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OH COME ON!!! 3900 Damage to my R4 Five Star Captain Marvel while BLOCKING Rogue's L1?!? [Not A Bug]

HQ101HQ101 Member Posts: 422 ★★
edited July 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
Kabam, seriously. I have played for 2 years now and the glitches are becomming VERY COSTLY to me as a player. It's gotten to the point that around 75% of my health lost is from KNOWN glitches.

Some glitches, like ATTACKING WHILE EVADING....ARE NOT FIXED. Ask ANYONE who has faced the Web-Slinger Challenge and they will tell you. We are taking hits while EVADE is right under the opponent PLAIN AS DAY.

But this new one from Rogue takes the cake. With maxed Block Proficiency Mastery and a very decent native Block Proficiency, there is NO WAY I should be taking 3900-4200 Damage when I BLOCK Rogue's L1. The amount is JUST THE SAME IF I DIDN'T BLOCK AT ALL. And we are talking about a R4 Five Star Captain Marvel. The girl can take a hit. And this wan't just once. I wasn't seeing things or Mistaken. This happened every single time I faced her.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


  • HQ101HQ101 Member Posts: 422 ★★
    This is a R5 level Rogue by the way. Maybe 7000 PI. Master level.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    edited July 2017
    After a recent patch rogues lifesteal started working through blocking. That is likely what you are seeing. Not sure if it's working as intended but has been happening for about the last month.

    Also if you had a fury up it would amplify the life steal since she would buff steal too.
  • HQ101HQ101 Member Posts: 422 ★★
    Is this intentional?? Is this supoosed to be working thru a block or a glitch??
  • solivagant56solivagant56 Member Posts: 75
    Rogue's life steal, sp1, takes life and buffs even when you're blocking. There is no glitch in that.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    I'm not sure if it's supposed to work like that, but her S1 is easy to evade. Don't block it, not only does blocking it damage you, Rogue steals some of your health too, so the fight takes even longer.
  • HQ101HQ101 Member Posts: 422 ★★
    The first was accidental. It is easy to evade. The next were intentional to see if that actually happened.

    Not sure I agree so much with the level of damage while blocking. Not sure that was intentional at all.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    edited July 2017
    Yeah, I'm not sure if it is supposed to be working that way too, but I've noticed it using my Rogue too that she can life steal through blocks now. And it's nice amounts too. Either way sorry @HQ101
  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    maybe you shouldn't play like a noob and evade her easy special one instead of block it. problem solved
  • jay_says_hijay_says_hi Member Posts: 22
    A lot of people in my alliance noticed this same thing, and we all initially thought it was a bug, but have since changed our minds. I'm not sure if Kabam has weighed in, but our thinking is that the lifesteal portion of her S1 shouldn't really be blockable based on how Rogue's power set works. Her whole thing is skin-to-skin contact being deadly/damaging, so there's really no way anyone could ever block that, right? She would absord someones "lifeforce" if she touched them, regardless of what they were doing. And as I understand it the "punch" portions of her animation can still be blocked, right? I'm pretty sure it's just her lifesteal that can't be...

    Another factor to consider is that her stolen buffs already refresh based on contact with blocking opponents, so there's some precedent for her being effective even if the opponent is blocking. As for the crazy damage output, I would imagine in the instance you described, HQ101, her lifesteal was critical (which is her awakened ability).

    Once I accepted that it wasn't an accident, I actually thought it was kind of a cool mechanic, as very few other champions have mechanics that allow them to damage blocking opponents. Definitely made me want a 4 or 5-star Rogue even more than I already did lol.
  • HQ101HQ101 Member Posts: 422 ★★
    Hmm, good commentary on this. Very insightful. Thank you. Makes a lot of sense too.

    I've also had some in my alliance say it was a known glitch. But I have yet to gather where they heard this.
  • HQ101HQ101 Member Posts: 422 ★★
    I will have to try this with my own R4 Rogue and see if it works for me also.

    If it doesn't, then well, I think we know what we are smelling here.
  • solivagant56solivagant56 Member Posts: 75
    It works with my rogue. She is amazing.
  • HQ101HQ101 Member Posts: 422 ★★
    Right on!! This could turn into a positive after all it seems. I am not too far away from R5ing Rogue. And already blessed enough to have level 60 signature.
  • jay_says_hijay_says_hi Member Posts: 22
    Thanks, HQ101, I was happy to offer my thoughts. I actually do have a 3* Rogue that I've tested it with a couple times, and both times the lifesteal did deal damage on block. I don't think it crit during either of my tests, but I can't be sure. If Kabam were going to make an update, I think it might be logical to prevent the lifesteal from critting against a blocking opponent (even if the Rogue is awakened), as I think your initial post demonstrates that she can sometimes deal an absurd amount of damage in some instances that may not be fair against a block.

    Regardless, I think her ability description should be updated to clarify if her contact specials can ignore blocks. If it's not an error, her S2 should probably power steal against blocking opponents too, right? I don't think it currently does. Just did a test against a blocking Ant-Man and it didn't, but he's probably not a good test case because all 3 of my hits were "Glancing" anyways lol.
  • HQ101HQ101 Member Posts: 422 ★★
    I can agree with This. ROGUE's Life Steal should probably work thru a block. But that much Critical Damage thru a Block is entirely unfair.

    And yes, if she can Life Steal thru a Block, then definitely update that in her description. As a player, this sort of information should never be an unwelcome surprise.
  • WalkinhighlightWalkinhighlight Member Posts: 134
    I mean, it makes sense that she can do that, if you know the character in itself. When Rogue touches you, she steals your power in the comic book world, thus in the game it shouldnt matter if you're blocking lol, shes still touching you, thus absorbs you. Glitch or not, i think that's the way it should be, if you want to be as accurate as possible to the character.
  • jay_says_hijay_says_hi Member Posts: 22
    I'm not sure what you're referencing, Jestress. I just read through her entire abilities list and it doesn't say anything about her specials working through blocks. Image attached.cj9atylcuqm6.jpg
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey everyone. Just to confirm, Rogue's Special 1 is intended to go through block. Sorry for any confusion surrounding this!
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