have had so much value until 6* have been released. And slowly 5* are becoming more accessible and easier to get.
You should know the games life and plan is to continually grow and progress vey slowly.
If you played from the beginning you should know that when t6b and t5cc they will be sold for top value and or very hard competitive modes like aw.
The only way to get more t5b than everyone else is either buying those very expensive deals for them and/or playing in high tiers of alliance war.
From the 4th of july deal they “value” a full t5b for $300,
$100 get + all bonus stuff
15,00 t5b
3100 units
5* crystal
2/3 t2alpha
Then they release offer of same price
$100 for
4,500 t5b
40 t4cc crystals is nothing.
And thats all you get.
They cut the price of getting vision from 15,000 units down to 5,000 units. You should know they sold 4* vision “only” being sold if purchased for $100 usa dollars to being able to be purchased with units for 4,000 units in 2017. But who would spend 4,000 units for a 4* og vision in 2018? When in 2018 theres 5* vision.
You would think this offer was rip off if it was offered in 2018.
But when 4* still had alot of value this was a gold deal. Alot of people “saved” units, instead of flat out buying 4* vision as a money only option.
From time span of 6 months and 3 aw seasons, witch most people use this vision for his utility.
You could wait another 6months and maybe kabam will release vision offer again for even cheaper, but you have to ask urself where will the economy of mcoc be?
I don’t know why Kabam insists on releasing such absurd offers that are outrageously priced. I feel like whoever is running things never went to business school. Is it more profitable to have 500 people buy something for $300 or 50,000 people buy something for $50? Unless their goal really is to keep Vision exclusive and only in as few hands as possible. Then job well done.
How long have you been playing?
Have you been to business school?
You do know mcoc has been very successful in making money in this game and this game has been up and running for a long time in its lifetime.
Next thing you know t5cc will be very expensive/hard to get. People will also complain how much those are gonna be And next thing you know we will all be chasing t6basic.
Top alliances in master/platinum are competing for t5b but i garantee u that t5b will be a free calender item in 2-3 years from now.
Compare this oicture below
Top is 4th of july offer, and its 1 of the best deals came out this year.
Bottom is a picture of a deal that came out like almost 2months ago.
And just wait for a 4th of july deal for 2019.
I’ve been playing since the start so no need to lecture me on Kabam economics. I know they can charge what they want because the whales will buy anything to stay on top. You completely missed my point though, which still stands. If they were to drop the prices of their offers they would stand to be more profitable. This isn’t a company that manufactures actual goods so catering to 50,000 is just as easy/costly as 500.
Your screenshot is also irrelevant. I’m not sure what your point is. The offers get “better”? If that’s your point, that opinion is relative to the person looking at the offers. For most people nothing in a mobile game is worth $100+. The point I was trying to express was if they lowered the prices on most of their offers, there would be more interested consumers. And not that it matters, but I am an accountant, so yes, I’ve learned my share of business.
They do, u should know value of 4* 2 years,1 years ago, the have decreased but prices have also decreased for them.
Over a year ago 4* for $30 was a decent price
This year they have offered 2 4* for 30 and 3 4* for 30$
Remember when 5* shards 1 unit per crystal ratio? If u played this game as long as u said you said you would know.
5* have had so much value until 6* have been released. And slowly 5* are becoming more accessible and easier to get.
You should know the games life and plan is to continually grow and progress vey slowly.
If you played from the beginning you should know that when t6b and t5cc they will be sold for top value and or very hard competitive modes like aw.
The only way to get more t5b than everyone else is either buying those very expensive deals for them and/or playing in high tiers of alliance war.
From the 4th of july deal they “value” a full t5b for $300,
$100 get + all bonus stuff
15,00 t5b
3100 units
5* crystal
2/3 t2alpha
Then they release offer of same price
$100 for
4,500 t5b
40 t4cc crystals is nothing.
And thats all you get.
They cut the price of getting vision from 15,000 units down to 5,000 units. You should know they sold 4* vision “only” being sold if purchased for $100 usa dollars to being able to be purchased with units for 4,000 units in 2017. But who would spend 4,000 units for a 4* og vision in 2018? When in 2018 theres 5* vision.
You would think this offer was rip off if it was offered in 2018.
But when 4* still had alot of value this was a gold deal. Alot of people “saved” units, instead of flat out buying 4* vision as a money only option.
From time span of 6 months and 3 aw seasons, witch most people use this vision for his utility.
You could wait another 6months and maybe kabam will release vision offer again for even cheaper, but you have to ask urself where will the economy of mcoc be?
