Missing iconic 5 star characters

So Kabam has no plan of releasing WWll cap, Wolverine, DS, SW, and Deadpool as 5 star versions because they know we will steam roll their content with them. I want to know how the community feels about this and is it almost 100% safe to say they will never release them. What changes do you think Kabam will make if they do decide to finally release them and do you think it will result in another nerf?
But they'll also add spidergwen, kamala, IP and carnage as chance to drop.
I didn't even think about it that but I like this idea. So would you want the same skills just toned down abilities for the 5* or completely new versions of the characters?
That's the worse scenario that I would want to happen. Would be sad to see them make those characters exclusive and the only way to get them would be buying a one time special crystal with a small chance of obtaining one. I wouldn't want to see this but knowing Kabam I know it's likely.
1. There's no such thing as "never" in an MMO. Things change. For that matter, the people who work on it change, and different designers can have different opinions.
2. Most likely, the changes that have to happen for them to reverse a decision like releasing a 5* Wolverine are either a) the game eventually reaches the point where they are deciding to release 6* champs or b) the difficulty of content reaches a level where those champions are no longer problematic for game balance. They are less likely to pre-nerf the champions just to release them at 5*, because that would partially defeat the purpose of releasing them as 5*. If they are willing to semi-permanently side line them now, they've already accepted any problems associated with their absence.
That's a bit messed up don't you think? Even for a joke.
Truth can be painful. Very painful.