Ultron's Assault - Need "Middle" Tier Quest

So this quest has two quest pathing: Classic and Variant.
Classic is stupid easy with stupid rewards. Given the energy needed to complete, no one will do this.
Variant is insanely difficult. Only really End Game players with 5/65 Five Star Heroes will/should attempt this.
So where is the content for the "NORMAL PLAYER" - you know... people that have a few decent 4* heroes,... maybe a few 5* heroes... but isn't capable of running the "Variant" mode of the quest?
What's the point of this content?
It's very frustrating, as I am in that huge "Middle" Pack.
Classic is stupid easy with stupid rewards. Given the energy needed to complete, no one will do this.
Variant is insanely difficult. Only really End Game players with 5/65 Five Star Heroes will/should attempt this.
So where is the content for the "NORMAL PLAYER" - you know... people that have a few decent 4* heroes,... maybe a few 5* heroes... but isn't capable of running the "Variant" mode of the quest?
What's the point of this content?
It's very frustrating, as I am in that huge "Middle" Pack.
Where is the content for high-end game players; 100% LOL, certain side quests and Variant difficulty
There is a progression path to this game if you haven't 100% act 5 you aren't supposed to be able to do this content yet. If they oversaturate the mid-game progression and don't put at least a little emphasis on the end game what point is there for playing when you get to a high level. Mid game "normal" players literally have all of the content in the game to do where they can get rewards and work their way up to variant level
Agreed. I’m only hitting 5.3 exploration after Heroic-UC 100% each month. 5.4 is already 100% so this adds a new horizon for me to venture towards.
But what happens when act6 drops? “Oh but we still can’t do Act5”. So what? That just means you aren’t ready to continue yet but does that mean the progressed players should have less content so everyone else can keep up?
While this makes a lot of sense, actually, I think what seems strange to me is the fact of how easy it would likely have been to just modify the quest to be mid-range. I understand the idea that they d somewhat oversaturate the middle range, but to me, I just don’t understand why they couldn’t have added a middle range anyway. Also, I could be wrong, but isn’t the monthly uncollected difficulty other content for end game players? Also, Act 5 doesn’t really seem to me like mid-range player content. Just my opinion anyway
The monthly uncollected difficulty is only interesting for end game players cuz of the rewards, there’s no real challenge gameplaywise for them: keep in mind the real target group for variant difficulty are players with multiple 5/65’s.
(I’m not an endgame player btw).
I could be more understanding if Kabam didnt come right out say say that the Variant difficulty was for top end players. But Kabam did just that. We have so many examples of content built for certain progressions in the game and this is one of them, unless you have unlimited funds and can buy your way through content.
"End game players" are no more all alike than are all "mid range players." Uncollected targets a particular degree of difficulty that some people associate with "end game players." Variant difficulty targets a significantly higher difficulty level by default. I regularly complete Uncollected monthly difficulty. I don't think I can finish Variant without spending, although I haven't given it a serious try yet.
To the extent that monthly uncollected difficulty is for end game players, so to is master, heroic, and the other difficulties are for other players. Importantly, the monthly events are time limited. You can't really say that a specific uncollected monthly difficulty is meant to be worked towards, because odds are that by the time anyone works up to it, it will be gone. Uncollected difficulty as a type of map is something players can work towards, but only players who can do uncollected now can realistically do the current uncollected difficulty map. Those maps "target" a specific level of player. But variant difficulty is permanent content, like Act 5, like RoL, like LoL. They don't "target" a specific level of player. They are designed to be something to work towards for *everyone*.
Classic difficulty has a purpose: to show players what the mission originally looked like. It is really there for show: it isn't really intended to target any particular difficulty level. Variant is intended to be aspirational: everyone is either supposed to be challenged by it today, or challenged by it tomorrow. It isn't supposed to be easy for anyone. "Medium" difficulty would simply be a thing to farm for rewards for most players. That's not the intent of the content.