I don’t know why Kabam insists on releasing such absurd offers that are outrageously priced. I feel like whoever is running things never went to business school. Is it more profitable to have 500 people buy something for $300 or 50,000 people buy something for $50? Unless their goal really is to keep Vision exclusive and only in as few hands as possible. Then job well done.
How long have you been playing?
Have you been to business school?
You do know mcoc has been very successful in making money in this game and this game has been up and running for a long time in its lifetime.
Next thing you know t5cc will be very expensive/hard to get. People will also complain how much those are gonna be And next thing you know we will all be chasing t6basic.
Top alliances in master/platinum are competing for t5b but i garantee u that t5b will be a free calender item in 2-3 years from now.
Compare this oicture below
Top is 4th of july offer, and its 1 of the best deals came out this year.
Bottom is a picture of a deal that came out like almost 2months ago.
And just wait for a 4th of july deal for 2019.
I’ve been playing since the start so no need to lecture me on Kabam economics. I know they can charge what they want because the whales will buy anything to stay on top. You completely missed my point though, which still stands. If they were to drop the prices of their offers they would stand to be more profitable. This isn’t a company that manufactures actual goods so catering to 50,000 is just as easy/costly as 500.
Your screenshot is also irrelevant. I’m not sure what your point is. The offers get “better”? If that’s your point, that opinion is relative to the person looking at the offers. For most people nothing in a mobile game is worth $100+. The point I was trying to express was if they lowered the prices on most of their offers, there would be more interested consumers. And not that it matters, but I am an accountant, so yes, I’ve learned my share of business.
They do, u should know value of 4* 2 years,1 years ago, the have decreased but prices have also decreased for them.
Over a year ago 4* for $30 was a decent price
This year they have offered 2 4* for 30 and 3 4* for 30$
Remember when 5* shards 1 unit per crystal ratio? If u played this game as long as u said you said you would know.
5* have had so much value until 6* have been released. And slowly 5* are becoming more accessible and easier to get.
You should know the games life and plan is to continually grow and progress vey slowly.
If you played from the beginning you should know that when t6b and t5cc they will be sold for top value and or very hard competitive modes like aw.
The only way to get more t5b than everyone else is either buying those very expensive deals for them and/or playing in high tiers of alliance war.
From the 4th of july deal they “value” a full t5b for $300,
$100 get + all bonus stuff
15,00 t5b
3100 units
5* crystal
2/3 t2alpha
Then they release offer of same price
$100 for
4,500 t5b
40 t4cc crystals is nothing.
And thats all you get.
They cut the price of getting vision from 15,000 units down to 5,000 units. You should know they sold 4* vision “only” being sold if purchased for $100 usa dollars to being able to be purchased with units for 4,000 units in 2017. But who would spend 4,000 units for a 4* og vision in 2018? When in 2018 theres 5* vision.
You would think this offer was rip off if it was offered in 2018.
But when 4* still had alot of value this was a gold deal. Alot of people “saved” units, instead of flat out buying 4* vision as a money only option.
From time span of 6 months and 3 aw seasons, witch most people use this vision for his utility.
You could wait another 6months and maybe kabam will release vision offer again for even cheaper, but you have to ask urself where will the economy of mcoc be?
Once again you’re completely missing the point.
Kabam will not devalue 5* and how rare a champion is, we are slowly moving onto 6* shard deals.
But since u know alot about business, you should really apply to kabam and get ahold of people in kabam business about these deals, and give community something worth buying then,
I am sure alot of people would want a reasonabke price for 5/6* nowadays, if u price them much cheaper, but as soon as u value said crystal/deal thats what people will go buy.
2years ago
1 odin get u a bonus 4* witch at the time was a really good deal...
Noob and viper stop arguing I’m getting notifications and neither of you are quoting me. Agree to disagree and @ContestOfNoobs go to sleep it’s like 6 am in Italy
U also forgot that crystal whale gave him like 25k+ units for giving/feeding crystal whale subs.
Idk, this is one of the most financially successful mobile games ever. They don't care if most people refuse to spend money on the game. They just need enough whales to make everything worthwhile.
It hurt a bit to drop 10k in a single whack like that, but considering the 2nd half of the deal effectively paid for:
3x t4cc
6x t4b
10x t1a
Sig 20
24 t5 class iso
So, I went for it.
I'll farm up the units again.
Yeah I’m furious too!
3 months back I bought a pair of shoes and today, when I went back to the store today, it was on 30% discount! To top it off, it will come with a pair of free shoe laces! Made me so mad!!
Do you think I should complain to the store and demand that they refund the price difference?
why is there no 3* vision for sale like every other time vision has come out?
i am a collector but unfortunately missed out on him last time.
i am only missing ogv and iif.
