Well timed blocks should be crit proof

I've lost count of all the times that Corvus (as well as other champs) has gotten critical hits against a parry and I feel like this shouldnt be the case. I understand crits on blocks and im perfectly fine with it but if i just stunned you with parry then that hit shouldn't be critical. Now before people go saying that there are a hundred other ways to beat Corvus, i understand that. I just mean that if you can time a block well enough to stun and/or reduce damage then that hit shouldn't be able to crit
Why not? A well-timed block is still just a block unless you have some ability that triggers on well-timed block. Parry is just an ability that triggers on well-timed block and nothing about Parry says or even implies that it would affect the incoming attack in any way. It just triggers a stun in response to the hit and increases the damage reduction of the block. But the attack itself is unaffected in any way. Why should Parry (or well timed blocks in general) affect Corvus' attack specifically out of everyone else's, when Corvus himself was explicitly designed to crit on blocked attacks as a specific feature of the champ?