It seems to me the problem is that the developers released the content connected. There's a single Ultron's event tab and both difficulty levels are in it. That implies the two instances are two difficulty points targeting two different levels of players. They should not have done that. They should have made a "flashback" tab that had Ultron's in it at Classic difficulty, and a completely separate "mega difficulty" tab that had Ultron's in it at Variant difficulty, to emphasize the fact that one of these events is just a for-show old content re-release, and one is an end game content folder on the same par as LoL and Act 5 - maybe Act 6.
When we add progressional content, we add to the top. We add Act 5, then Act 6, then Act 7. We do not add Act 3.5 at the same time because the mid range players "deserve more content."
The variant level isn't "this month's event quest." It's permanent content for everyone once they get there. If you don't want to do story getting there will be hard to do.
IF kabam adds medium lvl for middle tier players, rewards like 4* 2->3 3->4 4->5 gems plus few unit and 5*shards plus bunch of gold like 1m or somethin, you guys still can benefit from it, right? Im pretty sure that ppl who think themselves end game players has few 4* r3 champs okay with some 5* shards some gold. C’mon Some players like Seatin, Legacy who are literally end game players they still have few r1 4* champs. So my point of view for middle and beginner tier players, it’s very good and tempting rewards like variant for end gamers. And for so called end game players, save your recourses a little bit, maybe 17x T4bc, 3x T4cc, over half of t4bc, some 2500x 5* shard, 4* generic AG 1m gold, some Sig.stone might nothing for you but still end gamers still can benefit from it.
And whoever says now you guys want RoL 0,5 RttL 0,5 LOL 0,5
This isn’t what i meant, From my point of view RttL is for middle players Its LoL0,5
RoL was for end gamers at some point, back in 2k15 but for now, its for middle players but like 3years?, so i guess this variant become for middle players in 2021.
The variant and the classic arent a package deal. They only did the work for variant, and brought back what it was based off of. They didn't have to guage the difficulty of every level, they didnt do anything to classic other than bring back the data they already had done.
This was end game content added to the game with a fun thing added with it
Probably because you think all of the players should be united in the quest to have Kabam give out as much rewards as possible.
Games like this are a balance between helping newer and progressing players and rewarding progress and skill with suitable rewards. If everything gives too many rewards then the value of the progressional rewards becomes diluted and the incentive to progress drops. If rewards are too hard to get then there's too many barriers to progress and too many players will give up too soon.
The game has increased the ability for newer and mid tier players to progress dramatically. A new player that starts today will be progressing faster in four months than end game players were progressing just a couple years ago, and could be progressing as fast as end game players were progressing just a year ago not that long after that. 4* champs fall from the sky, 5* champs are earnable at up to ten times the rate originally. Master mode rewards are much higher and the difficulty is lower. Glory makes end game rewards accessible to everyone, whereas in the past they were locked to only the highest alliances. The players complaining they aren't getting enough 6* shards today wouldn't have been earning any 5* shards not that long ago.
Part of the problem is there is the narrative that the game doesn't do anything for mid tier players, so this is just another thing they are locked out of. Nothing could be further from the truth. Compared to what the game looked like when I went through Act 4, when I earned uncollected, when I was struggling through master mode, the game practically gives away what I had to work through. I don't begrudge the newer players that change: that's part of how these games work. But I *do* begrudge them looking a gift horse in the mouth and complaining all the time about how hard they have it and how they never get anything, when they've been handed 90% of the game the veterans played through on a silver platter, and that's just not enough for them because what they are getting is a flood of upper tier rewards, but they just aren't the absolute best rewards. I begrudge them that a lot.