PLEASE KABAM can you release 3* vision for sale again....
Prof makes a living playing this game. If not a good part of his is playing this game to broadcast and most likely get income from it so yeah.... He may have those units
When awaken he has synthesis, a huge burst of special bar gain
Hes also can fully power drain any amount of opponet from sp3 full bar to 0
Also has healblock with sp1
I’m annoyed when they have layered deals, this is a step in the right direction but still too high. 150ish for a single digital character, pass.
Since ive only 1k, guess i ll just ignore it
Feel bad about who paid 15k tough
I was saving up for the 4* version but this is too tempting. Took it as I have sufficient units. Hopefully, it will be good investment till I accumulate units again. I am happy it is not happening after a gifting event.
How long have you been playing?
Have you been to business school?
You do know mcoc has been very successful in making money in this game and this game has been up and running for a long time in its lifetime.
Next thing you know t5cc will be very expensive/hard to get. People will also complain how much those are gonna be And next thing you know we will all be chasing t6basic.
Top alliances in master/platinum are competing for t5b but i garantee u that t5b will be a free calender item in 2-3 years from now.
Compare this oicture below
Top is 4th of july offer, and its 1 of the best deals came out this year.
Bottom is a picture of a deal that came out like almost 2months ago.
And just wait for a 4th of july deal for 2019.
He steal power and can chain combos
You need OG vision at a very high duped level to be effective otherwise it's a waste of units
No. He needs to be duped. Don't buy it unless you can have him dupe and a high signature....Hence why Kabam is kinda need to buy both.
I’ve been playing since the start so no need to lecture me on Kabam economics. I know they can charge what they want because the whales will buy anything to stay on top. You completely missed my point though, which still stands. If they were to drop the prices of their offers they would stand to be more profitable. This isn’t a company that manufactures actual goods so catering to 50,000 is just as easy/costly as 500.
Your screenshot is also irrelevant. I’m not sure what your point is. The offers get “better”? If that’s your point, that opinion is relative to the person looking at the offers. For most people nothing in a mobile game is worth $100+. The point I was trying to express was if they lowered the prices on most of their offers, there would be more interested consumers. And not that it matters, but I am an accountant, so yes, I’ve learned my share of business.
They do, u should know value of 4* 2 years,1 years ago, the have decreased but prices have also decreased for them.
Over a year ago 4* for $30 was a decent price
This year they have offered 2 4* for 30 and 3 4* for 30$
Remember when 5* shards 1 unit per crystal ratio? If u played this game as long as u said you said you would know.
5* have had so much value until 6* have been released. And slowly 5* are becoming more accessible and easier to get.
You should know the games life and plan is to continually grow and progress vey slowly.
If you played from the beginning you should know that when t6b and t5cc they will be sold for top value and or very hard competitive modes like aw.
The only way to get more t5b than everyone else is either buying those very expensive deals for them and/or playing in high tiers of alliance war.
From the 4th of july deal they “value” a full t5b for $300,
$100 get + all bonus stuff
15,00 t5b
3100 units
5* crystal
2/3 t2alpha
Then they release offer of same price
$100 for
4,500 t5b
40 t4cc crystals is nothing.
And thats all you get.
They cut the price of getting vision from 15,000 units down to 5,000 units. You should know they sold 4* vision “only” being sold if purchased for $100 usa dollars to being able to be purchased with units for 4,000 units in 2017. But who would spend 4,000 units for a 4* og vision in 2018? When in 2018 theres 5* vision.
You would think this offer was rip off if it was offered in 2018.
But when 4* still had alot of value this was a gold deal. Alot of people “saved” units, instead of flat out buying 4* vision as a money only option.
From time span of 6 months and 3 aw seasons, witch most people use this vision for his utility.
You could wait another 6months and maybe kabam will release vision offer again for even cheaper, but you have to ask urself where will the economy of mcoc be?
For 4,000 unit vision offer, at the time 4* stil had alot of value and you couldnt even r5 a 5* at the time.
Here is the video
Once again you’re completely missing the point.
Kabam will not devalue 5* and how rare a champion is, we are slowly moving onto 6* shard deals.
But since u know alot about business, you should really apply to kabam and get ahold of people in kabam business about these deals, and give community something worth buying then,
I am sure alot of people would want a reasonabke price for 5/6* nowadays, if u price them much cheaper, but as soon as u value said crystal/deal thats what people will go buy.
2years ago
1 odin get u a bonus 4* witch at the time was a really good deal...
Last year
$30 for 4* was a decent deal
This year
$30 for 4* is bad deal
Next year
$30 for 4* is a horrible deal