Off Season Alliance Wars and Tanking and War Rating

This post is meant to be addressed to Kabam and the MCOC community.
I find it very concerning that Kabam hasn't addressed (to my knowledge) about most top alliances tanking essentially all Alliance Wars in the off-season. This not only is detrimental to most alliances in Platinum 3 and lower alliances but to the foundation of what Kabam is trying to accomplished: to create a competitive yet equal playing ground in AW. When alliances tank in the off-season it debilitates lower level alliance in the first few wars of the season when they are matched with P1/Master alliances when they should be matched with alliances respectfully in their own league. They tank in few different ways from not placing defenders to not participating in attack phase of war. Alliances that are not tanking are effectively put at a huge disadvantage once season starts because they are matched against alliances much better than them because of a FALSE inflated war rating. So in turn, if you are a Platinum 3 alliance or lower, if you don't take you risking losing the first several wars once season starts which in turn demoralizes your alliance and creates distaste for the game and AW. In a sense this is a form of collusion and cheating but to be a successful alliance you have no choice to tank unless you want to set yourself and alliance for failure once season starts again.
Solution: Freeze war rating in the off-season or punish alliances with tanking. This is only solution I can think of at this time. The season is a time when you as an alliance realign yourselves and figure a strategy or game plan for the next season. Its also a time to recruit and vet recruits skill set in the game to ensure you have the right members for the next. You can't do this unless alliances are not tanking.
I find it very concerning that Kabam hasn't addressed (to my knowledge) about most top alliances tanking essentially all Alliance Wars in the off-season. This not only is detrimental to most alliances in Platinum 3 and lower alliances but to the foundation of what Kabam is trying to accomplished: to create a competitive yet equal playing ground in AW. When alliances tank in the off-season it debilitates lower level alliance in the first few wars of the season when they are matched with P1/Master alliances when they should be matched with alliances respectfully in their own league. They tank in few different ways from not placing defenders to not participating in attack phase of war. Alliances that are not tanking are effectively put at a huge disadvantage once season starts because they are matched against alliances much better than them because of a FALSE inflated war rating. So in turn, if you are a Platinum 3 alliance or lower, if you don't take you risking losing the first several wars once season starts which in turn demoralizes your alliance and creates distaste for the game and AW. In a sense this is a form of collusion and cheating but to be a successful alliance you have no choice to tank unless you want to set yourself and alliance for failure once season starts again.
Solution: Freeze war rating in the off-season or punish alliances with tanking. This is only solution I can think of at this time. The season is a time when you as an alliance realign yourselves and figure a strategy or game plan for the next season. Its also a time to recruit and vet recruits skill set in the game to ensure you have the right members for the next. You can't do this unless alliances are not tanking.
But if you think about it, the tanking alliances, what exactly are they doing that is "wrong" or "breaking the rules? "
I have tried to objectively look at this, and i agree the best solution is to freeze war ratings.
But at the same time, these alliances arent breaking any rules. the opponent gets a FREE win. FREE rewards, while the tanking alliance does not.
[deep thoughts]
Triple the amount of war points lost when alliances don't place defenders. Losing 150-200 war points instead of 50-60 war points would reduce tanking.
1. Easy win against weaker alliance
2. Bonus season points from defenders remaining because there is a higher chance tier 2-3 alliance won’t explore 100% vs master level defense
Not sure how to punish or prevent tanking but Kabam has to remove points for defenders remaining before season 5 starts.
Both teams place 0 defenders, zero attackers, basically both do absolutely nothing, and both generate 0 points.
How is the winner/loser determined?
[deeper thoughts]
(I actually am curious how that would be tallied)
4. They do not want to spend resources during the off season so they don’t bother to complete the map.
I’ve seen this defenders remaining thing pop up but that is generally supported by allies in the top 3 who’s motivation could be to remove the threat of other allies gaining a point advantage during seasons due to matchmaking. Rather Kabam needs to fix top allies matching significantly lower allies during seasons.
Although not specifically against the TOS, it could be related to creating an unfair advantage and manipulating the two systems. Albeit under the guise of electing not to place. In terms of easy Wins, it's not really. One Ally tanks and gives them a Win, to bulldoze them when Seasons start and covet Points for larger Rewards.
Until they actually start being punished we're forced to sit through such BS because too many alliances are chock full of cowards who are too scared for legitimate competition. There's nothing to be done until it starts to affect them like piloting did to their bottom line
I don't think it's fair matchups. Please get
it right kabam
Once the season started we found that we dont care too much for AW anymore. The rewards from AQ and quests has benefited us more than the rewards from AW seasons. Maybe that will change when season 11 starts and kabam buffs the rewards but many of us are skeptical that the increase will make war worth the effort. For now we are content with cruising through gold 1 after all we lost 9 of 12 wars in season 9 and still finished in the top 150 of gold 1.
As they decided too tank, they have robbed my alliance of a fair match up and rewards but given high tier alliances free rewards for free matches.
How have they given free rewards to higher alliances you may ask?
Well to tank they would have to lose to top tier alliances. Giving the upper tier players more free resources while dropping down on us lower tier players and robbing us.
Robbing from the lower players and giving to the higher tier players doesn't sound right to me.
People say it's not against the rules and doesn't effect anyone. Trust me it will effected my alliance, as we will not be able to drop the bosses losing out on 75k points.
They really should just freeze alliance war rating during off season and just have wars between tiers you finished in.
If it feels wrong, it most likely is wrong.
I really hope Kabam notice this trend and starts to do something about it. Most people are already put off AW by rewards. We dont need further discouragement too take part in AW.
They say **** rolls down hill, but shouldnt be the case in games