Is biohazard a bad node? Or a good change of pace?

I never really liked biohazard per say, but I just had an unfortunate run in with this months blade and whoa boy did it leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. So I was what’s wondering the community’s thoughts were.
Is biohazard a bad node? Or a good change of pace? 121 votes
Edit: or you can use one of the games many dual immunes. Vision, ultron, sentinal, iceman 😁
If you don’t like using an immune champ when the node practically requires you to have one, you must like buying revives and potions 🤷🏻♂️ I just hate it when I accidentally L1 into their block with LC. I have to let them hit me so I get indestructible and don’t die.
Anyone bleed immune works just as well, just don't hit into thier block
Which difficulty did you fight on?
Honestly, since I have Iceman and Ultron as 5 stars I rarely run into issues with such nodes, but I can see with a limited roster how ppl can dislike this one.
Not really, I beat him with iceman, Luke Cage, Ultron, GR.
All except GR are 5/50 4*.
I didn't try dormammu because he's only 3/30 or 2/35.
Someone with skill could beat him with a colossus because he's bleed immune
Well, I use my r4 archangel to get him down as much as possible before dying. Then I used my hood. Die. And then my three bleed immunes. Iceman, Ghost rider, and Luke cage. GR is 5/50, the others 4/40. It all goes well until that last fifteen percent, I can’t do enough damage. And then I die, have to go in with another champion, and I have to get him down to 15%, avoid the degen, then either kill him or bring him below 15% so he won’t Regen again next time. The problem was block damage. Iceman and Luke Cage are relatively beefy champions. But they’re 4/ it was frustrating whenever I’d accidentally hit block. I admit I could have been playing better, but it was a very annoying fight. To answer your other question. It was uncollected, wouldn’t be upset if it was master. Cause then I’d feel really bad considering where I am. And my 4/40 and 5/50 bleed immunes count to those three.
Never lucky enough to get any bleed immune 5 stars. Super unfortunate
I suppose it is just me who doesn’t like these limiting nodes. But I really don’t like not being able to use my best champions without drawbacks. Which is why 5.3 was a pain. Though I like to think my roster is vast enough...I need some strong champion for biohazard. As it seems to be appearing more and more oft.
Makes sense. Uncollected blade can be tough. This month they've made all the bosses tough starting from Starky, Blade, AEgon and the Champion.
I used Iceman as well but mine is 4/55, all I can say is you gotta evade better. Blade's sp1 is easy to avoid, don't push him to sp2. Use Iceman heavy to do excess damage when the frost charges are on blade. It's easy even with a 4/40 if you can get into this rhythm -
Combo - Bait SP1 - Combo - Fire SP1 - Parry - Heavy - Bait SP1 - Combo
The only time it gets annoying is when it pops up at the end of a quest and you didn't check all the nodes before selecting your team.
It's like ffffffffff when you get there and realize you don't have a bleed immune.
You are being gracious. 5.3 is awful. Just terrible. As a chapter as a whole, it is the worse collective amount of torture in Story Mode.
If it was a monthly quest, sure. This is permanent content though so go back when you have the right champs
I can't say I fully agree with this. All the fights in the variant difficulty are reasonable at the 5/50 or 3/45 level...far more reasonable than, say, taking a 4* champ into Labyrinth (which many have done).
I'd also submit that if someone is playing at a level where doing the Variant quest is a reasonable task, then having the resources to rank a champ to 5/50 or 3/45 isn't that big a deal. You just have to weigh out whether you want to upgrade a champ that may not have a ton of use outside of the Variant quest or spend units on potions and revives. The choice is really up to the player; there's no wrong answer.
Blade is a solid option. Keep your power high and you barely feel the bleed. Old Man Logan, Omega Red, Colossus, Iceman, Rogue, and Beast all have some sort of special interaction with bleed that makes them pretty good in the fight. That's a fair amount of current options for permanent, end-game content that was explicitly stated to be designed to force players to dive deep into their rosters. Seems far more fair than Labyrinth, which for a LONG time only had a single viable option for exploration (Duped 5* Star Lord).
So respectfully, I disagree. I don't think it's bad design. The player just needs to decide if they want to rank a champ for possibly a single fight or if they'd rather save the catalysts and spend units on potions and revives to use a more powerful, sub-optimal champ.