The culmination of bad 5* luck has come to today...and it makes up for everything

I whaled out; I bought the 100$ deal, but, I got a 5* domino! I wanted to know how worthy she is, and also, what did all y’all get from the five star(s).
I’m glad you have self control
How about a 100$, dinner? Or night at a club or 100$ of entertainment? All are intangible. Would you not spend on that either or is it that its digital? I mean you can buy a movie a streaming site and not have the actual disc.
I got 5* Domino from a regular 5* crystal.
She deserves Rank 5 as a 5*. She's beyond God-tier champ. Doesn't need to be duped (for offence), her sig ability makes her a better defender.
If u have the money and nothing to loose go for it