Where to use mutant T4CC

The top two are really the only choices in my brain, but the rest are included just in case I am missing something.

Where to use mutant T4CC 26 votes

4* Domino (unawakened, but I have a mutant Gem and she'll be in Arena soon)
SpeedbumpDingaloNamelezjlamadisonFhfjghhggggjfhfjgSaket_123WelderofortuneTahmkench911FangmanglerPrasanna 10 votes
5* X23 (rank 2,unawakened)
Haji_SaabNifzAjisdopeTinoMiajkcjmijiNb2121RockypantherxSidDDragonLuke9523Gritabit 10 votes
Hold and Rank 4 Sabertooth (rank 3, unawakened) I'll be lacking T2A for this for months.
MelkerlanneroMitchell35 2 votes
5* Nightcrawler (rank 2, unawakened)
JayCee 1 vote
5* Storm (rank 2, Sig 36)
Iron_Skywalker 1 vote
5 Star Bishop (rank 2, unawakened)
5 Star Rogue (rank 2, unawakened)
Don't bother with any of the above and hold for later.
Spity68Demonmewtwo 2 votes


  • KelvinKageKelvinKage Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    What * is your sabertooth?
  • Angelfire_TNORAngelfire_TNOR Member Posts: 64
    Sabertooth is a 5* at rank 3. I'm not so rich as to have a 6* that could take to rank 3 ;)
  • Angelfire_TNORAngelfire_TNOR Member Posts: 64
    edited November 2018
    I should note I already have some pretty good mutant champs at a higher level, so ranking up isn't urgent by any means. I already have:

    5* Iceman rank 4
    5* Sabertooth rank 3
    4* AA rank 5
    4* Iceman rank 5
    4* Wolverine rank 5

    The idea behind Domino was mostly utility, AW defence and she looks fun to play.
    X23 was for AQ to replace my 4* Wolverine who is awesome for that, but doesn't do as much damage as I'd like so AQ is pretty slow and tedious.
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 969 ★★★
    5* X23 (rank 2,unawakened)
    X23 is beast
  • JayCeeJayCee Member Posts: 732 ★★
    5* Nightcrawler (rank 2, unawakened)
    Where’s the love for NC. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be as deep into act 4 as I am
  • KelvinKageKelvinKage Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    Definitely R4 Sabertooth
  • Angelfire_TNORAngelfire_TNOR Member Posts: 64
    Wow the Domino fans and X23 fans are pretty even. I guess I'll have to go watch some Domino game play videos.
  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    5* X23 (rank 2,unawakened)
    @Angelfire_TNOR OH! I didn't know your Sabretooth was a 5*. You should definitely rank up Sabretooth.
  • Angelfire_TNORAngelfire_TNOR Member Posts: 64
    jkcjmiji wrote: »
    @Angelfire_TNOR OH! I didn't know your Sabretooth was a 5*. You should definitely rank up Sabretooth.

    The nice thing about sabertooth is a I also have 5* Killmonger at Rank 4 and that synergy is really nice against masochism nodes etc.

    The challenge with ranking up Sabertooth (besides needing one more t4cc mutant) is I'm also considering a 5* rank 5 of either Hyperion or Magik with Iceman being a distant 3rd. That would leave me 2 2TA short of another rank 4 and it would take a while to build that back up. I'm still not 100% sold on the Rank 5 though as neither are awakened and those t5 basics are super rare. I also recently got a 5* corvus which I think would be ranked to 3 and then ranked to 4 before Sabertooth.
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