Mid tier used to be a handful of mediocre 4*s at best barely scraping by act4 and Maestro was this HUGE INTIMIDATING MONSTER… then 2016 came along. Venompool could regen through most noded fights, Quake became the first true “2nd generation” god tier with relevancy as it took up to IMIW and Emma to specifically tell her off, Crossbones became cheap Black Widow, Hyperion existed and Voodoo exploded onto the scene with intent to kill. And half a LOL option Loki popped in who after Hela in the following year would become a 2-part lol team AND when 5.4 came around he himself became a very important champ for a lot of people. Oh and Ghost Rider
Fast forward 2017… JANUARY! Gwenpool pops up and we’re still singing, Dormammu appeared and Hood backed him up who recently has been growing a following as a Medusa hunter as well as overall a decent champ with buffs returning in full glory. The next month March comes in SWINGING with Archangel and and Iceman and Psylocke who like hood is getting semi-popular, then angela, skip to Yondu and Nebula that next month, Carnage (now a LOL option), Goblin, Ock, SPARKY, FOLLOWED BY MEDUSA! After Medusa we got Mephisto and Morningstar… immediately to be followed up by BLADE!!! Hela finally arrives fashionably late, Taskmaster shows up with a higher than average skill ceiling and people who use him well have done ridiculous things, MODOK stinks up war, then we all kinda know the rest
Sentry/Void come up with a god of utility and Sentry who is pretty solid after the buff
Double GODS with Killmonger and Gladiator Hulk remembering he exists after Ragnarok is almost out of theaters
Around this time LC and Rulk get their buffs
Sentinel the underrated tank engine with massive DoT damage and more armor than Hulkbuster could dream of having, Sabertooth dishing out damage… (Bishop too is kinda neat).
Oh look Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Captain Infinity, and IMIW followed immediately by Domino and Masacre.
Wasp and Ghost offense and defense buddies
Red Skull and Korg made defense even more hectic while Hiemdal strongly disapproves as an exceptional counter to IMIW and in general evade/auto-block champions
Omega Red and Emma Frost as capable offensive and defensive options, Symbiote Supreme, (v-duck was a disappointment), here we get the Venom and Carnage buffs, THE CHAMPION is now just out of his featured arena and Ægon is putting on his boxing glove and prosthetic god-arm as essentially ANOTHER STAR LORD through means of ramp up cruelty and precision passives and an Sp1 that by all means IS a glorified nuclear warhead and an Sp2 that embodies the shrapnel from said atomic armament
…please look at the 2015 champs. Face it, if we had to make do with those 2015 for the majority of our play length and gone though hell and back for the kinda of rewards found in Masters and Uncollected nowadays then SURELY you shouldn’t have a problem getting all the same rewards to get where we are when you all get HANDED 4*s and 5*s before you get to level 60.
You can look at the announcement. It's permanent content. Thant's why there is no mid-tier level. Permanent content is supposed to be hard enough that almost no one can just blow through it the day it comes out. It's part of the ongoing progression of the game. Mid tier quests are permanent content from previous points in the game's progression and monthy/side quests.
Classic is exactly that its the exact difficulty, maps and rewards that were offered in 2015. There was no begginer, heroic, master tiers you could either do it you couldnt.
So that being said if its rereleasing old content why shouldnt it be for the top tier players. Lets them replay an old favourite and let them enjoy the game a bit more again.
Its also permanent so one day mid tier players can also do this once they achieve end game level.
So for mid tier players go do the content thats for you. All of which has been mentioned before
T1A, T4B and ESPECIALLY T4C are all vastly easier to acquire than years before. Plus with dungeons, Gwenpool goes to the movie and for 40+ that free r4 that literally solo’d all of October’s event difficulties including UC and Symbiote that gave a combined 5* and 5* featured crystals and that 5* MCU crystal that’s was a HANDOUT!
I don’t even care if you don’t have Blade, or archangel, or domino, or whoever the newest flashiest champ is. I became uncollected before the crystal upgrades came out. I took my 4* hulk, units I got from doing arena all the time, Revives I got through the solo-missions for arena participation (which happen literally all the time), and I DIED! A LOT! I had all my boosts on, hulk half dead lucky to land more than 5 hits, and I eventually killed the collector for the first time. I became uncollected, failed to 100% the first few uncollected EQ, and now I’m at that point where master difficulty is boring and Uncollected isn’t difficult anymore because my roster can handle almost anything.
There’s literally no excuse for not getting to end-game territory.
You have much better champs than we used to use to get to end game, you have more access to T1a, T4b and T4c with the arenas/glory/EQ/AQ, you get shards (which didn’t always exist) from almost everywhere, there’s way more access to 4* and 5* shards than ever, you even have better masteries in deep wounds and assasinate
Shoot they even removed that ridiculous juggernaut in the middle of act4 that was arguably worse than Maestro