King Groot

king groot he need to have his fury or armor break more effective... it's like there are nothing change almost when we stack or not that...
king groot he need to have his fury or armor break more effective... it's like there are nothing change almost when we stack or not that...
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have no armor break or 9 is almost same...
Seriously his armor break or furies are non-existant... There are bugs ? or he need to be buffed ?
Please explain
Double digit damage meaning 78 on first hit of sp2 is just ridiculous for a 4/55 champ
King Groot 4/55 Champ
Special 2 sequencing of hits. Please upgrade this damage. This is a 5 star 4/55 champ. The worst SP2 in the game.
My 2 star Stark enhanced Spiderman does more damage than my 4/55 5 star King Groot. Wow just WOW.
I ranked King Groot for AW defense by the way. Until this day I am so dissatisfied that makes me just .......
You should use it with fury active. It will increase his poison damage
Agreed however the damage on sp2 hits stays the same.
What are you talking about?
His basic attack is 1200. Tell me a champ with 1200 attack that does any hit damage double digit??
His basic low attack is the equivalent to a 5/50 champ or a rank 3 5 star.
With furies he gets to the basic 1850 attack regular for a rank 4/55. However his low damage on sp2 does not make sense.
There have been threads about this for months now and no answer.
Please !!!!!!
like i said... furies or not, armor break or not. it's like same... i remember when kabam increased storm's abilities for we can see difference between her duped and non duped. king groot need same... he need his armor and furies more effective and do more damage... he hits like a 2*
We the players make the game!!! We spend money, time and effort into this game!!!!
You are the one that doesn't seem to know what you are talking about ...
King Groot has LOW base attack. Probably the worse one in the entire game. Also his special attack damage (which is not the same thing as his base attack) is low, due to damage not being the main source of it. His special 2 is designed to do poison damage (if you play him well, like other's already told you).
You have plenty of champions with low special attack damage, Karnak for example, with his sp1.
This isn't even the first thread regarding King Groot. You don't need to ask anything. As a player you should already know how some champions work, specially when this isn't really the first thread regarding King Groot abilities.
He is fine as he is. He isn't meant to do tons of damage. He is a tanky champion with some utility, regardless if you appreciate him or not.
I would bet all my MCOC gold that if it was the ai king Groot attacking blade with that sp2, blade would be dead or the poison would kill him regardless of regeneration by blade.
Just my experiences.
Made a post about SL where as the summoner you have to build up a streak for high damage. While the ai SL just needs you to hit him to an sp2 and he turns it on, no streak and your dead if you don’t evade it (test it out yourselves). Persons said it was his crit rate but sadly it’s way higher than the summoners because I’ve never been able to do that with him.
Wow you have no idea what you are talking about, and also no idea what you are doing. You would think that someone who ranked up King Groot to what I assume is supposed to be rank 4 (but I have no idea why your PI is so low... a terrible mastery set up I guess?) would have some clue how he works, but apparently you don't.
Here's a light hit from King Groot with zero furies:
271 damage
Here's a light hit with 2 furies:
414 damage
That's a 52% increase.
Light hit with 4 furies:
557 damage
That's a 105% increase.
And all of these attacks aren't even using armor break yet, so it's quite easy to see that you are wrong.
You also are wrong and have no idea what you are talking about or doing.
A regular hit during the SP2 with no furies:
120 damage.
A regular hit during the SP2 with 5 furies
278 damage
That's a 132% increase.
7 furies:
341 damage
184% increase
@AxeCopFire you cant uae logic against CapWW2. He doesn't understand it. He only understands when you explain in RDT and how many 5*'s he has. Other than that, just speaking to a wall.
I wont argue with you. You dont have king groot 4/55. You lack of content 100 percent so your opinion on this matter is not essential to this thread.
Additionally, you only commented to say something really 🤪. Bye Felicia
Are you going to scroll up and the read post where I easily proved you wrong or are you just going to spout nonsense and spam as usual?
I read your post with math that is accurate. I am not disputing your post. That proves further my point. Thank you. Bye
So... just so I understand, math that proves you wrong, somehow proves your point?
Is this Bizarro World? Are we in Bizarro World now?
No SIR, your math is accurate. Your argument it is not. Now if you excuse me I am not looking for arguments or tantrums.
Let me explainyou again: there is not a single 4/55 champ in the whole game where damage on special attacks is as ridiculous and low as King Groot. With or without furies. With or without armor breaks His damage is Nauseating.
Even if his SP2 does poison damage, his hits are Nauseating. This is my point. I do more damage with 2 star Spark or 2 star SL. There is an imbalance here that should not be happening. You got champs doing 20,000 + damage on specials. You got champs doing 10,000, you got champs doing 5000 etc.
I am not calling for King Groot to be God Tier. I am just asking the game developers for a little boost. Add a digit of damage to his punches. His hits should be above 1000 but less than 1800 damage. Not too bad. Just as follows:
First hit 1000, second third fourth and fifth 1400 respectively.