

  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Leave it alone
    There needs too be trash in the game too. Plus they would need rework ROL and LOL and it would have to be redone by everyone.
  • Samspade23Samspade23 Member Posts: 549 ★★
    Leave it alone
    You can't just erase something from the game that's in someone's collection already. I mean seriously, I've spent good money on 50 dollar 5 star offers and got colossus, how exactly can they delete them from the game when people have made a monetary investment in them? They might be awful but I spent hard earned money on the junk and it's my junk until the servers go away.
    Scrap them from profiles, but leave them as easy fights in quests
    @Samspade23 i understand, but i think that if they gave a reasonable offer per champ that is scraped, such as rewards based on star and rank. So a 5* rank 5 colossus would get 5000x 5* shards and some of the catalyst back that went into getting him there along with gold. It would be a fair process
  • WelderofortuneWelderofortune Member Posts: 527 ★★
    Leave it alone
    Normally bro you make sense but this is not cool. Iron fist I get you don't like but I like him a great deal soloed a lot of danger rooms with my 2 star iron fist love him. Why not remove them from the crystal pool why take them from people like me who enjoy them and have them?
  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441
    edited November 2018
    They are not WORTHLESS, you get back some ISOs if you sell them.
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  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Storm, Juggernaut, Cyclops (red), Gambit, Rhino, Iron Patriot, Vulture, Daredevil (netflix), Thor (jane foster), Kamala Khan, Hulkbuster, Black Panter CW, Civil Warrior, Captain America (og), Ant-Man, Deadpool X-force, Spider-Gwen, Karnak............a quick look at my roster filled with champs people have considered bo be utter trash at some point in the game. They have been re-worked, got great synergies, people found some usefulness (or utility) for them or even are just fan of the character and don’t care what other people think about....shall we say for example Hulkbuster (who was my go-to champ in AQ about 2-3 years ago, map 3, against the Collossus mini-boss).
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    Leave it alone
    To remove champions is not a good idea. The implications are many. All we can hope for is for Kabam to show some love to older champs at some point... hopefully before the game loses a lot of players.

    And as many have said, there is a point in having numbers of champions, also bad champions, at least for grinding Arena. So just removing champs wouldn't solve anything.

    Buffing already available champs does not give Kabam as much revenue as introducing good new champs, that's the harsh reality. That may be why they don't prioritize buffing old champs mainly.
  • Sieger7999Sieger7999 Member Posts: 48
    I would like to see some of the duplicate champs merged. For example there is no reason to have 2 cyclops, 2 magnetos or 2 cap/ms marvels running around
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,785 ★★★★★
    @will-o-wisp how is it selfish? it would benefit the game as whole. Less clutter means the game will run smoother, which benefits everyone. If you don't like my post and don't want to vote on it, then go somewhere else and stay off this thread

    Its selfish because YOU want it. This thread is overwhelmingly against your idea. Plus you saying "if you don't like my post etc.." Is the same argument as if you don't like the champs, sell them.

    They will never just take champs out of the game as Kabam doesnt/won't admit some champs are "trash". At lower levels, any 4* champ can be useful. When I was completing act 3 Colossus and Gamora were my all-stars. They got me through a ton of content as my 4* champs. This was early on after release of the game. They aren't horrible champs, they are just least desired. Buffing and reworking takes time to do. Its not like They can just throw stuff on a champ and call it good. Game programming doesnt work that way.

    The best thing to do is either sell them because you dont like them or don't rank them for same reason and stop creating non-sense threads like this.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,785 ★★★★★
    Sieger7999 wrote: »
    I would like to see some of the duplicate champs merged. For example there is no reason to have 2 cyclops, 2 magnetos or 2 cap/ms marvels running around

    They are different champs. That's never going to happen.
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Rather scrap the duplicates that serve no purpose and have near identical abilities and the same animations. Magneto marvel now, blue cyclops, captain marvel, and all the rest.
  • Samspade23Samspade23 Member Posts: 549 ★★
    Leave it alone
    I mean if you started removing champs out of the game at the snap of your fingers, that would make you thanos and word around town is that guy is so uncool and I hear he cheats on his taxes. He doesn't even claim silver surfer as a dependent and he has him chained up in his dungeon.

    The bottom line is, all champs have their use. For instance, getting a bad 4 star isn't so bad since I get 275 red shards out of it. Not to mention, even bad 5 stars make for good cannon fodder and even awful champs manage to have good synergy with good champs.
  • MarriMarri Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2018
    Leave it alone
    @Samspade23 i understand, but i think that if they gave a reasonable offer per champ that is scraped, such as rewards based on star and rank. So a 5* rank 5 colossus would get 5000x 5* shards and some of the catalyst back that went into getting him there along with gold. It would be a fair process

    How is this fair? They would need to return the exact amount of shards you spent plus all the ISO, gold and cats for any rankups.

    So a Colossus from an Aegon featured 5* crystal, for example, would have to be reimbursed with 15000 5* shards.

    That being said: Without trash, pulling a good champ won't feel nearly as good. 1 beautiful woman in a village of ugly ones feels more attractive than that same woman in a house full of supermodels.

    Leave it alone
    Yeah Kabam ignores our buff requests that's why Luke Cage Red Hulk Carnage Sentry And Venom all got buffed this year
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  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    As much as I'd love to see my 6 star duped Iron Fist go, I'd still like something in return of those wasted 20,000 6 star shards...
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