Hyperion HAX

Laugh it up “Big-K”! Your champion is beyond unfair and YOU KNOW IT!!! You give it the dumbest AI that REFUSES to be baited no matter what and make it stun immune to make the few options we have that mush less effective as you KNOW there’s no safe way to intercept him!
Oh and I’m referring to you sadistic torture machine HYPERION
Oh and I’m referring to you sadistic torture machine HYPERION
You ever get that ONE AI in either Mordo or Hyperion that’s seen 1 too many “Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing” videos and suddenly wants to try that out? Yeah that's what I normally deal with whenever I fight Hyperion basically anywhere. He’s kinda my moral enemy these days worse than IMIW and MODOK
Fun fact, a r5 5* hypy can eat a sp3 from the final path hypy on part 4 of the lightweight challenge.
But not two. Which is what happened because that jerk would not bait.
Hawkeye, Sparky, Luke Cage are some counters people use for Hypy but they're out of the question because of the +50% power gain and the stun immunity node, making them more unreliable to use.
I used Hawkeye R4 5* and I beat Hyperion on every path (6x) only using one revive. I guess you can say I got lucky baiting his specials... but there's ways to use Hawkeye to make the opponent pretty much never get to their special 3. The one time I actually got KO'd is because I got clipped by his L2 lol.
I wish I can post a video here to show you guys but for some reason the "file format is not allowed"...
Basically in short...
- I try to use the sp1 right before filling my second bar of power (so that i can have another sp1 ready shortly incase he decides to be an a***ole)
- As soon as he fills 2 bars (or is close to filling 2 bars) I try and sense if he will bait or be difficult... if I get the feeling he will be difficult, I hold block and force him to use a heavy attack - then i counter with a combo and sp1 him in the face
- Constantly try and bait his specials... usually i try and think of baiting once he reaches one and a half bars of power... (like i said in previous point... if i sense he is not biting, i hold block and he eventually throws a heavy pretty quickly... allowing me to land my combo and reach my special one)
- Obviously sometimes you have no choice but to use the sp1 right away cuz he's being difficult... just be patient, focus on your baiting strategy.
@Alpha07 hope this helps
You have first indestructible Hulk at -20% +1 bar of power and second indestructible (Heimdall) at 1%. You can imagine a max sig level hulk at 1% health...HULK SMASH!!!!!!!!! Puny Hype
DO YOU WANT TO GIVE ME ANY OF THAT? Specifically Ragnarok, Void and Hiemdall? I like your style but if my luck was good enough for even a fraction of the counter strategies I can think of I wouldn’t be anywhere near as salty about getting 5* Hawkeye from this event’s 5* crystal. But it’s also part of a larger issue where he’ll literally just stand there some fights
If you get KOed, you just us a lev 1 revive. He will come in fight with indest/1 bar and Hulk smash.
Then how about other opponents?
And BW synergy gives you 25% chances of stunning on sp, so, double stun.
magik has class advantage to hype
higher end content are made for those who have the highest ranks up in the game it means peoples who have 5 r5 5* + it'll make you spend loads depending on your level just live with it and spend i'm not sayiing you are weak or something it's just how this and the ultron quest are made it's for high end players
you post reffering to hyperion as a sadist torture machine was hilarious tough was lmfao when i readed it cheers mate .. go get those rewards
Same here. Void tore through all 6 Hyperions in the final difficulty with no issue. Once you got at least 1 petrify debuff, the fight is very manageable. Once you get 2, it's a cakewalk.
It's true that Hyperion sometimes gets stingy with his specials, but that wasn't my experience with this challenge. My best advice is when you want to bait his specials, get as close to him as possible and drop your block. Give yourself plenty of time. If he's anywhere near 2 bars of power, stop attacking him and focus all your efforts on getting close to him and get ready to evade.
Good luck!
Every time I fight him, he literally just sits there — and gains power? Kabam really messed up with him, you reward with POWER GAIN an start him off with his COSMIC CHARGES for not doing anything? 🤨
Magik was the one that cost me the most items...but my Blade is unduped so the Limbo was bound to get me eventually.
But I agree, great difficulty, great rewards.