Best teams to use for Web Slinger challenge and Event Q?

What are the best teams to use for Web Slinger and Master Mode event quest, aiming for 100%.
I've currently got a team of Elektra, Quake, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Miss Marvel going - which seems to be a good team to counter the various spider-evaders. If I had Mordo, id use him instead of SW.
What ate yours? What are the most successful combinations?
I've currently got a team of Elektra, Quake, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Miss Marvel going - which seems to be a good team to counter the various spider-evaders. If I had Mordo, id use him instead of SW.
What ate yours? What are the most successful combinations?
BW for Spidy, Miles
Quake for Gwen (so funny)
Magik for Sym, Vulture
any Cosmic Champs and BW for Spark
I have all those characters duped in 4*s.
What benefited you about this team in particular?
Thor for Classic Spidey, went with the parry, three hits, rinse/repeat method.
SW for Sym Spidey, nothing complicated, just tried to push him to sp2 as much as possible...when he triggered his evade buff, I parried him and if she didn't nullify it from a couple hits, I just avoided him till it expired.
BW and/or CB for Gwen and Miles, for obvious reasons....used Thor on Gwen also.
SL for Spark Spidey...took a couple fights to get used to his movements, mostly just pushed him to his sp1 and went from there....oh, and only used my third special.
Used whoever of the champs listed above that had the most health left when going against used to his movements in the monthly quest so this went without much stress, just a mildly long fight...IMO, he's slow and clunky, kinda like Howard with wings, doesn't seem like he'll be a good defender, definitely needs to be controlled.
For symbiote **** first i used Hyperion. If sp2 triggered stun, it was easy push to spidey sp2. Then bait it rinse and repeat. If the stun failed it didin't end well...
So i switched to DrV. All you have to do is eveade his 1st special. Once you fire your sp2 it's smooth sailing from there.
HE for Gwen
Magik for Symbiote
Hyperion for SE Spidey
Quake as backup and for sinergies
Currently using a bleed team with Hawkeye, Quake, Elektra, BPCW and Winter Soldier.
Ws is proving very effective.
Cable for Gwen and symbiote. Get symbiotes sp1 timing down and he isn't a problem, concussion from cable's sp2 can prevent their evade buffs from triggering and the Degen/incinerate helped to knock them down sooner.
Can pretty much use anyone on vulture, if you only attack after he uses a special there's no risk of your hits missing, can really use his power gain to your own advantage in that fight.
The only thing irrelevant here is your comment. This is the strategy and tips section of the forums and people are talking about their own strategies and giving tips about a challenge that isn't so straightforward for everyone. Helping each other out is hardly irrelevant when that's exactly why this section of the forums exist.
I don't really know why you think it's irrelevant - it's a much easier quest than the Bautista challenge but that's only because of the lifesteal element. The second half of Round 4 isn't as easy peasy as you're making out and you have to have some kind of strategy for dealing with the evades. Yes, you can evade Symbiotes unlockable etc and just be patient, but it's much easier if you've got a strategy to deal with reducing the defensive ability accuracy and maximising your hit potential to gain life-steal return. This is the tips and strategies section, everyone is going to have a different take - just fielding "any" skill champ isn't going to be as helpful as one with a focused effort on reducing defensive accuracy. Like, a team of Netflix Daredevil, Moon Knight, Punisher, Karnak and BPCW isn't going to be as effective as, say, a team of Hawkeye, Black Widow, Crossbones, Elektra and Gwenpool.
There are lots of different ways to tack this quest, which makes it more interesting than most, if, admittedly, not as difficult.
Daredevil (for Classic and Black Spidey): the fights are somewhat long, but easy as DD evades Spidey SP1 and i just parry then hit him until parry stops.
Sym Spidey (for the rest): he hits like a truck so he finishes fights in a blink. his low health isn't much of a factor thanks to heal stealing so it was incredibly easy. SE Spidey was easier with him also.
Ultron, YJ and Ghost Rider (for backup): i used them if the main attackers got KOed.
Did almost all of my fighting with Gwen, she got through the first 3 levels by herself except when I got stupid and got hit.
Haven't started the final part yet.
Mordo, Spidey, BW, hawkey and Quake.
For dreamteam if u had a wish...