So I know lately everyone is freaking out about her. Why. Is. Everyone. Saying. She. Is. So. Good.???? All I see are some high crit sp2 but there are harder hitting sps then hers. Can someone plz explain this to me??
It pretty hard to use her to im only hav a 4 Star and danm hard to use
Pandaman Pete I think is his name has some good videos showcasing Ghosts abilities.
Reason i r5 her and not domino, void or cg was the dot debuff shrug off possibility with phazing, possibility of taking a sp3 and the amazing damage on specs even without suicides.... well and to use her for lol exploration.
I use her heavy alot to build furies before i fire off special since im not that good in insta swipe back push sp button as mentioned because as left handed i use left hand for all swipes and right for taps bit still manage good damage.
Imo she is very high skill high reward champ unlike any other.