5 star mutant awakening gem

I got a mutant 5 star awakening gem from act 5.3 explore. I am confused about whom to use it on. My primary roster is 5 star r5 spark unduped, 5 star r4 Blade and gr unduped. I can use this mutant gem on either AA or Emma. Both are at r3. I can bring one of them to R4. I'm mainly focusing on questing and wars. Maybe LoL someday but not sure of it yet. What are your kind opinions? Also may I request you to kindly voice your opinions on comments. Thankyou.
5 star mutant awakening gem 16 votes
I also personally wouldn't rank AA because my 5/50 sig 99 still gets the job done whenever needed.
I kind of agree with this. But lately I have been using my 5 star r3 unduped AA above my 4 star r5 maxed version. Cos the damage is more. And I use AA whenever opponent can bleed and poison. And he makes it real quick. Aegon , I took him down with 4 star though. So there will be occasions where he will be needed. But AA is not doing that great on wars. That's the problem. I wish I get Domino soon. Oh well
Agree. I find the main problem is can't really bring AA to AW with hidden defenders.
Oh well.. Good luck to both of us getting that Domino!