How powerful is Hyperion’s sig ability? Potion Farming comparison.

I know BG uses him for potion farming, so I was curious about him compared to my 5/65 Spidey. I have a 4/55 Hype as well, but mine is unawakened. He was getting WS soldier down around 120-130 hits or so I think, yet I’m getting him down around 200-220.
I’m using the cosmic buff duration team, and trying my best to mimic his play style. However, the cosmic charges do not seem to be extended in duration. Is that the problem?
Is his sig ability underrated, and actually that powerful?
I’m using the cosmic buff duration team, and trying my best to mimic his play style. However, the cosmic charges do not seem to be extended in duration. Is that the problem?
Is his sig ability underrated, and actually that powerful?
That’s pretty significant. 100 hit difference with sig ability.